Carn Dista
One beard to rule them all, and in the Jedi bind t

Image Source: Here.
Affiliation: The Galactic Republic
Manufacturer: The Galactic Republic
Model: Dista's Landfall Class Captial Ship
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique (See description at end of post)
Material: (Durasteel etc etc etc will flesh this bit out later)
Classification: Command Ship
Length: 2958 meters.
Width: 3238 meters.
Height: 1755 meters.
Armament Pre Deployment: 0
Armament Post Deployment: 15
Hangar Post Deployment: Four Hangars, one squadron per hangar.
Special Features: The Dista's Landfall class features incredibly heavy armor and shielding before it is deployed on a planet, however, as a result of this prior to its deployment the ship cannot make use of any of its armament. Ergo, in space it is primarily a wrecking ball. On land, however, the armor paneling slides away, and down from the ship, thus turning it into an instant base of operations on a planet.
Maneuverability: 18
Speed Rating: 15
Hyperdrive Class: 10
+ Instant Hello: When the ship makes landfall, it deploys into a base of operations.
+Nasty Surprise: When the ship makes landfall, its occupants can potentially completely deploy within two hours.
+Goliath: This ship is so big that small arms fire is entirely ineffective.
+Wrecking Ball: Despite its slow speed, this ship is so big and heavy that it is effectively a space-steamroller.
-Wrecking Ball: This ship is utterly useless in space outside of very slowly bumping into things.
-One Trick Pony: If anyone manages to find a way to stop this ship making landfall, it becomes nothing more than a floating military base.
-Owchies: Due to the fact that this ship has to essentially crashland onto a planet in a warzone, there's a high potential for casualties before the occupants have even deployed should the pilots find themselves unable to land the ship properly.
-2 Fat 2 Furious: While the ship is invariably a furious machine of war, it is so slow that it takes on average five hours for the ship to get from its hyperspace exit point to touchdown on a planet. Depending on the circumstances surrounding its landing, it could take anywhere from an hour to six hours for the ship to become fully operational upon landing.
Description: Originally thought as an insane and wasteful design, the ever desperate Republic have finally given in and commissioned a semi-unique ship like no other. It's creation was championed by Jedi Master Carn Dista, thus the ship is known as the Dista's Landfall class, this goliath isn't designed for Space combat whatsoever. On the contrary, this ship is designed soley for planetary invasions. While in space, the Dista's Landfall class is about as useless as a chocolate teapot, unless one considers it for ramming tactics while on route to the planets surface. However, this changes the moment the ship hits land - The ship deploys immediately, with the heavy armor sliding down to reveal several hangars, an entrance, and a vicious array of turbolasers and other anti-air batteries. This creates a huge base of operations for the Republic on the world of choice, giving the beleaguered underdogs a holding on a planet to viciously defend. And with a full compliment of three infantry divisions, a mechanized division, and four hangars hosting one squadron of fighters a piece, it's one hell of a holding point. Unfortunately however, due to the ships size, it is both monumentally slow and impossible to retrieve from a planet once it has been deployed. This means that should the Republic ever choose to deploy one of these monumental ships, they will be fully committing to taking and holding that world. Should they fail to do so, the Dista's Landfall can be self destroyed by way of overloading the core and annihilating the ship from within. Naturally, this can only be actioned by the officer in command of the Landfall, and must be approved by Naval Command as a last resort. The officer and any surviving troops within the Landfall are fully expected to remain aboard the ship, in defensive positions around the reactor until the bitter end in this scenario, to ensure that the Landfall's schematics never fall into enemy hands. Also, due to the size of the ship itself, the Republic Navy will only ever have one of them in existence at a time.
Development Thread: [HERE]
Intent: To give the Republic a one-time-only use ship for invasions where the Republic is the attacker, thus making it more difficult for the defending faction to dislodge them from a world.
Who Can Use This: Republic FA approved PC's only.
[Please note that all timescales (hours, specifically) relate to posts, in that one hour = one post.
Also, just to re-iterate, there will only ever be one of these ships in existence at one time, and it is up to the factory admins/site staff to decide if a fresh thread is required for the creation of each one or not.]