Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Port Taraven (RTL)

Location: Port Taraven

The morning sun steady rose of the sun baked deserts and rocky hills of Castellum. A deep red and orange glow lit up the stone and steel homes that made up Port Taraven. The city was slowly starting to wake up to a new day. A day just like any other, some opening their shops and cantinas, while most went to the mines. This steady day to day was hindered by one major problem. Port Taraven was stuck in a rut of sorts.

For decades the city, and planet, was under the rule of many pirate lords. Each caring very little for the riches that lay beneath the ground. This lead to the mines being almost completely shutdown and trade routes being non existent in the area. Since pirates and merchants aren't the best of friends. With the mines now running at full steam, the biggest problem is what to do with all the ore. That solution was simple, find and reopen trade routes with those who are willing.

This is how Alara found herself standing on the landing pads that sat on top of the Taraven Keep. She had reached out to the Rimward Trade League in hopes to strike some trade deals. Maybe breath a little life back into this city. Honestly, she was a little nervous. The whole running a city thing was new to her, and something she never actually planned on. Just one of those things that happens when you topple the previous pirate lord and take his place. Now it was all making decisions, sorting paperwork and all other fun stuff.

A low pitcher whistle rang out across the city, catching Alara's attention. Seems that the morning shift at the mines was starting. Her beskar creaked a little as shifted from one foot to the other, helmet readjusted beneath her arm. Hopefully, like the rising sun, these trade deals would be a new day for Port Taraven.

Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian

Valves Miskor

Bastard, Scoundrel, Self Proclaimed Entrepreneur.
Valves was nudged by a disgruntled cantina owner who was trying to move him from their doorstep. Valves had a big night the night before. Probably a few big nights.

Truth be told, Valves Miskor, the gunslinging vagabond was coming off the back of three day bender and didn’t really know what world he was on. The last thing he remembered was the taste of whiskey in his mouth, following a cute boy onto a shuttle. What happened after that was anyone’s guess.

So here he found himself. Hungover on the doorstep of a Cantina he didn’t know the name of, on a planet he had never been to before. Being nudged by a less than happy cantina owner trying to get him to move along so he could open the place. “Alright, alright.” The hungover drifter said waving off the cantina owner. “I’m going mate.” Valves said as he struggled to push himself to his feet. “I don’t suppose you know what planet this is?” Valves asked the surly Cantina owner. “Castellum. You must have been real drunk if you don’t know that. You said something about coming in on a shuttle last night, and you were looking to party.” The Owner chuckled. He was an older human gentleman. “And party you did. Now get going, I got to clean up and get ready for new customers.” Valves nodded when he heard this. Castellum. At least he’d heard of the planet. At least in passing. A mid rim mining planet. He didn’t know much more than that. “Thanks, Friend, can you point me in …” Valves started before the Cantina owner cut him and pointed. “Space port’s that was, kid.” Valves nodded and started his trek to the spaceport to try and get off this rock.
Alara Ordo Alara Ordo Valves Miskor Valves Miskor

The ship rumbled beneath her boots as Aeshi guided the Requiem toward the spaceport on Castellum. Word had filtered in from the merchant-spacers that the city was looking to establish trade deals.

That had caught her attention. She could perhaps buy them low and sell them higher at Sluis Van or Sullust, worlds churning out starships. Some were military, certainly. She'd even heard rumors that Suarbi was putting together a new sort of fleet to partner with the mobile infantry, new as they were.

Aeshi was skeptical. But that was the realm of politics. She didn't care for that sphere very much-- as long as they didn't interfere in her life. If they did, she would engage in politics with two fists, a trusty slugthrower, and the fact that she was the best-damned freighter pilot in the Outer Rim.

"Port control, this is Requiem out of the League," Aeshi said, tapping the controls on the comms as she studied the readouts scrolling across the holodisplay out of the corner of her eye.

"Requiem, this is Port Control," the reply came back quickly, "Landing coordinates are being sent- you are cleared to proceed."

"Roger that, Port Control," Aeshi replied, checking the notes, "I'm looking to meet with...Alara Ordo. Know where I find them?"

"Alara is on the landing pads above the keep-- looking forward to meeting you and any other League envoys."

"Looking forward to it," Aeshi replied, marking the designated landing pad on the display and set the light freighter on the course. She suspected official League representatives wouldn't be far behind, but she wanted to get in before them. The League generally had some low taxes and fees, but if she could cut in ahead of that, then she would be relived.

The ship came down with a hiss of landing systems and Aeshi slung her jacket over her shoulders and down the boarding ramp, shading her eyes with one hand as her feet echoed on the metal ramp.

"I'm looking for an Alara Ordo," Aeshi said, nodding at longshoreman hauling in a tank of fuel. There was a quick gesture, and Aeshi nodded, hurrying to find this mysterious woman.

Corbin stepped up to Alara Ordo Alara Ordo as she looked out over the port. He took off his helmet and stood beside her.
"Nice job liberating the place. Hope the supplies I brought help out. I'm sure you'll be particularly pleased with the ten tons of beskar. Should be a decent start." This was just his personal donation, from one Mando'ad to another. "The League representatives should be here later today for the actual trade deals."
A faint, yet familiar presence tickled at Corbin's mind. He turned and looked. Sure enough, it was Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian .
"Bit early for them to be here yet. Looks like this one is here on her own. Trying to jump tax fees, most likely. But hey, it's not illegal."
Corbin chuckled at the last sentence. He actually had a feeling Aeshi wasn't above doing the occasional minor breaking of the law. She did seem a bit of a scoundrel. He waved to the Tillian woman.
"Don't worry, I'm here on a personal trip. You're ahead of the officials."
Alara barely gave Corbin a glance as he stepped up next to her. She gave a faint smile when he congratulated her on taking the place over. "Well it would be shameful if a band of unruly pirates were to best us. Besides, I had a debt to settle." Her hand almost moved up to the scar on her face. A scar left by a certain pirate captain when she was just a teen.

She turned to face the man beside her when he mentioned the beskar. The man had gifted her....quite the some of it actually. "I'm still thankful for the beskar. Honestly...that much was unexpected to say the least."

Her attention was drawn to the new arrival, a member of the League that she had been waiting for. Well, one of them anyway. Alara raised an eyebrow a little at the mention of avoiding tax fees. "Well, I don't blame her there."

Alara took a few steps towards Aeshi. "Welcome to Castellum. I'm Alara Ordo."

Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Alara Ordo Alara Ordo

"Oh, Corbin, you beat me here," Aeshi said, with a bit of a frown before she shrugged. She wasn't perturbed. Force-Tech was a manufacturer, not a trader. "If you're selling wares, I'll take the discount." She paused and glanced over to the other woman. Alara Ordo. Aeshi had heard of Ordo, but the complexities of Mandalorian clans, houses, and so on confused her. A last name was a last name. There was no need to mythologize it or whatever the Mandalorians did .

"Thanks for the welcome, Alara. Name's Aeshi Tillian, captain of the Requiem and on-again-off-again representative of Tillian Family Enterprises. Mostly I trade in small cargos, but I can act as an agent for bulk orders."

With the Galactic Alliance expanding like a ravenous horde of bureaucrats, the bulk grain deals with Coruscant had ceased to be profitable. That meant they had a bunch of old, cargo-refitted Venators, mostly just sitting in drydock and losing money. The tricky part was finding a route capable of selling enough bulk cargo to make them worthwhile. If they couldn't find any, they'd tear the ships apart and either sell them for scrap or refit them for something. She wasn't sure which way the family were thinking yet. "I understand you're looking to do some trades?"

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