Sanya Val Lerium
Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
The woman stood watch as the new fabrications got loaded onto the Libita along with the new technology she was to test during her journey. With the loss of two facilities in a short space of time she was in desperate need to fill the void. She had purchased several properties and land on different worlds but all required machinery for manufacturing. The credits to afford the much needed expansion had come from her own savings and what little income she was getting spare from the profits, and what was after wage and the running costs. Everything was almost ready and she had enough on board to make three factories operational soon as possible.
There was a set route planned that would take her to the three closest. Elysian, Jelucan And Kinooine. There was a benefit of her choices of location. The cost of fuel would be less to transport all the products to warehouses ready for purchase. As the last of the machines and fabrications had been loaded Sanya made her way through the ship. Many corridors had been blocked off with the floors ripped up. The top floors had already been installed with the wireless droid charging cables. It would make it easy to monitor the astromechs been used to test the new feature. When the feline woman finally reached the command deck she'd grant permission for lift off while she checked through systems.
Everything was running normally. In fact it was running better since it was seeing more activity. Now everything could be handled by crew Sanya ran through messages. She'd noticed the notification earlier but needed to ensure everything was running on time. After reading the message though briefly she began her reply.
To: Admiral Diean
Subject: Fleet Assistance
Dear Diean
I will forward your request for more ships but it may be two or three weeks before we have any available to dispatch. I will be able to reach the coordinates in three days as the libita is already prepared to take off.
If the raiders are aware the ship is local they will retreat hopeful long enough.
Sanya Val Swift
There was a set route planned that would take her to the three closest. Elysian, Jelucan And Kinooine. There was a benefit of her choices of location. The cost of fuel would be less to transport all the products to warehouses ready for purchase. As the last of the machines and fabrications had been loaded Sanya made her way through the ship. Many corridors had been blocked off with the floors ripped up. The top floors had already been installed with the wireless droid charging cables. It would make it easy to monitor the astromechs been used to test the new feature. When the feline woman finally reached the command deck she'd grant permission for lift off while she checked through systems.
Everything was running normally. In fact it was running better since it was seeing more activity. Now everything could be handled by crew Sanya ran through messages. She'd noticed the notification earlier but needed to ensure everything was running on time. After reading the message though briefly she began her reply.
To: Admiral Diean
Subject: Fleet Assistance
Dear Diean
I will forward your request for more ships but it may be two or three weeks before we have any available to dispatch. I will be able to reach the coordinates in three days as the libita is already prepared to take off.
If the raiders are aware the ship is local they will retreat hopeful long enough.
Sanya Val Swift