Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Posting Peeve(s)

So, I operate under a couple of different characters at a time-
  • Vergessen Contii
  • Dice Thorne
  • Hit²
  • Sha'ri Sorkh
  • The Nobody
  • The Man Between the Static
I also work in a security based role with a very invasive roster OOC. I'm only a mere mortal, so there's always the potential that I forget to reply to somebody's post towards one of my characters.

This is an open invitation to TELL ME if I haven't replied to you in a while. I will not take offense to it; I wont think you're bothering me. There's probably a reason why I haven't responded, and it's probably because in the confusion of work-related responsibilties and the multitude of threads I operate RESPECTIVE of each character - I have forgotten to respond to your individual post.

Only reason I bring this up is because I've had some individuals in private "confront" me about periods where I am unresponsive. Mind you, this is a period of around a week or so max. Like, how about you juST REMIND ME, I'M ONLY HUMAN DANG IT! Just had to say that.
Here's a small addendum: there's no malice behind the first post. I understand the complexities of life will put reigns on our free time - if my tardiness is a genuine disruption in your own routine, or it makes you feel any certain way that you need to address, please let me know. Open communication is important.

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