Nyos Val
The Redeemer
The planet Echidna, the Vong world full of beast of unnatural existence. One being the Aal'run flower. A deadly creature that uses an intoxicating scent to lure in prey. Coming in mainly reds and blues, theses giants are set to be hunted out of existence for a bountiful price. The leader of the Hunters Guild Mrrew had set the contract up into a game. He got money either way(bastardo
) and the winner got a prize as well. Whomever brought the most of these beasts down own the big mystery prize. The second and third runner ups got something too.
Marrik stood in the forests of this abomination of a planet and looked out towards the strange noises he heard in the distance. Would there be enough luck in his bones today to score him the prize? At the end, who knew?
Either way, Marrik wanted the beasts for their armor potentials. If he got enough, he could sell them to make a pretty profit. Marrik departed from the staging area and made his way into the sense forest...
[member="Mrrew"] [member="Oka Osaa"]
Marrik stood in the forests of this abomination of a planet and looked out towards the strange noises he heard in the distance. Would there be enough luck in his bones today to score him the prize? At the end, who knew?
Either way, Marrik wanted the beasts for their armor potentials. If he got enough, he could sell them to make a pretty profit. Marrik departed from the staging area and made his way into the sense forest...
[member="Mrrew"] [member="Oka Osaa"]