Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Possible Map Changes


Well-Known Member
okay, so I've made some maps in my time, and I know that it isn't particularly fun or easy making major changes, but I think some are needed.

again, that's just my opinion. As the comments on the map itself indicate, some planets perhaps more important to the major factions and such aren't on the map, while there is a load of planets that aren't much useful or renowned regarding our timeline.
  • Therefore, I suggest that capital worlds of factions (and later on, perhaps also their territory?) are somehow made to stand out (whether by color, size, or any other means).
  • Also, propose that unimportant planets be deleted from the map so as to facilitate navigation. If need be, they can always be added
  • OPTIONAL mmyeah, that would be embedding links into the map. but that's difficult work, so, as stated, really more of a fleeting idea off the top of my head than anything else

so that'd be all from me. If you want me to elaborate on any point, please, feel free to nudge me.^^ hope I contributed anything of use. ;)
@[member="Netherworld"] : Yeah, I've got my methods for doing that, but right now those changes for factions owning planets are implemented yet.

@[member="Zef Halo"]: Yes, and currently the frontrunner to replace ours, unless peeps decide different in this thread.

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