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Approved Vehicle Pravus-Class Assault Walker

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Manufacturer: The Pact of Apophis
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Width: Average
Height: Large
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large
[Image Source]
  • Terror: When the Parvus-Class Walker advances it creates a terrible screeching sound with every step. The sound is loud enough that it can be heard over a dozen kilometers away on a good day. Research into this sound has found that it makes a specific infrasound frequency that somehow stimulates the flight response in most sentient species. This manifests in feelings of discontent, uncertainty, and heightened irritability that negatively affect long-term morale. Combined with the sight of this unrelenting walker, those of weak will feel a compelling urge to flee before the Pravus-Class has fired its first shot.

  • Main Battery: The Pravus-Class Walker can equip either a Fusion Accelerator Cannon or a Fragor 406mm Howitzer for its main armament. The former is a capital-grade class turbo laser taken from a former warship and designed for knocking out superheavy walkers. The Fragor Howitzer is a horrifically large artillery cannon configured to infantry support with its massive explosive shells capable of knocking down curtain walls and atomizing fortified building blocks.

  • Armor: The Pravus-Class is heavily armored and shielded against almost every single ground threat it can come across. Like the Fusion Accelerator Cannon, its shield module was taken from a derelict Imperial I-class Star Destroyer capable of shrugging off hits from capital-grade turbolasers. Its composite armor was designed specifically to combat turbolasers with sections of armor designed to eject outwards when no longer capable of absorbing heat, preventing the spread of damage. Said holes in the armor can also be automatically sealed to prevent gas attacks and minimize radiation damage.

  • Ease of Manufacturing: The introduction of the Pravus Class has been a blessing to the great forges of Pandemonium. No other walker in the Sith Order can be assembled at the rate and low cost that the Pravus allows. On a fully functioning War Forge fully equipped with parts and skilled laborers, a Pravus can be churned out in less than an hour.

  • Ease of use: The operating controls are so simple and intuitive that it would take barely a week to train an uneducated nerf herder to become adept at operating the walker. Its Fusion Core is designed to run off practically anything flammable. The crew has been observed placing literal woodchips into the fuel tanks when on long-distance missions and yet being able to run the Walker just as well as if they had used high-quality fuel. Mechanics practically get on their knees and worship the Pravus when it enters the motor pool since its parts are commonality and simplicity allows for breezy fix-ups. When a Pravus is knocked out, bringing it back into combat is as easy as hosing off the remains of the crew, wielding up the holes with a durasteel plate, and maybe replacing the reactor. Many a Pravus on the battlefield have been resurrected dozens of times, bearing the same names and a greater hunger for vengeance.

    This means that the Pravus is almost unmatched in its ability to endure in the field during long-term operations.

  • Command and Control: The size of the walker and its power unit allows for advanced communication systems to be mounted. Often Pravus-Class Walkers serve as the headquarters for entire regiments.
  • Frontal Firepower Only: Most of the Pravus-Class anti-vehicle weapons are mounted on its front, and its main gun turret possesses a sluggish traverse speed. This leaves it vulnerable to a swarm of armored vehicles resistant to medium laser cannons charging forward and flanking to reach its main cannons' blind spots. Even though the Pravus is heavily armored, without infantry support it will die a death of a thousand cuts.

  • Weakspots: As with every walker, the Pravus' legs are a major vulnerability. If one is taken off the walker will not fall but will be unable to move. It's shielding is also weaker in the rear. Another major vulnerability is the bottom of its "belly" which is weak to heavy explosives and turbo laser fire directly from below. Since that belly houses the reactor, breaching it will cause a massive detonation.

  • Anti-Air: For a vehicle of its size, the Pravus surprisingly does not mount any anti-air weapons. It's a CC-l44 Laser cannon and Verpine Shatter Guns can fire at air targets but their limited traverse and sensor optics mean that they must rely on sheer weight of fire to bring down an incoming starfighter. This is a deliberate design choice as the Pravus is doctrinally supposed to be accompanied by separate anti-air units. However, take those supporting elements out and you the Pravus is the literal definition of a sitting duck.

  • Infantry Support: Unlike other heavy walkers the Pravus Class cannot carry or deploy riflemen. This deprives the Pravus of the organic infantry coverage that other galactic powers might have their walkers enjoy. Instead, the walker must rely on the close support of infantry from other units which has often led to major co-ordination difficulties with ground troops in the field.

  • Stealth: If you can find a way to conceal Pravus-Class, the Warmaster himself will bow down to you. The Pravus practically paints a big red target on itself for every enemy unit in the combat sector.

Designed in the aftermath of the disastrous defeat of the Pact of Apophis to the elite Hellstompers of the Galactic Alliance on the world of Mirlal, a desperate search began to find a response against the increasing threat of enemy superheavy walkers. Outreach to the Sith order's Triumvirate failed to procure superheavy walkers at a reasonable price forcing the Warmaster to turn to his artisans to create a domestic homegrown variant.

They did not disappoint.

The Pravus-Class Heavy Assault Walker is the Pact's retort to the Alliance's GAAT-5 Sphinx. Recognizing that they could match the Alliance in quality, designers sought quantity. The Alliance's superiority in walkers would not matter if the Pact could deploy the Pravus at a 10 to 1 advantage while being able to keep them in the fight longer due to ease of maintenance. Sheer grinding attrition and non-stop assaults would surely even the playing field in the Pact's favor.

So far field tests have gone exceedingly well with combat deployment expected to be imminent. The Warmaster is so reportedly impressed that he is considering exporting the Pravus.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a Walker for the Pact of Apophis
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Permissions: All Open-Market

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Sith Order, Pact of Apophis
Model: Pravus-Class Assault Walker
Modular: Yes
Material: PGEM/C-0018 Alardite, Impervium, and Duralloy
Movement: Quadrupedal
Armaments: Main Battery:
(1) Fusion Accelerator Cannon or Fragor 406mm L/60 Howitzer Turret
(2) Front Mounted MegaCaliber Six turbolaser cannons
(2) Side-Mounted MG-966 "Hellfire" Class Verpine Shatter Gun Turrets
(2) Side-Mounted CC-L44 Binary Laser Cannon Turrets
(1) Bow-Mounted AE/W-05 "Kopa Khan" Rotary Particle Beam Cannon
(1) Aft-Mounted 220mm Adywan-II heavy mortar
Vehicle Type: Walker
Vehicle Role: Assault
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: High
Top Speed Rating: Low
Braking Power Rating: Very High
Corner Speed Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Low
Acceleration Rating: Low
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 4
Optimal Crew: 16
Passenger Capacity: 6
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge
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