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Dominion Politics in Polis (SO Dominion of Polis Massa)

Dominion of Polis Massa
878 ABY
At the surface it was just another pile of shattered rock in the middle of space, easily overlooked and underestimated. Once a grand planet it was shattered in times less recorded, and the asteroid field left behind was now the home of mining operations, smugglers, pirates, and rebels. It was a lawless place crawling with some of the lowliest and most desperate cretins the galaxy had to offer.​
In recent years however it has become an important sector of space. An integral sector for navigating along the Hydian Way from the Outer Rim, just out of the reach of the Sith and with enough hiding spots to allow rebels and pirates alike to use it as a gathering point or rest stop, and of course the handful of ancient temples and ruins that still dot the asteroids that make up the sector.​
What had once been an unimportant bunch of asteroids was quickly becoming a possible thorn in the side of our Sith Order. If fallen into the wrong hands then our access to Hadian Way becomes severely restricted if not entirely severed, and the current lawlessness gives plenty of room for rebels and other groups to disrupt our operations in neighboring systems. Polis Massa stands ready jeopardize our security and block our expansion.​
Now, the Sith had come to bring it to heel.​
Objective 1: The Mouse Trap.
Our enemies scheme and plot against our ascension. They are many, but divided, and this is how they should remain. Smaller groups pose less serious threats and fail to incite hope in a successful rebellion. Now, the Frumentarii have intercepted chatter about a meeting on the largest of the Polis Massa asteroids. There is reason to believe that several rebel cells are seeking to unite against us, and that is something we simply cannot abide.​
We do not know how many gather, and how they are connected, thus the Order requires captives to interrogate. This information will make it easier to catch future rebel cells.​
The plan is simple: We wait for the rebels to gather, and hide at the edge of the system until their meeting begins. When the signal is given, we jump in and surround the asteroid. Make landfall, detain the leaders and execute the rest on sight.​
The detainees will face public execution once we have extracted what we need.​
Objective 2: Ancient Things.
Before becoming the shattered asteroid cluster that it is now, Polis Massa was once a thriving planet with a civilization of its own. Due to the destruction by an ancient superweapon the technologies and artifacts of Polis Massa have long been deemed lost to time.​
But that had done little to deter the few over the centuries that wished to discover the remnants of the planet and those that once inhabited it.​
There have been several attempts at uncovering their secrets, and now the Sith have come. Armed with a map from Fiviune They have isolated the ruins of what may have been the city Wiyentaah and are preparing to delve and lay claim to whatever may be left of the city.​
Dig into the asteroid, recover anything of value, and ensure that the city falls into the right hands.​
Objective 3: A.I. Caramba.
Tension between the different factions of the Sith have come to a boil as they race for control of the flight control station in the Polis Massa system, codename: Ichnaea.​
While an unassuming target, it cannot be stressed enough that the one that controls the station, controls Polis Massa.​
The station is run by a powerful artificial intelligence that logs flight paths and ship I.Ds through the region. All data is localized and secured; it cannot be duplicated nor externally accessed. Whoever controls the station controls access to the field, and the path through to the Hydian Way.​
This A.I cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Seize control of Ichnaea on behalf of your warlord and stave off the competition by any means necessary.​
Your Dark Lord awaits results.​



O B J E C T I V E _ O N E


The ugly came to settle down against the Ferrocement and plasteel make of the hanger. The signature whrn-whrn-whrn sounded from the engine as it pittered off into silence, Texia flipping various switches and pressing buttons throughout the cockpit with the hissing of depressurization. His rebreathers groaned with the introduction of fresh oxygen, filtering out the toxin into forms more manageable for his lungs. Lidless eyes stared out beyond the TYE’s viewport into the plain gray expanse of starport architecture in front of him. The hanger was nothing more than a hole blasted into the face of the asteroid, padded with metals, and a door bolted onto one side. Of course, the blastdoor and rayshield did a good amount to help keep the air inside.

His welcoming party was already waiting for him, a small gathering of sentience of various makes and creeds, some openly brandishing blasters and melee implements, some of them clad in nothing more than the robes of pacifists. Unfamiliar faces, all of them. As far as Texia was aware, these could be Neo-Republicans, Sectorists, New Confederate Holdouts, or a thousand-thousand other cells operating in this region of space. That wasn’t something that mattered to him at the moment, ideology gave way sometimes to more genuine threats.

The overlordship of the Sith was always quick to settle petty sectarian debates.

The skittering around the cabin brought Texia back to reality. The small, orbed form of his droid scampered about the dashboard, back and forth, back and forth, from one edge of the viewport to the other. It spoke in a guttural Colicoid.

<<This looks promising, Tex! Bright, new faces! This might go better than you hoped!>> Came the optimistic chatter.

Texia’s mandibles clicked underneath his rebreather in an approving sound before he gave a nod.

<<Always the optimist. We’ll see… I want you to stay with the ship.>> He replied in Tognathesse, the only language he could physically speak.

The droid stopped his scampering and looked up at Texia before giving a shake of it’s entire body, an approximation of a confirmation.

<<Bad feeling?>>

<<Close to Sith space, flying here was quiet, and now this… rabble?>> He gestured broadly to the assembled group, paused mid-motion, realizing they could see him through the viewport, before letting his hand fall slack on his lap again.

<<I just want us to be prepared for the worst, jack-in to my eye-cams, the moment things seem like they’re going bad, I want you to spark the engines.>>

The droid shook again, and a brief neon-blue flash overtook both the droid’s sensor and the Tognath’s irises before fading.

Texia reached up and popped the hatch to the TYE, fishing his accessory from the side of his seat as he stood. Slinging the scatterblaster over his shoulder, he waved at the group of like-minded-individuals before hopping to the floor, filling the hanger with a resounding boom.

<<Stay safe, Burgundy.>> He spoke into his comms.

He started down the path, cape kicking behind him with every step to the meeting room.
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Objective I
Prepare for a pleasant conversation

"Are you certain you want it to be just us two?"

Sharan pulled the cigarra away from her mouth as she turned her head towards the woman that accompanied her in her ship's private chambers. A pair of piercing amber eyes was all of her right hand's face that was revealed. A black veil covered the rest, its color matching her armor.

"I am merely there to ask the questions, not to be part of any show of force," Sharan explained after blowing out a puff of smoke. She crossed her legs, making herself comfortable on her chair while her confidant stood on the opposite side of the room. "Why risk any assets when there's no need to?"

For now, there was naught to do but wait.


Objective 3

If the Three wanted it, then it was something Alina wanted to get her hands on.

"You sure this is a good idea? Poking your head out among the three?"

"I'm already on at least two of their radars. There is no more enjoying the safety that anonymity brought. This is a good chance to take control of something they want."

Alina cast a glance to the shadow beside her. It's red eyes narrowed, only for a moment, before it simply nodded. "Very well." And like that, Alina walked alone. Not completely alone. Her droid companion for the day would handle getting the AI for her, naturally. She had the skill of a rock when it came to hacking and slicing and the like. Her gaze shifted to the floating orb, narrowed.

She didn't like droids. Almost as much as she didn't like Graug.

The black blade in her hands lifted to her shoulder as she stalked down the halls. Get to the control room with the droid, take it for herself. Surely even Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf would like the world, though already she imagined Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex would be given access. Ah well. In the grand scheme of things this was as much a test to see how strong the assets of the three were going to be.

Or she'd just take Polis Massa for herself. That wasn't opposed in her mind.
Scourge of the Stars
Objective III

Nito stepped over the corpse of a worker - his massive boots crushing the bones in his hand as he passed by. The silence was deafening, the smell intoxicating - how he loved the sharp taint of burning tibanna gas and flesh. He slammed his blade into the metal of the floor, letting it become a psuedo cane as he pulled the small hologram reciever from his belt. On it, an officer from another part of the facility chimed in to him.​
"Teams 2 through 4 have secured their hangers. Sweep and clear operations have begun.", the soldier offered.​
"Good.", the deep growl of his voice echo'ed back.​
"Keep all senior workmen alive - they will be needed to alleviate the restaffing of the facility."​
With a click of the transponder, he rested it back on his belt and pulled his great blade from the steel of the floor once more. Troopers had already begun to find the security measures for the hangers and secured them for further backup if necessary. Nito didn't expect it would be necessary - but he could smell something beneath the flesh and blaster scars. Sith were already here.​
"No doubt an upstart.", he said with a snarl.​
"The Triumvir's know better than to test me."​
Objective 1: The Mouse Trap.
Our enemies scheme and plot against our ascension. They are many, but divided, and this is how they should remain. Smaller groups pose less serious threats and fail to incite hope in a successful rebellion. Now, the Frumentarii have intercepted chatter about a meeting on the largest of the Polis Massa asteroids. There is reason to believe that several rebel cells are seeking to unite against us, and that is something we simply cannot abide.
We do not know how many gather, and how they are connected, thus the Order requires captives to interrogate. This information will make it easier to catch future rebel cells.
The plan is simple: We wait for the rebels to gather, and hide at the edge of the system until their meeting begins. When the signal is given, we jump in and surround the asteroid. Make landfall, detain the leaders and execute the rest on sight.
The detainees will face public execution once we have extracted what we need.
Objective 2: Ancient Things.
Before becoming the shattered asteroid cluster that it is now, Polis Massa was once a thriving planet with a civilization of its own. Due to the destruction by an ancient superweapon the technologies and artifacts of Polis Massa have long been deemed lost to time.​
But that had done little to deter the few over the centuries that wished to discover the remnants of the planet and those that once inhabited it.​
There have been several attempts at uncovering their secrets, and now the Sith have come. Armed with a map from Fiviune They have isolated the ruins of what may have been the city Wiyentaah and are preparing to delve and lay claim to whatever may be left of the city.​
Dig into the asteroid, recover anything of value, and ensure that the city falls into the right hands.​
Objective 3: A.I. Caramba.
Tension between the different factions of the Sith have come to a boil as they race for control of the flight control station in the Polis Massa system, codename: Ichnaea.​
While an unassuming target, it cannot be stressed enough that the one that controls the station, controls Polis Massa.​
The station is run by a powerful artificial intelligence that logs flight paths and ship I.Ds through the region. All data is localized and secured; it cannot be duplicated nor externally accessed. Whoever controls the station controls access to the field, and the path through to the Hydian Way.​
This A.I cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Seize control of Ichnaea on behalf of your warlord and stave off the competition by any means necessary.​
Your Dark Lord awaits results.​


Objective 1

"Well this should be enough proof for you, I hope," Malum said, vaguely pointing to the screen in front of him, Trayze sat beside him, and his disbelief that he was apprenticed to one of the Triumvirate had both been comedic and stinging, Lady Hekate was at the rear of the ship, what she was doing he had no idea. On the screen, were a series of objectives, with him highlighting the first one, and beside it on the other screen were instructions, sealed by the symbol of the Tsis'Kaar, signed by Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia herself.

'For your first mission, take part in the Polis Massa campaign'

And so, his Holocron quest would have to wait. It was unfortunate timing, for him and his companions had just left Saijo and the Palace of Silver Rain to make their way to Dromund Kaas on his Lochris, only to have received this transmission. Yet, there was no use complaining, he was not about to skip out on his first assigned mission from his Mistress, that... would likely not end well for him.

The ship was cold, seeming derelict in space as he had turned off all systems apart from the life support. By the objective he had decided to take, it would be entirely dependent on surprise, he would give it a few more minutes, perhaps another hour for more Sith forces to secretly and quietly arrive at the system. He had already noticed a rather considerable concern at the moment, no hierarchy had been put in place, and for him and his companions who were not part of the Sith Order's Armed Forces, they technically did not answer to any chain of command if it did exist. Which meant most likely, that the order to attack would not be relayed by message, but by the one to strike first blood. Idly, he wondered if that is what his Mistress had desired, for him to strike first, she was difficult to read, and that was all he could really say on the matter.

Idle thoughts then went to the other potential objectives he could have attempted instead. The second held some private interest to him, the ruins of an ancient city, who knew what he would find? Moreover, he was likely to care for the site better than some of his peers, or even some of his superiors. Of the latter, he wondered if it was what his mistress had in mind when she told him to come here. It seemed that a proxy war between the Sith triumvirs was on the way, with the stakes being the system itself. Of course, likely that meant the cream of the crop of each Triumvir would be going towards that objective, a reason why he wished to avoid it, but it meant that likely dregs were to be sent after Objective 1 and 2, oh so they may claim control of the system, but it would be they who would make any control be more than ephemeral.

Perhaps his feelings would change in time to come, in the future wherein he was apprenticed to one of the Triumvirs for more than a few days, but at current, he could only feel disgusted at the state of the Sith government. Three triumvirs all more focused on each other rather than the Sith Order's future outward. It was not a balance that would hold, he knew that for certain, history told that such unstable rule could only fall. He could already see the cracks forming, the duel at the Palace of Silver Rain had only been the first he encountered personally, a duel between factions at the so-called neutral place. And now, an objective that only highlighted the factionalism that gripped the Order. Perhaps it was good for him to be away from Sith space for the foreseeable future, by the time he returned hopefully his Mistress would have claimed victory over Darth Carnifex-Demiurge and Darth Empyrean. One could hope.

Speaking of them, it seemed evident that among his peers there were quite a few who had contact with the latter two Triumvirs, being their apprentices and such. However, he had yet to meet any of his Mistresses. She had vaguely informed him that some existed, some being far more than apprentices. He was curious if there were any in this system, though it was the rule of the Tsis'Kaar to be secretive, so he was uncertain if he would be able to tell if it was the case.

For now, he leaned back on the comfortable seat and waited. He breathed in softly to cover his nerves. He had seen battle before, of sorts, but this was the first time that it was organised battle, his father had told him long ago that all had the case of the jitters on their first time.

Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate


A familiar scent. Eternals.


A grin spread across her features as she felt her knuckles whiten from the grip on her blade. If the Eternals were here, the others surely weren't far behind. More likely, the Tsis'kar were already here and deeper within. Then time wasn't on her side. The calm walk turned into a full on sprint as she rushed down the halls. None of the people in her way were going to matter. Get to the core of the building, get access to the AI.

Alina reaped her way through the halls. It didn't matter who was in her way. None of her allies were going to be here. Just foes and rivals. People who could be slaughtered without a second thought. Her blade cracked through armor, her fists broke bone. Even her teeth ripped through flesh as she moved too quick for too many to ever see. All the while grinning like a mad woman.

All the while relishing the slaughter.

Darth Nito Darth Nito
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Objective: The Mouse Trap
Location: Subterrel Sector
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Texia Texia / Sharan Maevel Sharan Maevel / Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar / Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate


"That's another arrival, the gathering is even larger than we were told to watch for." Alisteri nodded at the news, his gaze focused on the holographic projection of the asteroid base rather than the communications officer that had just spoken. "Let them bring as many guests as they like. It will only mean that our enemies shall be thinned out even more." There was no room in Sith Space for dissidents and rabble. Not when they had more than enough internal concerns to worry about already.

The masked man's eyes ran over the projected map as it slowly spun above the console, noting the possible entrances and exits that would come into play when the assault began. They had to ensure that none of their targets could escape and alert other groups to their operations. The last thing that anyone would hear from these rebels was to be a deathly silence, not a cry for help.

So long as they timed their entrance at just the right moment and struck at just the right places then this little operation would go off without any sort of hitch or complication. This was meant to be a rather simple affair, but any mission could fail without proper cohesion and tactics.

Alisteri could only hope that the other forces among the Sith Order would play their parts as well as he could.

His ship, not his beloved Altorius but rather a more practical and well-armed Sith frigate, sat quietly outside of the Polis Massa system. Just close enough for communications from the forward scouts to get through but not close enough to be spotted by their uninvited guests. Many other Sith vessels occupied a similar position as they awaited the designated time for their attack to begin.

The clock was ticking and the final minutes of these rebels grew closer with each moment that passed by.

Location: The debris field of Polis
Objective: I, Mouse Trap
Accompaniment: 1 Mohtosi Didasi
Equipment: SI-HB-2 Power Mace, HG-88 Hand Cannon
Dyyr would never have admitted it, not even if he had a friend to admit it to, but he was having the time of his life. Drifting silently through space, hundreds of asteroids floating past in their bizarre orbits, stars winking in the great black gulf. If he hadn’t been wearing a space suit, the smile on his face would have been painfully obvious.

He was latched to the saddle horn of a Mohtosi Didasi, which was cruising leisurely through the asteroid field towards the rebels at its epicenter. He didn’t have much time left to savor the silence. He indulged himself and closed his eyes. All he could hear was his own breathing. He could feel the Didasi gently flapping its wings beneath him, but silence clung to his ears. Deaf. Weightless. Alone. Why didn’t he spend more time in space?

Suddenly, he felt a disturbance. Someone powerful in the force was nearby. His eyes already closed, he tensed with concentration. He felt like he recognized this presence. He had learned it recently. Could it be that- his mount swerved underneath him jarringly. Opening his eyes, he found the Didasi had flown up against an asteroid and was pushing off with its stout legs. He had gotten so distracted, the creature had gone on autopilot. Reasserting control, he pressed his hand affirmingly on the creature’s back as it rounded the asteroid. He looked back up and did a double take. A frigate was looming among the rocks in the distance obviously trying to keep a low profile. He recognized the ship. The same Tsis’Kaar vessel that had taken the Indomitable. No wonder he felt a familiar presence. They must have been on their way to apprehend the rebels. He had been told to expect company.

“They always get to the party before me.”

Urging his mount forward, he scanned the ring of debris around the central planetoid. It was time to close in on his prey.
Scourge of the Stars
Struck from the heartwood, Nito felt his grip tighten on the blades as his momentum increased. A boulder rolling downhill, he flattened those so carefree and unlucky as to be in the halls - each broken beneath his great electrum boot heels. Blood splattered a grimace made of iron, and the rest followed their comrades in death as he pushed ever forward into the unleashed masses of soldiers, robots, and civilians.​
There would be some unecessary deaths in his wake - but that would simply be the cost of war. He was sure none would question him when this great ordeal was over, and the Eternals held the mining field of Polis Massa. When a door stood stalwart in his path, he let it know its worth with a heavy shoulder that broke it from the rails and supports.​
The core was closing in - but he had long left behind the troopers that began to flood the outpost. He needn't rely on them regardless, they would only secure what he left behind. Now, however, as he closed in nearer to the core he could sense the void that was disimilar to all but one - Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru . His snarl turned ivory as teeth blazed in the constrast of blood.​
"So she is here.", he said with joy that betrayed the threat of a fight.​
He lifted his hand and let the force rip the last set of doors from his path, entering the room that held the AI's core. A few of the engineers within typed furiously to encode what was left - perhaps to send an SOS signal to the municipal governments nearby. Perhaps a trade line security company; but none would answer. His fingers opened in his palm, and six men raised in to the air by their necks.​
He would offer them no comfort, to words to rationalize where their deaths would be important for the Empire - they needn't know why. They simply needed to die. A unison of snaps indicated their deaths, and their bodies fell to the steel ground of the server room with a metallic thud. He kicked a case into a malformed seat, and let himself rest for a moment.​
With eyes closed, he waited for her arrival - he needed to see how far she had come.​

Dominion of Polis Massa: Politics on Polis

~The Ring~ ~The Torch~ ~The Blood~
"I've gotta say, I'm so glad I came out here to survey this in person."

The sarcasm in Venn's voice was not veiled at all. He sat splayed out in the cockpit of a nimble little fighter, so bored out of his mind he was talking to himself. Why had he agreed to this?

His animalistic sense in the Force was clearly outlining a number of familiar beings nearby: Tremiru, who he still owed payback. Haxim, who he was at this point probably square with, but felt like hitting anyway. Dyyr was here somewhere, though harder to pin down where exactly. That one was getting more slippery by the day. Venn thought wryly that if he wasn't careful, Ophidia would steal T'Pada away to become one of her assassins.

But no! No fun interpersonal spats for Venn. Instead, he got to cruise slowly around this debris field so he could look at the ruins of a civilization that had been extinct for literally thousands of years.

His fighter's floodlights illuminated a cavernous gorge in the planetoid. A lot of this space was narrow and cramped, so he was using some help. A swarm of Jaeger-made drones flitted through the ruins of what was apparently a city. The droids sent images, measurements, and positioning data in real time. Very impressive, to be sure, except they were measuring what amounted to a rock that people had lived in a long time ago. Hooray.

There was a historical aide jabbering over the comlink, explaining the perceived meaning of every little cut in the stone and HOLY FETH HE COULDN'T TAKE THIS-

Burying his face in his hands, Venn's boot began to bounce up and down reflexively. This was agony. Big-headed academics had been trying to decipher the meaning of these asteroids since before the first Yuuzhan Vong invasion! What in the name of the Bogan was Venn supposed to make of this when he didn't fething care?!

In anger, Venn slammed on his fighters controls, punching the craft into an arcing spiral through the dead planetoid. He took a couple of dangerous turns, relishing in the thrill of acceleration. It was a little obnoxious that the Kainite had taken Tergamenion, but if it meant Pillars of Production kept making ships like the Caedus, maybe it wasn't the worst thing. This little thing could move.

Slumping back into his seat, the young man threw his hands up in surrender. Whatever. This was pointless. Might as well entertain himself. He slid his datapad into his lap, pulling up drone control. He could pilot one of them manually, and switch between each of the droid's viewpoints at will. Venn had always been something of an old-fashioned Sith. He preferred beasts to battle droids, a Sithsword to a lightsaber, and fighting the Ashlan to fighting fellow Sith. Part of that outlook was being a little uninformed when it came to technology, but the Sith Order always surprised with impressive innovations. The Sith Eternal most especially, with the power of Jaeger Solutions at their back. These Taera Drones, for example.... wait.

Taera Drones. Tergamenion. Jaeger Solutions. Polis Massa. Pillars of Production. The ruins of Wiyentaah. I don't fething care.

An evil smile spread over Venn's face, and upon realizing that a tour guide was still droning on about archeology over the comlink, he cut the connection before patching through to the Blade of Fear. "Get ahold of my consultant at Jaeger for me. I've got an idea."

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Tags: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Darth Nito Darth Nito
Objective III

A skittering sound echoed through one of the many wire channels that ran through the station as a disembodied hand sprinted, jumped and climbed across the tangled information pathways. By its wrist, a singular eye glowed like a miniature torch and illuminated the rogue appendige’s path.

Rather than smash their way through the protections of the station, Darth Ophidia sent her daughter, a mechu deru prodigy and one of her finest assassins to seize the system under the nose of the Eternals.

The young Chiss, sans a hand and an eye, had attached herself to the outside of the station and hacked her way into the system, literally and figuratively. Rather than fight the engineers and security personell, Nethil was fighting the A.I. Itself, and it was a pitched battle.

Her wandering hand was replaced with a data scomper, which clicked and turned in the access point. However, it was not the only way she was fighting the A.I. Her very mind had invaded the system and begun to assault the A.I.’s control. If she could force it into submission, then it would not matter if the Eternals held the station. She would be the station- for a time.

In the mean time, she relied on Alina’s ability to distract the Eternals’ champion.



Alina ripped through the door before her. The door to the center area, the room she wanted to get into. Where she needed to let her droid do it's work. But rather than send it out as she intended, she didn't. No, her eyes fell on the one already there waiting for her. Narrowed in focus, narrowed in excitement.


She hoisted her blood dripped blade onto her shoulder, uncaring of the red that now stained her black dress. "Been too long. Servant of Empyrean now that your Worm is dead?"

Darth Nito Darth Nito | Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa
Scourge of the Stars
"Something like that.", the beast of a man offered her, unmoving in his place.​
He seemed to grunt, as though waking up his muscles, his being once more - and his presence in the room would grow once more. Golden eyes slipped through the slits of his lids and he looked over her carefully, head to toe then back again. There were no words he offered her as he studied, both physically and through the force were she able to feel his senses wash over her.​
"You've grown from the pup you were.", he said as arms crossed in front of his chest. Proud like a lion, she would even noticed his blades remained stuck into the durasteel besides him.​
"Haven't outgrown that incessant tongue of yours - makes me doubt you've grown true teeth yet either.", a frown formed on his great face. He looked down his nose at her, his expression a statuesque look of judgement.​
"Do you come here for your own plans, or does your collar have a leash?"​
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Gerwald was making his movements. First he had returned from his self imposed exile among his people. Then he had run into Srina while making an attempt to research an ancient space station of some kind. Gerwald still knew little about it as a result of the trouble they had run into. It had not been his intention to find Srina Talon Srina Talon , but it seemed the force had willed them together again. The encounter left Gerwald certain about one thing, more certain than he had been about anything in a long time.

He belonged at her side.

Gerwald had learned the folly of not keeping Lunara Azure Lunara Azure apprised of his movements. They had developed a bond which had been born in the loss of the Confederacy. Where they once had no one from their past, they found a familiar friendship with each other. If she needed a home, perhaps Gerwald could secure one among the Sith.

It was an ironic turn of events to say the least. While Gerwald would have avoided them simply because of what Prazutis had done to him, Empyrean was different. Whatever of Maliphant still existed still held a connection to Srina. The wolf’s talents were being wasted among his own kind, nor were they appreciated by most. A few accepted him for who he was, but his presence often caused more harm than good. It was best for him to keep his secrets as far away from his kind as possible. They did not need to know the truth.

His latest journey brought him aboard the Acerbitas. It was in orbit over a world the wolf had never visited before, but the object of his effort happened to be aboard.

Word had been sent ahead to the Dark Lord. The message had been simple, something to the effect of Srina’s wolf requests an audience. Gerwald was never one for phrasing, and the wording was likely something more antiquated than it needed to be. As he stepped off his own personal ship, Gerwald started for what seemed to be a familiar presence.

<<“I am here.”>>

His thoughts echoed toward the Sith’s direction.​

It would seem she had competition. While neither Lord Nito nor Alina were likely able to match Nethil in slicing, their droids still posed a problem.

That was where her roving hand came in use.

The hand turned its final corner, stopped and pried open a narrow opening to peer down into the core room. Its fingers clutched the edge as it lowered it’s wrist down so the singular eye could see and transmit back to Nethil. It saw Nito and Alina facing each other, and it surveyed the chaos in their wake.

Nethil’s voice crackled through Tsis’kaar coms.

«Approaching core. Eternals have initiative, but Tremiru has challenged it.»

Her data scomper clicked furiously as she tried to lock others out of the core. It would take some work, but if she could solate the AI, then she would have abetter chance of seizing control. This battle was fought on many planes; the physical, the spiritual, and the digital.

He would receive no response - and for a minute would seem as though he were ignored, until the arrival of a Sith Knight in full ornate robes entered the hanger. She was younger, but the corruption in her eyes spoke to the strength she carried, while the frown on her lips showed the hatred she held inside at all times. For young Sith, wearing their emotions was more common - they hadn't yet learned the techniques to restrain themselves in day to day interactions.​
She would guide him through the Acerbitas to the Sith Only section near the rear of the vessel. Quickly imperial and pragmatic architecture fell away to grandiose Sith stylings - massive black pillars lined with ur-Kittat lettering inlayed with gold and crimson. The bloods a sprawling black marble, there was no facet of it that didn't scream to the immense wealth of the Dark Lord - let alone what this area was for.​
Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner would be guided past the training rooms filled with Sith and training droids, up to a seperate observation deck that doubled as an office. A large triangular window broken by a silouhette of a man was on the far end. The Sith girl bowed and removed herself - and as the door closed behind her, Empyrean would glance back to Lechner.​
He was no longer the silver haired beautiful man Srina had loved - but a monster. His eyes were replaced by solid orbs of darksteel, his hair-stained blood red. Beyond all these small changes, the larger ones were more terrifying to behold; his skin a mottled and greying - cracked in the way a corpse left to dry might. Half of his torso was gone - his entire left hand and shoulder severed down to the hip, and a chasm of swirling black smoke hid the contents of his innards from view.​
And beyond all of it - in the Force, Ger would sense how far removed he was from what he knew. Where once Maliphant was a torch in the Darkness, he was a candle in a storm of dark waves. His presence, his being, had become something so fiercely dark and turbulent that any Force user worth their salt could see that he was barely swimming above that water line, threatened to be drowned by his own strength at any moment.​
Despite this, Empyrean stood stalwart and apathetic. His metal eyes glanced over Ger before he turned around and stared out the triangular window once more.​
"Gerwald. I understand you are close with my wife and beloved. If you've come to ask favor, then make your request and I will do what I can."​



"Most people like my tongue. And my bite, for that matter."

She flashed an all too knowing grin. Turned her gaze to the floating orb beside her. Gave it a nod. It floated lazily towards a nearby access port to start trying to do it's thing. Hack the system, find the AI. Take control. She didn't know exactly the details and she didn't really care. Alina's focus remained on the lumbering figure before her.

"Any true Sith knows how to make their leash into their own plans. But who can say?" The black blade on her shoulder lifted. Pointed right towards the lion of a man. Briefly, before both her hands took hold of the weapon. She lowered herself, prepared herself.

"Why don't you try and get the answer yourself."

Darth Nito Darth Nito | Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa
Scourge of the Stars
Nito sighed, heavy and exasperated. She had learned nothing, and only grown in incessant petulance. Were it so simple to teach a Sith how to be intelligent as it were to teach them how swing a sword the Order would've never fallen to the place it has now. He sucked his teeth, making a sharp click before he pulled both swords into his open hands using nothing but the force.​
Durasteel tore with his strength, leaving jagged fragments in the ground. The leather wrapping of his swords seemed to pop and strain as his grip took its full hold on them;​
"For all you think you've grown, it seems you're still just a dog. It is my mistake for trying to talk to a dog, I should've expected to only get back a bark - it is all you are capable of, all you will ever be capable of."​
"So then, show me your teeth. If it is all you are capable of, let me judge you for what pittance you can take pride in."​
A sword raised sideways in front of him - and suddenly the room would begin to shake apart. Vibrations through telekinetic strain forced every loose object in the room to begin to shake and jossle, fall off their hinges and begin to float. As each broke free of their structure, they'd fire off in her direction - faster than she had witnessed when they last fought.​
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

He stood for a moment, several after that. It seemed he had been ignored, and Gerwald would have thought that except he had been allowed to dock. His patience proved fruitful as a door opened and a young teenage woman appeared from behind it. She was angry, a young sith who did not know how to contain the hatred which coursed in her veins. It was for her master to teach her, but the obvious emotion was fuel for those around her before it was of any benefit to her.

He followed her beyond the portion of the ship which was designated for the military. The change was stark and obvious. Gerwald had never been one to get lost in the extravagance and opulence of the Sith. Metus had embraced the lavish lifestyle his power and wealth had afforded him, and many benefited from it. Even the wolf had enjoyed a certain level of luxury as the Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian, though the beast within still preferred the touch of grass and the smell of a forest.

Maliphant had changed. Nothing about him was natural, and Gerwald knew he was playing with fire by simply being in his presence. Srina did not know about this meeting, at least not by her wolf, and he hoped to keep it that way for a time.

“I have two. First if this meeting can remain between us for now. I will tell Srina when I am ready. Second, I find myself bored since the collapse of the Confederacy. If Omnia is at your side, then so am I.”

It was an offer. Whether it was a wise offer or not, it had been made. ​

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