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Podrace [Pre-Race: Open] The Dantooine Open - Preparation / Slice of Life

Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine

[ OOC: This is the in-character thread for the roleplay that happens before the Dantooine Open race. It is open to any character. ]

[ OOC: If you are looking for the race thread, the race will be live on FEBRUARY 1, 2025 , at which time dice rolling will also start. ].

The Dantooine Open: Racer Preparation


Pilots: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg | Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Mr. Usher Mr. Usher | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar | Eupheira Besserit Eupheira Besserit
Crew and Helpers: Vera Noble Vera Noble | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Saul Whesai Saul Whesai | Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos

VIPs, Merchants, Media & Others: Ova Ziss Ova Ziss | Serena Harth Serena Harth | Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse | XaraXunia XaraXunia

RP Open to Any Character


Image Credits: HotPot.AI
Objective 1: The Track & The Garage
[ The racetrack roars with the sound of protonic engines and hyperlift, as the swoop racers prepare for the day's biggest event of all: the Dantooine Open Swoop Race. This was the largest swoop racing event in the Tingel Arm, and swoop racing pilots eagerly looked forward to "swooping the whale" to open up the season. It would be the first time that the Diarchy would be sponsoring the race, but it meant that the once small and independent swoop track was flooded with professional-level budgets.

Dantooine Space Station's swoop track had taken a long hiatus during the Life Day break. The maintenance and pit workers took this chance to fix up the track and prepare their sponsor's swoop bike. Those who worked with a pilot knew the track inside and out because of this maintenance work, and they were prepared to help the pilot whom they sponsored. ]

[ Eager swoop pilots, venders, swoop fans, gamblers, VIPs, and media personalities flood into the station. The racing track has been sold out - both VIP boxes AND regular tickets. ]

[ Dantooine's best swoop pilots are encouraged to give an interview to Serena Harth Serena Harth 's camera crew, and to trash-talk other swoop racers they're feuding with! Their opponent might think back to your words during the swoop race, and it could psyche them out! ]


Image Credits: HotPot.AI
Objective 2: Exhibition Area
[ On the outskirts of the race track, there was a humongous exhibition of street vendors, food vendors, and merchants from across the galaxy who were set up in the station's 'Artificial Park'. The "vendor approval committee", composed of Ova Ziss Ova Ziss , Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath , Liin Terallo Liin Terallo and Credius Nargath Credius Nargath , had brought hundreds of different swoop bikes from dozens of different vendors to be represented at the race. The swoops tempt those who want to buy or haggle for one. ]

[ There would be an assortment of wares for sale, of all shapes and sizes. Both vendors and buyers alike are swarming the Exhibition Area. ]

[ Swoop racers might be able to exchange their DFS-100 for another swoop bike, if they can pay or haggle for one. ]


Image Credits: HotPot.AI

Objective 3: Track Betting, Pazaak, Nightclub & Skullduggery

[ Rodian scalpers sold certain black-market at ridiculous prices, and the swoop gangs swore that they could sneak you into the grandstands for a price. ]

[ The Zoltron-run "Cornerstone Club" offered food, drinks, liquor, and deathsticks. It is rumored that you could find underground track betting here. ]

[ There are Pazaak tables here, for those who are inclined to try their luck. ]

[ You light-side types, you get a bad feeling about this place. Perhaps you should stay away. Or, perhaps you'll listen to the criminals and get a drop on them later? ]

[ A company of media reporters and camera people are taking a break here. ]

[ Swoop bike racers might be able to arrange for little...ahem..."accidents" happen on the track, if they can find a shady figure who will sabotage their opponent(s) for them! ]

[ Objective X: Bring your own objective, just don't hurt the station or the people on it. ]
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Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine

Image Credits:

Objective 1: The Track
Location: Diarchy VIP Boxes - Dantooine Open, Dantooine Space Station
Tags: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Lord Dvasius Lord Dvasius | Open

Ova Ziss, the self-styled Governor of Dantooine and a loyal diplomat of the Diarchy, examined the beautiful track that he had commissioned, together with his team of engineers. He was standing in the newly-created VIP section, which faced the third portion of the track: the most difficult leg. The track was sleek; polished down by this material that the engineers called "tar", which helped hold onto antique motorcycles better once it went dry. Ova thought it was kind of old-school, but the engineers insisted this "asphalt speedway" was a tradition for Dantooine's championship swoop races.

This new racetrack was a serious upgrade from what the Dantooine Space Station had experienced before when it came to Swoop Racing and Podracing. Before, the track could only seat a few tens of thousands of people. Now, the grandstands could seat up to a million people. The outer rim of the track, too, had been augmented by temporary residential and commercial platforms just for the weekend's event. "The Cornerclub" nightclub, which was run by a Zoltron friend of Ova, had never seen more business.

Of course, as the opening Swoop Racing Cup of the season, this particular race wasn't going to draw a million people, but it did draw a very respectable crowd of about 300,000.

The racers and the spectators began to enter into the grandstands now: a diverse spectacle of humans, aliens, and whatever's. The event was "sold out" all across the grandstand area, and the VIP boxes were full. That meant that Ova Ziss's special governor box would be filled with other visitors. He hoped that they would be pleasant people, and he hoped that he didn't have to share too much of his liquor.

Ova heard the P.A system ring three times, and then a bodacious female voice called out an announcement.

"Attention Racers: this is your last call before the race. Attention Racers: you have three hours before the race begins."

Ova turned to Diarchs Reign and Rellik, who had just arrived to see the momentous occasion. Ova was determined to see the evolution of Dantooine Space Station from a second-rate "discount shopping platform", to a legitimate intergalactic entertainment experience.

To that end, Diarch Rellik would be racing today as the Diarchy's favored racer. Ova believed that he had come up to the VIP box to get the keys to his DFS-100 swoop bike. Most of the racers hadn't picked up the key to their rental swoops from Ova, so he was excited for an opportunity to meet the people who were making him so many credits, bringing him so much prestige, and creating such an entertaining spectacle.

"This is your big day, Diarch Rellik!" Ova said encouragingly to his friend. He stepped behind him and rubbed his shoulders. "We found you the best racer on the track. And, if anyone messes with your pit crew--" Ova looked at Diarch Reign, who was the outright leader of the Diarchy, and he cackled. "Reign can just fire 'em!"

Ova steps behind the bar, patting the shoulder of the bartender, who looked a little bit uneasy because of Ova walking behind the bar. "How about a little drink to calm your nerves? A snack to calm the tempers? I've got water, I've got soda, I've got whiskey...what would you like, future champ?" Ova waved a bottle of scotch in his direction, and then in the direction of Diarch Reign. The bartender was now very worried.

A newcomer [ Lord Dvasius Lord Dvasius ] stepped into the VIP box vestibule, and Ova shook the scotch at them, too. "Come to root for Rellik too, eh? Come and join the festivities!" Ova puts his fingers under his tongue and whistles loudly, popping open the scotch. He sets down several shot glasses (even if he's the only one drinking!) He serves anyone who asks a drink.

Ova holds his glass high, gesturing to anyone in the vestibule.


Then, he takes a drink, coughing at the strength of the liquor. It was few and far between, the times when Ova got to relax and unwind, and he would enjoy every last minute of it!

The moment Dvasius walked in the room some man he didn't know addressed him. He knew he should came in cloaked in the Force. The Rogue Sith Lord wasn't one to chat at the moment and would say nothing. He'd been on the run, not just for his own life, but eliminating loose ends that lead to his own people as well, trying to find them a home to not just survive, but live. So far it wasn't going so well. He needed friends, something like a proverbial older brother to help him deal with his enemies he couldn't face without an army of his own. He did have a network of assassins that were essentially a military of his own, but they couldn't fight every rival Sith in the Galaxy.

He needed friends, to make allies. The Sith thought maybe the Diarchy would be a good start. They didn't like his former allies either and he heard they'd even be going to fight them soon. From the rumors he'd heard and intel he'd received they were led by two Former Sith, going more the grey route now. He'd prefer true Sith as allies, but traitors on the run couldn't exactly be picky really.

Whoever the man addressing him was offered alcohol, scotch. At the end of the day if he brought work with him and tried to make an alliance with people here or not, he was not physically, but mentally exhausted. He needed a break, to have fun. And he definitely needed a drink. Maybe he could get drunk and watch racers die on the track for a prize not worth enough. He'd have fun or bust... some teeth out of someone's mouth. Dvasius had not been having a good time as late and frankly didn't give a kark.

It was likely that could be seen on his face. His dead, empty eyes and blank face, lacking in any emotion, but hiding a Sith's rage. Anyway. It was time to get drunk and give even less of a kark if he could. He turned toward the man offering shot glasses to anyone and walked toward him and the bar. Dvasius sat down and took three shots in quick succession, "Wanna play a game? Go shot for shot? I'm already ahead. Catch up and see if you maintain standing for long."

The Sith took two more shots and waited for the answer.

Ova Ziss Ova Ziss
Lady Falentra Lady Falentra

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Location: Garage Area
Open to anyone

A pale hand reached out and grabbed a hydrospanner before it went back to its task of getting all the mechanical gremlins out of Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa 's swoop bike. Spare parts were cluttered throughout the garage as Saul tried his best to get the bike in optimal condition for the race tomorrow. Whoever she had chosen to ship this bike to the race had rattled her to pieces on the way here. The android would have to work overnight to get the bike set up right for their rider. He did his usual best to get the bike's engine ready, though his whispering encouragements did turn the heads of the race personnel and passersby alike. "They mistreated you, didn't they... Don't worry, I'm going to make you right as rain." As night had begun to fall, her bike had begun to seem less like a thrown-together pile of parts and more like a racing machine.

Going with a more aerodynamic race package that would supposedly get the most agility out of the bike, he hoped it would give Eleena the edge she needed to win. He only hoped she felt the same when he showed her the bike for the first time.
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Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine

Image Credits:

Objective 1: The Track
Diarchy VIP Boxes - Dantooine Open, Dantooine Space Station
Tags: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Lord Dvasius Lord Dvasius | Open
Lord Dvasius said:
"Wanna play a game? Go shot for shot? I'm already ahead. Catch up and see if you maintain standing for long."

Ova chuckled. He smiled at the man: he liked this guy already! He was young and athletic. He was built like a swoop racer, but then Ova noticed his cybernetic eye (which would be disqualifying in a race). He could have been a Sith, or maybe a Diarch in training.

Oh no. That's right.

This thought reminded Ova of where he was, and in whose company. Ova turned to Diarch Reign and Diarch Rellik. Their expressions seemed uncertain to him. Ova started to remember what Rellik and Reign had told him several times: that he needed to temper his excitable energy. He gestured to the shot glasses and shook his hand dismissively, as if to say "you don't have to". Even though the Master Diarchs - the Sons of Karkus - seemed to be having a good time, Ova hesitated to take the alcohol as he looked at the Diarchs who had given him so much. Ova would be giving an important speech before the swoop race.

Professional. Be professional.

Ova slowly extended his thumb and pointer finger, clasping one of the shot glasses by the middle and giving Lord Dvasius a nod. "We'll have to play those drinking games later. I'll be giving a speech right before we kick off the first lap. " Ova chuckled and held up the glass, honoring the stranger. "This'll be my last shot until after the races start." He swallowed the drink. He shook his head as it went down his gullet. Then, Ova offered a stern, hardy handshake to the stranger. "Ova Ziss, Governor of Dantooine. Welcome to the VIP boxes, Mister...?"

"What do you think about a different sort of game?"
Ova took a seat on a bar-stool and leaned forward. "We all know who's coming in first..." Ova smirked, giving Rellik a pat on the back.. "Let's bet on who is coming in second."

"Which racers do you like, other than Rellik? I like the look of Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris . Ask me why I'm willing to bet on her."

The bartender looked utterly relieved that they weren't continuing to drink, and he slid an aluminum can of soda to Ova and then another to Lord Dvasius. "Go easy there, gentlemen. The races haven't started yet!" He shook his head, smirked, and started preparing cocktails for another table. "Those are free."
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Whottoomuzz loved watching a good swoop race. The underhanded tactics and crashes especially.

He had a VIP booth reserved at the nightclub, decorative leashes linking him to his dancers and his beloved Xoff Chantin Xoff Chantin who was currently ordering a new clutch of Klatooine Paddy Frogs for the table. Well, for whottoomuzz. Xoff did indeed take a liking to the bottle of Parvati Parvati 's black label, and a bottle was ordered for the table, a private bartending droid mixing as appropriate for the dancers and visitors he invited to join him-high rollers with creedo in the bookie business.

A large holoscreen displayed the race coverage over the table, at a comfortable table for the Hutt and their beauties.

Whottoomuzz chuckled the deep snicker that only a Hutt could. Business and pleasure, and a whole lot of credits to be made.

This was really what she liked. Racing, traveling the galaxy, and getting involved in groups that weren't really determined to go to war with one another. Sure, her ships were armed, and she'd done some training in an old N-1 to learn how to pilot in a warzone, but she wasn't a combat pilot. She was a racer and someone who'd have no problem serving as search and rescue, or a blockade runner.

Right now, though, she was taking delivery of the rented swoop bike for the Dantooine race. It meant going over the bike with her droid, as she had a day before the races started. It wasn't that she suspected sabotage, really, who was she? In a race against someone like the Jedi Grandmaster, why would anyone go for someone from one of the Naboo royal houses?

The bike seemed to all be in order, and that was all she needed. Now a day of rest and relaxation, checking out the gathering, and the pre-race festivities.


But when it came to race day? Dani and Mack made their way down to the pit, her bike was still in the stall she rented, locked up, and with a quick glance over, Dani confirmed no one had messed with anything, or if they did? They were being very cautious to replace her small turns on some bolts, so she could know if anything was removed.

"I think this'll be fun, Mack. A big group of folks here, thats true, but… even with Jedi here? I think I'll be fine." And really, she had less to lose than they did." Dani came with a small budget of her own, thanks to the Sato House of Naboo, but really, she came in without a sponsor. Preferred that. If she flew her way? No one would bother her in the long run.

The droid beeped at her and she smiled.

"No, the Pick Up is safe on the station… You can come to the line with me, if you'd like?" She smiled at the droid.

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