Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire
This is the thread that will have all updates considering the retrying of the earlier podcast attempt.
Taken from the Questions thread.
NEW UPDATE 9/24/15
After a week of thinking over the topic of the First Videos of this New Podcast. I have decided to make the trial episodes something that hasn't been done quite yet. As such the first videos are being mapped out question wise.
That is a great question. If i can get it to go through and get the meetings set up. I want to make the topic of the first videos something to help factions. As such, we will be doing faction highlights.
Another great question. You see, and if i can get the support of Faction Admins of current Major AND Minor Factions, i want to provide people with a place to advertise the factions they run as well as give them a chance to shoot down preconceptions. Its something that of course requires the aid of the Faction Admins themselves and will involve a simple Q/A between my team and the members that come on the podcast.
Another essential question. As stated above it allows you free and live advertising. It lets you fully explain your faction and for those whom are new like say the Academy of Bogan or the Galactic Alliance to further bring themselves to the forefront and get you some of the spotlight as well as clear up the mission of some factions. Yes, of course seeing as this is something new i don't expect alot of factions to hop on this but i am curious at seeing how many will want to partake in these first episodes of the revived podcast.
If you are an FA, or even just a member of a faction whom you want to see featured. Contact me or post here and we can get your faction and yourself put on a list.
(For members of a faction, consult your FAs first.)
And i am still looking for people who might be interested in seeing if their personality meshes with others in such a way that makes the podcast entertaining yet still gets its job done. So PM me on skype at David_Tharkosa if you are interested and we will see if we can set you up as one of the trial interviewers.
We also now have a faction as well set up for all your needs in helping us plan, reviewing the shows, and finding old ones. -