Personal Information:
NAME: Polarius
Affliation: None
SPECIES: Arkanian Dragon Mutant
AGE: 227
SEX: Male
Biological information:
HEIGHT: 24 Meters High, 60 meter Wingspan, 50 Meters from mouth to tail.
WEIGHT: 2 tons
EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Physical Strengths:
NAME: Polarius
Affliation: None
SPECIES: Arkanian Dragon Mutant
AGE: 227
SEX: Male
Biological information:
HEIGHT: 24 Meters High, 60 meter Wingspan, 50 Meters from mouth to tail.
WEIGHT: 2 tons
EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Physical Strengths:
- Hardened Scales: Due to the very nature of his being he is covered in protectively hardened scales that make it hard for him to be harmed by most conventional weaponry, save anti armor weaponry, high energy cannons, and the likes.
- Powerful Appendages and features: This monster's teeth and claws are something to be highly feared, razor sharp to the touch they are made for rending flesh and killing its enemies with efficiency. As well as such this monster possess a strong tail and limbs, enabling it to wreck havoc with such should it so choose.
Mental Strengths:
- Sentience: Due to both its Sentience and being this creature cannot be controlled like its Semi Sentient brothers, or rather as easily as them. Due to this genetic mutation it can fully comprehend the speech patterns of other species and interact in a regal manner instead of being a bloodthirsty weapon to be used on the unsuspecting.
- Intelligent: Possessing a mind unlike would normally be seen in those of his species, enabling him to learn how to converse in a formal manner and hold a regal air about him rather than just a weapon to be used in battle, this also means he can choose a stronger course of action should orders be suicidal.
- Strong connection to the force: Due to the nature of his genetic mutation, Polarius is connected to the force by a strong degree
Physical Weaknesses:
- Size: Due to his size it is hard for him to fit into most ships and as such also makes him a massive target on the battle field, making him more susceptible to being hit by blaster fire or worse.
- No oposable thumbs: No oposable thumbs... this really shouldnt need be explained.
- Wings: Though Polarius is covered in hardened scales, there is one major weakness of his, and that is his wings. If damaged it grounds him and makes him all the easier to defeat in battle. This can also be a massive problem as it takes much more to heal his wings than it does a normal soldier, sometimes making him a logistical problem for those above him.
Mental Weaknesses:
- Strong Connection to the Force: ... Due to Polarius's connection to the force he is plagued nightly by visions that have cause insomnia and hallucinations that cause him to go into panic shocks should they happen during his waking moments. This causes both a distantness to him and the fact that he seems disconnected from the world at times. It also allows for him to become reckless in the moments of those panic shocks where he witnesses an even and loses himself in the shock, possibly attacking those nearby friend or foe.
- Prone to Violent outbursts: Polarius absolutely hates when people waste his time, so his solution. If the person is taking too much time or is not doing things Polarius's way then Polarius will simple use Intimidation tactics to get his way. While this is not a pure weakness it is the fact that it makes him reckless and insulting at times.
Polarius was born with a Genetic Mutation that left him with full sentience and a connection to the force that would be more akin to those like Humans in the sense that he can learn and control it. These facts left him secluded and without any other supports as he had to fend for himself and developed a regal and reserved attitude towards his own kind and that of outsiders. Only prompted to rage or causing injury to sentient when he is threatened, he actually aids those in danger over the course of the last century, earning him his name as a Guardian White Star in the sky at night.
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