Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Porte Crew

Intent: Use for IC Banter during Personal Threads.
Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
Crew Name: The Moose Clan
Crew Type: Family
Base of Operations: Naboo
Crew Size: 5
Loyalties: Loyal to each other.

Name: Owen Marr
Age: 31
Species: Human/Corellians
Role: Serves as the Pilot for the ships Moose, also served as a soldier with the Galactic Alliance for several years.
Languages: Basic, Huttese
Description: Owen serves as the unofficial leader of the group. Stoic, intelligent and stubborn to boot. If there was one person everyone on the ship looked to, it was him. His wife and unborn child as well as himself were saved by Aiden Porte on Tatooine after his arrival. He looks to Aiden as his younger brother.

Name: Jysella Marr-Madine
Age: 28
Species: Human/Corellians
Role: Navigational Expert and Co-Pilot
Languages: Basic-Huttese-Several other Languages due to background.
Description: Sweet, Caring and Affectionate to all she comes across. She is Owen's wife and his currently carrying their child at the moment. Was saved by Aiden Porte upon his arrival to Tatooine. Has great Faith in Aiden, even though he doesn't at times.

Name: Castor Madine
Age: 22
Species: Human / Corellians
Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]

Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]

Name: [ Member name, feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
Age: [ Member age. Please keep this reasonable. ]
Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
Role: [ What role/job does this crew member serve? Give a brief description of what they do. ]
Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
Description: [ Briefly describe this member's personality and history of how they came to join the crew, how they interact with others, and any other special skills or attributes to note. ]

[ Include a description of the crew's history here. Describe who started it, how and why it was formed, any events tied into its creation and existence, etc. ]
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