Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC POM Strike Teams

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: Uncommon[/SIZE]
  • Deployment: Minor
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths & Weaknesses:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths would first include that the strike teams are pretty heavily equipped, team often using a variety of weapons they are well trained in using. Their quite disciplined and haven been given extensive additional training compared to their security team counterparts. Being well trained desert and urban warfare[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Weaknesses would include that they're not trained out of arctic warfare and being reliant on the air support of their clients in larger scale engagements. Also given the fact that training and equipment for these units are quite costly.[/SIZE]
  • Description: These are essentially the security company's special forces. Being used in more offensive engagements as a private military force for those willing to pay for their deployment. Being an elite force for those willing to pay top dollar for their services. Most of the members being former military professionals contacted by POM Security for their employment, often getting better paychecks then their time in a planetary defense force or faction military.
[member="Jorco Czeku"]

Jorco Czeku said:
Jeager Class Combat Armor
This is listed as closed market. Do you have a marketplace purchase or any other means to show that you have access to this armor?
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