Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Power over Death [Complete]

Location: Wild Space

As Darth Reign sat in his meditation chamber on board the DSD-Dominion, he pondered the state of the galaxy. With his flagship now complete and crewed, he was nearly ready to move forward with the grand plan. There were just a few items to sort out. Word had recently reached him of a Necromancer, somewhere out in the galaxy at large, using the dark side and perverse science to reanimate the dead. The dark lord had tasked his followers with finding the truth of these rumors.

Reign’s reverie was disturbed by the opening of the door to the chamber. A young Junior Lieutenant in a crisp black uniform entered, saying “My lord.. we have tracked down the ‘necromancer’ you ordered us to find. The source of the rumors stem from the planet Dhartag.. more commonly known as Necropolis” The dark lord couldn’t help but smile inwardly to himself. A necromancer living on a tomb world? How fitting.

Turning to the lieutenant, he responded
“commendable work, inform your superiors to meet me on the bridge, we will set course immediately” with a smart salute the officer departed the chamber. Gathering himself and placing his lightsaber at his hip, Reign strode to the bridge of the Star Destroyer.

Reaching the bridge, as the Sith Lord entered, the bridge crew snapped to attention. These men and women were disciplined and efficient, Reign appreciated the order and tight control they had over their systems. As the Captain approached, Reign turned to the man.
“Captain, set course for the planet Dhartag. We have a necromancer to meet” the man saluted and set about commanding his subordinates. Reign steeled himself for what was sure to be a tense meeting, but he wanted this power for the Diarchy. “We will have this power” Reign thought, as the stars stretched into hyperspace.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Location: Dhartag

It had been a few weeks since Nexion had moved to this planet. What more could he need than to be surrounded by corpses that would help him further his craft? In his mind, nothing. He was content to call this planet home, and hone his skills in necromancy for the Sith. Then, one day as he was taking a break from dissecting and studying the body of an Alazmec he'd recovered, he noticed something leaving hyperspace above the planet. He used a pair of macrobinoculars to see what it was.

"A Star Destroyer? I didn't know the others were interested in this sector. Hmm, what could they possibly want... I swear if it's one I know who's tracked me down purely to mock me, he is going to die."

He sighed as he glanced back up to the ship in the space above the planet.

"No, it can't be. No-one I know has a ship like that. If that's the case, who could it be? May as well prepare a welcome for them."

Nexion turns around and raises both his arms, green mist beginning to emit from them. The mist flowed to the ground and then spread across the area. Around three dozen corpses rose from their tombs and surrounded the Sith.

"One can never be too careful."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Location: Orbit over Dhartag
Command Center of the Dominion

Reign paced as the tactical display gave topographical information on the planet below them. He didn't need all this nonsense, he could feel the force user on the surface. A beacon of dark power on an otherwise dead world. Barking orders to the crew he said
"Prepare my shuttle NOW we have no need for this delay" as the support staff ran off to prepare the Lambda shuttle, Darth Reign did one final briefing with the two troopers he was bringing with him.

"Remember that we are not here for a confrontation, I wish to bring this necromancer into the fold. Any lack of discipline or decorum, will result in immediate consequences" once the troopers acknowledged his commands, he strode off towards the hanger bay, the troopers flanking him on either side.

As he entered the shuttle, he sat down in the pilot's seat, Reign still preferred to pilot his own shuttle, he had an ensign with him to copilot.

"What is our heading my lord?" the young woman said, eyeing the tomb world suspiciously. "Our heading is this outcropping here, I can sense him down there, once we land, you are to stay with the ship. Have it prepared for our departure."

As the shuttle landed outside of the structure, Reign looked out the viewport with something akin to shock. He saw what appeared to be dozens of reanimated corpses standing between himself and the structure. As the initial shock wore off, Reign was pleased. "We are in the right place" stepping down the ramp, he stopped at the bottom, projecting his voice to be heard "Please come out my friend, we are not here to fight"

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Nexion came out of the structure, a horde of animated corpses standing in front of him. He looked past them all and saw a fellow Sith, but not one he could say he was given with. He lowered his mask and gave him a smile. Not one of friendship, barely one of welcoming. It was a cold smile, one that someone would give if they were being smug to an opponent. If that wasn't weird enough, the smile had no form of malice attached to it.

"What brings you to my home, good sir? I doubt you got lost."

He waved his hand and the corpses acted as though given orders. They separated so there was a pathway between the two Sith. Nexion was confident in his abilities. If this Sith were here to attack, he wouldn't be difficult to manage.

"Come, if you came all this way to talk, I should at least be a good host. But, I will request you leave your blade by the door."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign noted the small slight, but opted to ignore it. He was here on a recruitment mission, not one of violence. Tamping down on his pride and anger, he returned a smile at the man, his not being entirely friendly either, but not overtly malicious, one of a collector that has spied a worthy prize.
Reign could feel the cold power emanating from the man, it was of a different sort than he was used to, more akin to the sorcery of his brother.

"You would be correct my friend. I came to see your power in person, rumor of your experiments had reached my ear, and I felt the need to witness this sorcery first hand." Reign moved forward through the host of the dead, he could not help but be somewhat impressed. He did not feel that these corpses would be a real physical threat to him, but he had to acknowledge the skill and power that went in to their creation. As he walked, he motioned to his security detail to remain with the ship, the invitation to come forward as an indication that, at the time being Reign was in no immediate danger.

When he reached the other man, Reign nodded, unclipping his lightsaber and placing it on the ground near the entryway, This other Sith would have to know that as a Sith Lord, Reign would be just as dangerous without the blade, but putting on a smile, the Dark Lord Responded to his counterpart
"I can respect the wishes of your house. Please lead the way" as they crossed the threshold, Reign could feel the power of the dark side in this place. This man would make a powerful ally indeed.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
"Thank you. I'm aware, even if you came here for no violence, that being asked to remove your lightsaber is a... suspicious request. But, as you and I should both be aware, a Sith's true weapon is and should be the force."

Nexion led his guest into the small temple-like structure he calls his home. He brought him into a small chamber where he used the force to arrange a table and chairs. He pulled out a chest and took out a bottle and glasses.

"Please, take a seat. Have a drink. Just because we're Sith, and on a planet-wide graveyard, doesn't mean we have to have conversations in an uncivilised manner."

He poured them both a drink and then sat down.

"Now, you said you'd heard of my abilities, and you've witnessed my Necromancy. That begs the question, what do you want? I'm taking a break from my duties in the Sith so that I may concentrate on furthering my craft, and I feel close to my breakthrough."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
"Agreed, while the request is an odd one, I'm just as comfortable with it, as I am without. I do not need to rely on the physical tool to defend myself.. should the need arise." Following the man, Reign took in his surroundings, the structure was nondescript, reminding him of a temple or mausoleum. It was apparent that this was a man who had not been wanting to be found. He would have to be careful in his next steps, to ensure this ended beneficially.

Taking a seat at the table, Reign watched the man as he prepared drinks, the ever present suspicion of poison or some form of deceit present in his mind.
"Refined taste in an unrefined place, I can think of no better contrast" he smiled at the other man and raised his glass taking a drink.

The man got right to it, Reign could appreciate that. He needed to tread lightly here.
"I have a proposition to put to you, you've said that you are taking a break from your duties as a Sith to concentrate on your necromancy, while I can feel and appreciate your power as a Sith Lord, I am here to recruit you for this special skill of yours. I wish to provide you the means to further your work, state of the art facilities and resources, as well as the backing of your fellow Sith. I believe together we can bring great change and order to this galaxy in chaos."

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Nexion took a sip of his drink, savouring the taste, and then swallowed. He looked towards his guest with a look of both interest and amusement.

"Is that so? An interesting proposal, and daring might I say. Might I ask, just who is it that comes to my world, my home, and asks I assist them? Respectful, he may be, but who is it that requests my aid?"

Nexion stood up from his seat, pulling his guest's blade from the door into his grip. He inspected the hilt of the saber before turning back around to his fellow Sith.

"Tell me, who do you believe yourself to be? Answer me that, and I'll know just how to respond to your request."

Nexion didn't miss a beat. His words were sharp, deliberate. He wouldn't help someone without knowing their goal, at the least their angle. He could tell this Sith was younger than him, experienced but not to the same degree he was.

If this was just a Sith trying to climb the ranks, he would know that there were other Sith who are more influential to appeal to. So, why would he desire the abilities of a necromancer.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign did not mind the other Sith inspecting his lightsaber hilt, he had a sense of pride in the durite and electrum plated hilt, seeing the man grasp the leather wrapped handle. In Reign's mind, it was a thing of elegance, something that showed his conviction and personality. The dark lord took a moment before responding to the question. He knew their entire encounter hung in the balance.

"In response to your first question, my name, is Darth Reign. Trained by a Sith lord in exile, my father, from birth. Alongside my brother, we were taught the teachings of the old Sith, but deviated in very important ways, including the strength of our bonds, and the benefits of power shared. Learning not to fight amongst ourselves as the Sith of old did, but to utilize our strengths together to achieve our goals." He hoped the answer would be to the man's liking, Reign was not a traditional Sith, though well versed in the Dark Side.

He thought of the second answer to give, he took a breath and looked directly into the older man's eyes.
"I believe myself and my people to be the answer to the chaos this galaxy faces, this place needs order, control, and peace. And with that, I am determined to achieve this goal by all means available to me, through military might, dark sorcery, beguilement, or other more esoteric means. While my own power is not insubstantial, as I mentioned before, it is the strength of bonds and of power shared among each other, that will drive this galaxy. And I am determined to put us behind the wheel. I care not for individual power, or prestige, only that which it affords. The ability to shape the galaxy and guide it." Reign's voice had taken the timbre of passion and conviction as he responded, there would be no mistaking his resolve.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
"Indeed. Well then, I know just how to respond to your request..."

Nexion led his fellow Sith into a different chamber in his home. It was deeper in the temple-like structure. Upon emerging from the corridor, they arrived at a large chamber, one with scattered debris and slash marks along the walls: a training room. Nexion moved the far end of the room, indicating his guest to remain at the end near the way in.

"I know of your conviction and it is one I'm fascinated by. Now, however, I want to know if you can back up your claims. A goal like yours is useless if you can't back it up with your own actions. You say you understand the strength of shared power, and that's all well and good. But before I can accept your proposal, I want you to prove to me that you can stand on your own two feet. Shared power is useless if you don't have your own power to rely on because otherwise you grow dependant. Show me now and you have my aid."

Nexion threw the saber with the force to his guest's hand. He drew both his own blades and assumed a stance of Form VI.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign followed the older man into what appeared to be a sparring chamber. He had hoped to avoid a duel with the other Sith, with him being older and more experience. Reign knew he would be able to hold his own, at least for a while. But, he was aware of his shortcomings.

"You will find the base of this dream, as my own power, no one else's. I am ready for your test"

As the Sith lord threw his lightsaber, Reign extended his gloved hand and caught it. Eyeing the other man's stance. "Form VI, not a form I'm as familiar with, I need to end this quickly" Reign thought to himself. Igniting his crimson blade, the Dark Lord saluted the other man, he was a gentleman after all, and adopted his form V ready stance.

Circling each other for a moment, Reign thought he spied an opening and, aided by the force, accelerated into an overhand attack. Attempting to overpower his opponent.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Nexion followed the movements of the other Sith and recognised the winding up of an overhead strike. With speed, he sidestepped ever so slightly and positioned his blade so that Reign's own was deflected to the side. Nexion was impressed by both the speed of his movement and the strength he could tell was placed into the strike. He was further impressed by the swift recover made by his fellow Sith.

"Oh and please, don't hesitate or hold back. One would think it'd be dangerous with the risk of death, but I disagree. When faced with death, a person's true face and power are revealed."

It was his turn this time. He charged forward in a burst of speed. A straightforward attack, one would say, until some of the debris in the chamber began to launch towards the bearded man. While that happened, Nexion thrust his left blade, aiming directly for the heart. Nexion felt a grin form on his face. Just what would his opponent do now?

Darth Reign Darth Reign
As Reign recovered, he smiled at the other man. There would be no holding back in this duel, a duel between Sith Lords, even one not intended to kill such as this, would be treated as life and death.

"You're faster than I expected.. good"

Reign caught the movement of the debris out of the corner of his eye, just as he noted the older man lunging in for thrust. Instead of trying to combat both attacks, Reign thrust his hand out, sending a shockwave of force power pushing at the other Sith, leaping out of the way of the debris as it intended to crush him.

Regaining his footing, Reign knew this would be no easy duel.

"That was a dirty trick.. I should have expected it" Reign said with a smile, he had to give the other man credit. Reign was starting to feel outmatched.

The Dark Lord watched the other Sith for a moment, gauging the distance. Coming in from the side Reign launched a flurry of slashes, coming from the diagonal left and following around the body. Utilizing the force to augment his physical strength.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Nexion smirked as he was pushed back through the force. He twisted around, displaying surprising agility as he landed back on his feet, facing his opponent. As his fellow Sith charged at him and launched a flurry of slashes, Nexion's smirk never faded. He began to defekct each strike with precision, as if he'd experienced similar attacks before.

However, even he knew that in terms of pure strength, he'd be quickly outmatched. So, upon seeing an opening, he performed a back-flip while also landing a kick the his opponent's jaw. Upon landing, he noticed his opponent already recovering, he was tough, he must say. He decided to speed up this little spar.

"Perhaps I am being a tad unfair, huh? Well I'll make it a little more even."

He deactivated his left blade and clipped it to his belt. He reassumed a Form VI stance, though this one being more suited for a single blade.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
As Reign recovered from the kick, he spat out a tiny bit of blood. The sight of it reminded him that he wasn’t invincible, while Reign had thought he felt his opponents strength falling slightly, he now realized it may have been a rouse.

Responding to the man’s taunt Reign said
“at your leisure My Lord” and adopted the defense stance of form V.

He would not be caught off guard by a physical strike again. It had been too long since he’d been bled. The anger welling in him.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Once more, Nexion charged towards Reign, obky this time, he went all in. Their two blades clashed together. While Nexion's strikes were precise, purposeful, and deadly, he had to admit that Reign's defence was honed to great heights.

Nexion continued his assault, Reign remaining steadfast in his defence, neither backing down. However, upon felling his opponent's moves slow down, ever so slightly, he cut Reign's arm, causing him to back up.

Taking this opportunity, Nexion sent a trail of purple lightning from his fingertips which made contact with his fellow Sith Lord, sending him to the ground. Despite being on the ground, his saber just out of reach, his opponent was conscious.

"Are we finished, or do you wish to stand back up and fight until your last breath?"

He sent another trail of lightning to zap the already downed, but still not out Sith.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign knew he’d lost, under the overwhelming assault, he could feel his strength slipping. He made one small error and he received a new scar for it.

He was unprepared however for the bout of lightning. He hadn’t been hit directly with force lightning since he trained under his father. Gritting his teeth he responded to the man.
“I know when I am beat, I yield. I knew I was right to seek you out”

Getting his bearings he stood up, dusting off his robes. “thank you for the learning experience Lord..?” Reign realized he didn’t know the man’s name.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Nexion stood back, allowing his opponent to stand back up.

"Nexion. Darth Nexion, a pleasure. As a Sith, I should strike you down for yielding. A sign of weakness, not fighting until death. Yet, your goal intrigued me, and I could benefit off of the resources you provide me."

He force pulled the other Sith's lightsaber to his hand and looked to him.

"But keep in mind: I'm agreeing to work with you, and play your game. However, never mistake that for me working for you."

He threw the hilt down in front of the Sith. Before then leading him back out his home.

"Send word to me when you begin your operation, and I shall be there."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign stood and called his hilt back to his hand.
While he had never expected to make the older Sith subservient to him, an alliance would prove fruitful.

Walking back to his ship he couldn’t help but smile. A painful lesson and a powerful ally. He could feel the power of the Diarchy growing.

He boarded his shuttle and commanded the ensign there “you have to con, take us home. I need to meditate on this newest development”

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