Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Popping my head back in...

Hello everyone. Been a while.

Well, actually, now I look at it...close to six years since I last stopped by. Crazy how time flies!

Anyway, I thought I'd drop in and have a look, see how things are going. It's nice to see that Chaos persists, as I rather hoped it would. I'm not yet certain if I'm just doing a quick fly-by, or whether I will stay and return to writing once more, but regardless, I did want to say "Hello". I'm hoping some old friends are here, and as for those of you I haven't met yet...I look forward to it :)

I suspect, if I stick around, I shall re-roll and try a fresh start. Not yet certain as to whether I'll return to my "Sig Lord" days and throw out tons of graphics design work...but wouldn't surprise me if I did. Anyway, moving on...


Lovely to see some old faces :) I was hoping some of you would still be here! And as for those of you I haven't met yet...I do hope we find chance to become acquainted!

Little surprised so many of you of you are still here, but I hope to catch up with you guys.

Out of curiousity...what happened to all the Jedi factions? The Sith still seem to be kicking about on the Galaxy Map, but I see no sign of the Jedi. Have they all vanished into thin air, or did Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex finally kill them all off?
Lovely to see some old faces :) I was hoping some of you would still be here! And as for those of you I haven't met yet...I do hope we find chance to become acquainted!

Little surprised so many of you of you are still here, but I hope to catch up with you guys.

Out of curiousity...what happened to all the Jedi factions? The Sith still seem to be kicking about on the Galaxy Map, but I see no sign of the Jedi. Have they all vanished into thin air, or did Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex finally kill them all off?

Currently the Jedi are a big part of the Galactic Alliance as the New Jedi Order. There are other groups, but the map player at the moment would be the NJO in the GA.

Carni hasn't killed em all yet.
Lovely to see some old faces :) I was hoping some of you would still be here! And as for those of you I haven't met yet...I do hope we find chance to become acquainted!

Little surprised so many of you of you are still here, but I hope to catch up with you guys.

Out of curiousity...what happened to all the Jedi factions? The Sith still seem to be kicking about on the Galaxy Map, but I see no sign of the Jedi. Have they all vanished into thin air, or did Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex finally kill them all off?
The main population of Jedi falls under the Galactic Alliance and its New Jedi Order :)

The Silver Jedi went Minor sometime last year.
Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr - I'm surprised it took this long for you to make a return. Welcome back.

I've often thought about this place, from time-to-time, but I've had a very busy few years, and I've always worried that I'd not be able to devote the time necessary to dive back in as much as I'd like. And then I figured I'd probably also want to start making graphics's a bit of a spiral.

Even so, I'm really happy to see that this place is still here, and that so many old friends remain :)
I've often thought about this place, from time-to-time, but I've had a very busy few years, and I've always worried that I'd not be able to devote the time necessary to dive back in as much as I'd like. And then I figured I'd probably also want to start making graphics's a bit of a spiral.

Even so, I'm really happy to see that this place is still here, and that so many old friends remain :)

My most prolonged leave was six months, let alone six years. I'd expected you to pop up much sooner, lol, but I can understand the graphics side of things, too. I imagined you'd still be trying your hand with Photoshop, assuming you still played JKA. It's good to see you're still around, and I hope these last six years served you well.

Don't worry, I won't be making any photoshop requests lol

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