Alright, yes, the most "logical" idea is fleet reinforcement. However! Is that the best RP option? I say no. Super weapon all the way. Super Weapons are certainly a centerpiece of the action in SW. Death Stars, Sun Crushers, Galaxy Gun, World Devestators, weird Vong garbage, and all sorts of stuff. Super weapons up the tension and make things interesting.
As long as we aren't obnoxious about getting it destroyed. As in being pain in the butts about letting it be destroyed. Then it will be nothing but grand RP. And not all super weapons have to be planet destroyers. The Emperor's... Fist was it? Was nothing but a huge asteroid filled with soldiers and whatnot. The Malevolence could knock out huge chunks of fleets. Others just destroyed individual ships in large explosions.
Could also go NJO route, which had a duology centered around making a fake super weapon to draw attention. This is a bit trickier to RP because dishonest narratives are basically powergaming and no on likes that. So it is toting that balancing of deception without lying about it. So not easy to RP, but definitely interesting.