His family's assets were seized by the Republic and the company was nationalized, one of the last to be so. Placed in foster care, the family he was sent to not only mistreated him, they beat him mercilessly claiming it was "discipline". He was often hospitalized until his wishes were realized and he was sent to another foster home who ignored him completely. He would soon find himself able to sense when he was about to be in some kind of trouble before it happened. He never avoided it though, oddly enough. Seven foster homes later he found himself in the middle of a gang war on the lower levels of the planet.
He was not involved but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and several gang members on opposing sides testified that he caused the majority of deaths that happened that day because two of them came at him until they were somehow shoved away, yet he never touched them. At 15, because he was "still a pup" Caltin was sentenced to live out his days in a juvenile detention center until he was old enough to be transferred to a prison colony...
... and he never did anything to deserve it.
Finding himself in an overly large amount of fights due to his always seeming to move and see things others couldn't Caltin became harder, he learned more about Rek'Dul, and Teras Kasi thanks to a guard who took pity on him. He learned how to defend himself so well that he was often avoided by others, however, this often found him trouble as well as he was blamed for fights that he did not cause. The final straw occurred the day of his transfer to a shuttle to Kessel, he was being lead out when a riot broke out in the middle of the path the guards took him on. They were moving him aside when a bottle hit the guard in front of him. Turning around and slamming a stun baton into Caltin's face, he took the kid down and started to beat him with the weapon even deactivating the stun cuffs...
... this was all Caltin could stand.
He allowed himself to be dragged to the shuttle, and when they were in the air, he saw that it was him, that one guard, and two pilots. It soon became just him... he was free. Much of his life was spent on the run after that, he always kept a low profile, but found himself helping those wrongfully accused. It was an odd way of life, but it was his own and no one would dare question it. Caltin didn't search out those beings in those situations, it just seemed to happen. He was always 'just a little' faster and 'just a little' more agile. On the run he soon found out that his 'luck' wasn't lucking at all, it was the Force. He could see things happen before they would, he could react faster than others, he could run faster, jump higher. He didn't know how to control it, but he could do it. He wasn't good enough for a person to be Jedi, but he could still help people.
Finding himself on the planet Tattooine he was exhausted, he was hungry, he was broke, he was almost dead. Yet he still fought, standing up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves, he didn't think about or concern himself with any consequences of his actions until he met Faraday Corbell, a doctor with a small clinic who found him blacked out in an alley near the remains of two Weequay, there had been a fight. Caltin woke up on his exam table saying only "I didn't kill them", not knowing that this was exactly what Faraday was thinking. The next day Corbell's clinic was destroyed in a Hutt Ordered hit targeting Caltin. The massive figure couldn't take it anymore, he left... headed out into the desert. That was when someone showed him the kindness that really no one else would. A moisture farmer took him in, fed him, and gave him a job working on and fixing the droids and converters.
That man's name was Ian Miller... One day he came back from the ridge to find Miller's body, it was drawn and quartered and his daggers were missing. This was the work of a Hutt's gang, Argo the Hutt, that was it. Caltin was going to end it there. He was going to finish this once and for all. Heading into Mos Espa, Caltin was approaching a little Twi'Lek girl names Nurima he had seen so many times before and always shared a wave. This time was different, she looked afraid of him, even passed across the street. The feeling he got from this was so unbearable, Caltin was becoming the very thing he stood up against.
So Caltin left in his ship, "The Fugitive's Revenge", leaving for a place where he knew he would get the help he needed. No, Caltin knew that he wasn't going there to get into the old Jedi Order, he was nowhere near good enough. He needed help though, counseling, psychological, whatever. He needed it. When he got there, he was proven wrong. Those days though are long gone as the massive individual has completely transformed, from a fragile psyche angry individual to a man of peace. A Jedi who searched out the unnatural dangers of the universe, and address them head-on, from Sith to Esh-Ka to RakGhouls to Warrior clans he and his students took the fight to those who would battle serenity.
It was only a matter of time before life caught up with him. The planet Rhen Var was being artificially reanimated by a Sith Lord, or so he had heard, it was an ambush. His ship was hit and crashed into a huge patch of ice and a Dark Sider, master of combustion sank the totaled ship into the frozen abyss. He didn't know about the Jedi Order moving from Yavin VIII to Tython and so on. His family... he didn't know about them, and what happened to them. He would never know until an archaeological dig found him just a few days ago... over 800 years later.