Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Porgs

Definitely Not A Cinnamon Roll
Darth Faef sat hidden in a small cave in the side of Ahch-To's many cliffs. Lately, she'd been bored, so, being the sadist that she was, she lured porgs to her cave before slowly killing them, relishing their pain and suffering. The Togruta looked up suddenly, dropping the porg she'd been plucking alive and igniting her lightsaber as someone walked in. "Who are you? Show yourself!" the Acolyte snarled.


A dark presence lurked in the entrance, something hidden, yet... felt.

Porguss emerged from the shadows, his large eyes filled with a solemn resolution.

"Thith ith the latht porg that you thall dethecrate in my prethenth." He said with an apparent lisp, his voice high pitched, but full of bitter determination and fury.

he pulled down the hood that covered his facial complexion, revealing... a porg face. He slowly walked over to the wall of the cave, looking up solemnly at the wall, apparently in deep thought.

"My anthethterth thrived in thith habitathion for over a millennia, and yet you treat it ath a light thnig to thacrifith them upon their home of peath." He lowered his gaze, shaking his head in grief, obviously building up the drama of what he had caught Darth Faef Darth Faef doing.

Suddenly he turned to her, his large eyes filled with a deep fire of burning rage,

"Prepare to meet your end... thith!" A smaller-than-normal lightsaber erupted with brilliant red in Porguss' wing as he leapt gracefully towards the desecrater, ready to slice her in half.
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Porguss landed on his feet, looking back and glaring at the desecrater. If looks could kill, Darth Faef Darth Faef would surely have been feeling at least slightly nauseous.

"How dare you thpeak tho arrogantly, ath if the forth were thenthitive to oneth thith..." He turned, weaving the saber slowly back and forth in front of him, as if to intimidate by his impressive saber skills.

"I have been training in the dark arth for generathionth. The dark thide of the forth hath many powerth, that thome would even conthider to be... unathural."

His eyes widened with unbridled rage as he let out a terrifying squeak, leaping up into the air, swinging the blade wildly in front of him, almost chaotically and without much actual skill apparent.
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Was actually very friendly
Another lightsaber sizzled to life - this one vibrant indigo.

"Lord Porgussss," Khefiir growled. "At lassst I've tracked you down, monsster. You'll pay for the Padawansss you sslaughtered."

But as he took in the scene, he realized it was much more complicated than he'd believed. The scent of torture hung heavy in the air. Yellow eyes flicked from Porguss to Darth Faef Darth Faef without mercy.

"You will not defile the ssacred world."

He attacked in a bull rush, claws grating on the stone. His saber lashed out, seeking to kill both combatants, cut them apart like the poor dead porgs.


Porguss landed, facing the wall, sensing the familiar presence as it entered the cave and threatened him.

"Ahh... my old friend... how you've grown." He said without turning around, instead simply looking at the rock in front of him, apparently in deep thought again.

He quickly turned, glaring at Khefiir Khefiir , "But you are mithtaken! I am not the dethecrater here." He slowly looked upward, his eyes still focused on the Trandoshan who stood before him. His eyes slowly widened as he felt the dark side flowing through his incredibly supple body.

"I will avenge my kind! Thtand athid and let me have my revenge, litherd!"

As Khefiir Khefiir approached in battle form, Porguss squeaked his most terrifying squeak and leapt towards him to meet him in the air, his ferocious blade a fury of motion and elegance.

Darth Faef Darth Faef
Was actually very friendly
That squeak shivered in Khefiir's bones. He came to a halt, dug in his claws, and blurred through a quick Soresu defense to hold back Porguss and Darth Faef Darth Faef . Their suddenly united assault drove him back as quickly as he'd advanced, right to the mouth of the cliffside cave. A few more steps back and he'd be in for a long fall and a longer swim.

With a snarl of effort, he drew on the skills he'd learned from the dying Mist-Weaver K'narik. The Force wove itself into glowing corporeal strands that aimed to bind Faef's hands and feet. Porguss' blurring wings and ferocious talons were another story: a knotted web of woven lightsilk took form, aiming to wrap the deadly porg in a cocoon.


Suddenly, as it appeared that their advancement against the Trandoshan was successfully forcing him back, Porguss felt the repulsive light side of the force as it began to wrap around him, sucking his little wings in until he became like a ball, unable to move for the moment.

He collided with Khefiir Khefiir , bouncing off his body and back into Darth Faef Darth Faef , acting almost like a little ball as he bounced back and forth quickly between them until eventually hitting the ground. As the two continued to engage in glorious battle, Porguss found himself to be a small ball being kicked around the cave. It was infuriating to the porg.

"How dare you wrap me in thith..." kick "...foul light, litherd! You think it ith a light thing to..." kick "...interrupt my vengeanth with your..." kick "...mithguided juthtith?!" Porguss realized, however that the two were focused more intently on the battle then on him, and that his words were being completely ignored. He had had enough of this mockery.

His eyes started to glow red, as he let out another squeaky and piercing scream... the light around him shattering as he escaped from the trap. He landed on his feet, looking up at the desecrater and the agitator.

"It appearth that your powerth are no math for my..." kick He was accidentally kicked again in the midst of their fighting, sending him back into the wall of the cave with a cry of pain.
Definitely Not A Cinnamon Roll
Faef roared in surprise and frustration as her hands and feet were suddenly bound together. She grunted and attempted to free herself, only to fall to the ground along with her lightsaber, which deactivated as it fell from her hands. She did her best to roll away from Khefiir Khefiir and soon found herself backed against the wall, squishing Porguss . She was terrified, but growled angrily at the Trandoshan, trying to use the Force to free her hands.
Was actually very friendly
Porguss Darth Faef Darth Faef

Khefiir let out a shaky breath. There was no telling how long the two Darksiders would stay bound. He gestured with his saber and called both of theirs toward his waiting hand.

"Local, this is Khefiir," he said as the sabers floated to him. "Two Sith at my location: Lord Porguss and a Togruta-"

With an almighty SQUEAK-BUCKAWW, a half-plucked porg burst from a cave niche. Khefiir stumbled back, rock crumbled under his feet-

-and he tumbled down the cliff into the ocean far below.


Darth Faef Darth Faef Khefiir Khefiir

Porguss, never missing a moment to share his dark wisdom, called out after the Trandoshan as he fell,

"Behold my army of willing thervanths! Never underethtimate a porg, my old friend!"

He held out his wing, beckoning his saber back to its master, then turned and softly stroked the poor porg who had suffered at the hands of the desecrater,

"Peath now, my thon. You have done a good thing. Retht now...retht..." The porg slowly closed its eyes and breathed its last breath. Porguss closed his eyes, letting a new found rage fill his furry feathers.

"Now... where were we, thith? oh yeth... I remember now..." He turned quickly, his large eyes twitching uncontrollably with the power of the dark side,

"We were ending your life!" He ignited his blade, again opting for a strategy of intimidation as he slowly moved it around in front of him, but this time adding his own noises to this display of pure and unbridled power...

"oooOOOOoooo. OOoooooOOOoo..." His head slowly rotated like an owl left and right as his lips formed an "O" shape, releasing a dreadful noise unparalleled and unprecedented, certain to catch the Sith completely off guard.
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"Perapth... perhapth not." Porguss said, pausing his incredibly impressive display and now holding the saber out in front of him calmly,

"But you would not be the firtht to underethtimate my powerth, you arrogant dethecrater of the porg."

He closed his eyes and focused intently, his whole body began to almost glow red. Darth Faef Darth Faef would sense a strange and unexpected focusing of dark energy around the porg. Suddenly the cave began to almost pulse with the power of the dark side, a dull throbbing that seemed to cause any other noise to disappear.

Porguss opened his eyes, which now appeared to be on fire. He then began to laugh historically, his voice getting deeper and deeper, and pulsing along with that dark magic that surrounded him.

He suddenly reached out his wing towards the desecrater with an ear-piercing shriek, sending a massive wave of dark energy at the desecrater which forced her back into the wall of the cave and almost seemed to pin her there.

"Embraith the wrath of Porguth!!" He said in a voice that was both high pitched and incredibly deep at the same time as it reverberated throughout the cave eerily.
Definitely Not A Cinnamon Roll
As the cave pulsed with the Dark side, Faef immersed herself in it, relishing it. As she was pushed back, she yelped and roared as the sound pierced her montrals. She attempted to free herself, to no avail.


Darth Faef Darth Faef

Porguss' horrific laugh continued to pulse throughout the cave as he began to float up and slowly drift towards the desecrater, his eyes full of unspeakable darkness.

"Now..." He said with a booming voice, "Where thall we begin? perhapth..." he reached out and touched her hand which was pinned up against the rock, "...We can pluck off your fingerth firtht!!!"


The cave echoed with the horrifying sounds of Porguss' evil laugh, along with the hallowing screams of torture he inflicted upon his captured prey.

He would have his revenge. He would let her live the true horror of her own desecration....

He was Porguss, the Padawan Slaughterer.


"...The end!" Momma porg said as she snapped the storybook closed and set it gently aside on the nightstand with a soft smile to her little porglett.

"Mommy... Is Porguss real?" the Porglett asked in an adorably cute and squeaky little voice. Momma porg's smile grew as she tucked her baby bird into bed,

"Yes sweetie, he is! And he is always watching over all of us Porgs... even you!"

"Even ME?!" Porglette exclaimed with a sense of awe, eyes wide.

"Yes, baby bird, especially you! Now its time for you to sleep now... Goodnight sweetie!" Momma bird said, kissing baby bird softly on her head.

"Goodnight mommy!" Baby bird said as she nuzzled into the covers, sure to dream of the many heroic adventures of her savior, the hope and joy of all porgkind... Porguss.

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