Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Prellon Adras

Prellon Adras


Used Garrus Vakarian as his playby because I couldn't find any other Turians who looked like I wanted Prellon to look like. >.>

Name: Prellon Adras
Rank: Captain
Species: Glaucus
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 1,9 Meters / 6'2''
Weight: 68 kg / 150 lbs
Eyes: Cyan blue
Hair: N/A
Skin: Greyish
Force Sensitive: No
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ All of the Glaucus' strengths
+ Good Tactician
+ Pretty good Technician
- All of the Glaucus' weaknesses
- Atrocious at melee combat
- Distrust towards humans
Prellon has a typical Glaucus build, grey skin, blue eyes, some blue face paint and a device attached to the left side of his head. This device is a kind of HUD that shows him all of the relevant combat details, allows him access to a ship’s different systems if he's connected to the ship, wirelessly or with wires.
Born on some space station in the middle of nowhere, life for Prellon wasn't always very easy. He had to help his parents out by often working after he came back from school and earning money for them. He did so for many years, until he turned eighteen. He had saved up some money for himself and his parents, because at that age he left the space station he had lived on for eighteen years, leaving behind some money for his parents, about as much as he would've made in a year and he kept the rest for himself. He wanted to see more of the Galaxy, so he went to the Republic Navy. There, he quickly rose in ranks and one day got command of his own ship. The ship was called the 'Crimson Star'. It was just a smaller frigate, but Prellon made good use of it. He participated in a couple smaller space battles, nothing big. One day, he got framed for murder by a xenophobic officer aboard his ship. This ended his career pretty quickly. He spent one or two years in Republic prison, but then, while he was moved to a different prison, the convoy got attacked by pirates. He of course joined them instead of being killed and after a time, when he got their trust, they made him captain of a small ship. He 'served' with them for a couple months until the band of pirates got destroyed and he fled the battle with his ship. The crew of the ship was loyal to him, since he had proven to be a good captain, so they made no objections when he decided to leave the pirates behind. He’s now somewhere on some planet, drinking and having fun with his men.

- Stolen Ardent-Class Frigate with pirate markings​

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