Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Posting will resume tonight/tomorrow

Posting will resume tonight/tomorrow

I will tag everyone later. Usually right now i'd withdraw, and you'd see a Kei absence but this time i'd like to write through it.

Also I would like to share why, as A, it helps me deal and b, this is for all those years at forums that a few of you have known me, drop in and out of contact, not just writing but more importantly OOC too which i'd like to explain to friends who don't know.

My brother is a serious drug user and has been for many many years. Every so often as you can imagine, things explode. People come to my door asking me for money to bail him out, I get text messages, long emotional visits, phone calls, I get a lot of anger my way for not financially buying him his fix or helping him, the guilt trips the works. How I usually handle this is get angry and then go do something to withdraw and vent, (after years trying to help) but the situation tends to boil on for awhile as you can imagine, and never goes away as people enable him constantly till they are out of money themselves, pawning or taking loans, then lie to cover his habit.

I know that was more personal than these LOA's usually are but its good to get it off my chest, that's a major reason for my absences on and off OOC, not just the forum but from contact at all, which drives some of my oldest friends nuts :) - well now to the older writers who know me OOC, now you know.

So posting will resume tonight/tomorrow thanks for the patience.
[member="Kei Amadis"]

I can sympathize, on some level, with your plight.

Rather than spilling my own story like someone seeking to siphon sympathy, I say this to state that I know, personally, how hard it can hurt in the heart. You WANT to help, but you know you can't MAKE THEM get the help they need. Any help you give is like a crappy bandage on the situation. Yeah, it makes everything feel good for a moment. Everything is nice for a bit. But a low-grade band-aid on a gaping wound accomplishes nothing.

Be strong, and do what you must for YOUR sake. Be safe, and be well.
[member="Serena Bouie"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Nima Tann"]

Thanks guys, promise won't disappear this time, works done soon, looking forward to post properly as it helps. Boss was pretty understanding too this morning as I came in riled up, which helped, think i'd hit my boiling point and was about to snap with someone, which takes some doing.


You have all my sympathies, and someone to talk to should you want it at any point. Five years ago, even ten that's exactly how I felt, trying everything I could to help, used to rip me up. Back then I could not have posted this.

Now I am numb to it, becomes the norm. The trips to hospital, beatings with a bat when he didn't pay in time, even getting gbh because we were with him on the wrong day, all of it and the rest is much like a haze. Its not without reason that he took them up, everyone coped in their own ways, but different story and he's no kid anymore.

So yeah thanks again guys and girls, and if your family are having a few problems, give them a hug and some support because it could be a whole lot worse. Especially those kids, everything you say to them, or time you spend, or how you treat them is so damned important.

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