Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Plunder on Pelagon


Location: Pelagon
Equipment: Two Lightsabers
Tag: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis


Reagan was a free man once more after having escaped from the asylum he was locked away in. Although the validity of such freedom might be questioned by some. Although it wasn’t really the best idea for Reagan to be back in Galactic Alliance space so soon. He’d likely be better off in the outer rim or within Hutt Space instead. But he couldn’t afford to keep a low profile. Reagan needed funds and quickly.

The Dark Jedi took on a job for a despotic Falleen prince to acquire some noble royal artifacts on Pelagon, a water world Reagan didn’t know much about. But it apparently had oceans still filled with sunken treasures lost during the Galactic Empire’s reign. He was made aware of archaeological efforts to uncover some lost relics. However, what was most concerning was there being the possibility of some Jedi involvement. Apparently House Pelagia has had a long history with the Jedi. So it might be some joint efforts to learn about their shared history.

For Reagan he was loaned an old sentinel class shuttle and some hired muscle to help him succeed in his mission here. By now they were breaching the oceanic planet’s atmosphere ready to ambush their target, a large floating barge out in the ocean that the locals were using as a base of operations to search below the tides in sunken ruins.
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Archeology was one of Rahla's most favorite things to help with in the galaxy. Ancient ruins, lost history, discovering what had been forgotten; there was nothing more exciting! They told tales of times long ago, some legends, some truths, all seemingly from the story books she grew up and loved all her life. Not that she'd lived that long yet.

Still. She, bundled up as ever in her winter gear despite the warmth of the ocean, stared excitedly at the most recent discovery. A tablet, dredged from the very bottom of this section of the ocean. Her eyes practically sparkled with excitement as she near drooled over it from behind the viewing glass she was allowed to look at it from.

"What era do you think it's from? The High Republic? The Old? Older? Ahh when can I go and study it?"

"Patience, Master Jedi. We have to make sure to perserve it. We'll scan it and send you the readings."

Rahla pouted, glancing to the man in charge of this operation. "I don't get to touch it?"

"No. It must be preserved, carefully."

"Aww.. Alright." She let out a sigh. It made sense, not that she particularly wanted to not be able to interact with it. It was history! Living history! But.. She did agree. It could be fragile, too fragile for her to touch without it shattering.

"I'll wait for the scans."

Reagan Zambrano Reagan Zambrano


Location: Pelagon
Equipment: Two Lightsabers
Tag: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis


Rather quickly the shuttle Reagan and his merry team of ne'er do wells made a b line for their target. Punching through the higher atmosphere like a comet until slowing down a bit for their approach. The ship created a trio of vaper trails, one for each of the 3 maneuvering fins on the shuttle as it approached.

In the cockpit they see the floating barge that was uncovering their artifacts for them. Reagan himself pointed it out to the pilot and co pilot to just land the ship right on it. It wasn't a planet’s defense force that they were dealing with and thus security shouldn’t be much of an issue.

Making his way further back the ship the dark jedi spoke up to those around. “Alright lads remember. Your boss put me in charge of this, and is gonna say this only once. Only grab what we’ve come here for, we’re not looking for anything else, got it? And secondly we’re going with a capture by design, kill by necessity MO. Hostages are likely how we’re going to get ourselves out of the mess we’re gonna make.” There was some acknowledgement in the ship. Reagan personally had little trust in those around him however, fearing some betrayal from the prince he was working for at the moment.

It wasn’t long before the shuttle was beginning to land on the barge. Going for the most clear spot for the ship to land on. Workers and researchers scattered from where the vessel eventually touched down. The engines are still warm and running. The shuttle’s boarding ramp lowered and out poured Reagan and his team pirates with the goal to commandeer the barge. The epicanthix leader himself held a pair of blood orange lightsabers in either hand. Already sensing that there was likely another onboard adept in The Force.




The spirits shifted around, darkened. Something was about to happen. Rahla's gaze shifted back towards the sky just as a ship descended, and her frown tightened on her face. "No more waiting. Get the others to safety. Somethings coming." Whatever it was, the Spirits truly didn't like it. She turned towards the ship, tugging up her hood as she reached for the amulet around her neck. Hopefully they didn't mean danger.

Not that the ligthsabers made her think any different, though. Her eyes narrowed. A glare, but one of nerves and uncertainty.

".. Who are.. You?"

Reagan Zambrano Reagan Zambrano


Location: Pelagon
Equipment: Two Lightsabers
Tag: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis

It was not long at all before Reagan found himself staring back at a possible adversary. He suspected she was a Jedi, but she was rather young looking, and he didn’t sense anyone else here like her. Was he possibly intruding on the padawan's field trip perhaps. Glaring back down at her, Reagan replied to the question.

“Me? I’m just a simple man trying to make his way in the Galaxy.” A rather vague reply but he wasn’t going to start spilling the beans on his client. However, Reagan’s posture eased up a fair bit as he didn’t think the young Togrutan was much of a threat. Nor did he really have much interest in fighting kids.

“I’m not here for any bloodshed to be honest, just to retrieve some artifacts. Now could you be a doll and perhaps point me in the right direction please.” A confident smirk spread across his face, not that he really expected her to answer his question.

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