Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Preparing Panatha

Being a Princess was honestly overrated. It wasn't all frolicking in meadows while waiting for Prince charming, who by the way, doesn't exist. There was so much more politics involved then the average fairytale stated. Lots of boring meetings, waiting around, signing piles of papers, and dealing with troublesome villagers. Things were even more tedious once one became a Queen. Unfortunately, that was the destiny that awaited Erith Shadowcaller. And she'd do almost anything to avoid it.
Plans were already underway to remove her as heir. Without her death, of course. But in the meantime the princess was stuck doing what she hated. Today was just another day to her, and she was waiting for just another person to arrive for what she thought would be just another meeting. Panatha may be home to a powerful race, but they were behind with today's technology. And though Erith hated most of her duties, she did care for the Epicanthix people. So she was going to speak to several company representatives, and arrange for weapons and ships to be bought. Leaving her home defenseless was not something she wanted to do.
A small council chamber had been prepared for one merchant's arrival. Datapads laid on the table, while a device in the center was ready to display any presentations. Food was supplied, mostly an assortment of local fruits and wines. Servants had cooked other dishes as well if any wished to have a full meal. Another room was ready to be slept in, if the visitor wished to stay the night. Let it never be said that Panatha treated guests with anything less then the utmost care.
"Mistress Erith, Circe Savan has arrived. Shall I let her in?" One of the maids had entered the chamber, speaking in a quiet, respective tone. She was one of many that served in the citadel. Another pawn of the royals, used for fetching things and people. As the rest of the servants were, she wore a simple black and white outfit that covered most of the girl's body. Unlike many others the Shadowcaller family let their underlings dress like proper people, and not prostitutes.
"Yes. Now go," Erith replied, turning to face the girl. Though her voice was commanding, her features were soft. Erith did not take pleasure from bossing everyone around. With a nod the servant left, going to escort Circe from the landing pad to the meeting room. Meanwhile the princess took a seat and absentmindedly placed her left hand over the scar on her right shoulder. One of the last business discussions had turned out to be an assassination attempt, and part of her couldn't help but worry. She had killed the attacker with ease, but he had used the element of surprise... Most of her wounds were healing well.
But she was being more careful then ever, and treated each guest as if they could be trying to end her. No guards would stay with her though. Epicanthix were warriors. Their princess would not be seen hiding behind those that worked for her. Instead she kept a blade at her hip, and her staff nearby at all times. One could never be to cautious.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Yvorre's armor had been entirely sandblasted, completely colorless as Circe wore it underneath the Sith robes her attire currently comprised. Panatha was a planet that was very close to both Kara and Kaine, and as of right now, the Sith Lord had been keeping his lustful eye on the planet, craving it and desiring it. Of course, considering he was an "Epicanthix superior, other races inferior" sort of person, it was pretty easy to see he had plans for the planet - non-violent ones, of course - and as a boon to herself, Circe intended to gift Kaine's homeworld with the finest military materials that Subach-Innes could sell, a present of sorts for her use of Kara and her acquisition of Leviathan Industries' old Imperium factories.

If @[member="Erith Shadowcaller"] looked anything like Kara or other attractive Epicanthix women, this would be quite an interesting meetup.
Two servants would arrive to escort Circe, one offering her a drink while the other was ready to take an overcoat or cloak. Both otherwise remained quiet, and would stay that way when they led the woman down twisting corridors. The citadel was quite large, and one could get lost if not accompanied or used to the layout. Luckily for the Subach-Innes representative the meeting chamber was merely half a minutes walk from the landing pad.
When they arrived, the servants nodded and left, leaving the guest alone with Erith. The princess stood up once more, taking a step closer to the visitor. Her features turned up into a polite smile in an attempt to hide the fact she wasn't terribly pleased. It wasn't Circe that unnerved her, no, not even close. More of the whole fact that they even had to meet. The current King and Queen could not be bothered with what they thought was a trivial matter. So of course the duty was passed on to their child.
"Welcome to Panatha Ms. Savan. Please, take a seat." Erith tried to keep her voice neutral, not wanting to even give a hint of emotion. Instead it came out a little soft, almost a tad worried. Mentally the princess cursed, and it took a lot not to flinch. Taking a deep breath she motioned for her guest to sit down before doing so herself. The movement rustled her clothing, revealing another, but older scar. Fabric moved again as she sat, covering it once more. But if Circe had caught a glimpse, she'd notice the boldness of it. See the way it was raised above the rest of the skin,even if only so slightly. It hadn't been a kind wound.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I know the feeling." An offhanded comment, but if she'd noticed, @[member="Erith Shadowcaller"] would've understood her reference to being scarred in such a horrible way. And, well... Circe had lost a previous body to much more damage than Erith had evidently experienced. Thus, it was no surprise that the former understood the latter.

"So, from what we discussed via holomessage, I have the ordinance, and you have the money. Shall we get down to business, or do you have any specific questions pertaining to the craft I have available for sale?"
"I know the feeling."
For a second Erith just tensed up, surprised by the words. Then she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Not many spoke to the princess unless what they said was directly linked to the conversation. Even fewer ever attempted to connect with her, or even act like she was anything more then a boss. Both of the girl's parents treated her more like an acquaintance then family. It took another moment before Erith nodded in reply, seeming at ease with Circe's statement. Her left hand once more stroked a scar, this one on her right hand.
"So, from what we discussed via holomessage, I have the ordinance, and you have the money. Shall we get down to business, or do you have any specific questions pertaining to the craft I have available for sale?" Circe asked.
Quietly Erith brought a glass of wine to her lips and took a sip. Meanwhile she thought over what her guest had said, and thinking of anything that Panatha would need after she left. No questions came to mind, so she set the glass down and went to reply. This time her voice was louder, more confident. A tone acceptable for the princess of Panatha.
"Getting straight to it would be best. Though if you require or want anything, just ask. The servants here will treat you as if you were royalty yourself. I recommend the red wine. Unless you wish to keep a completely clear head, that is." A smirk played onto her lips, followed by a light chuckle. Knowing they had both gone through their share of pain had let her ease up some.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Let's bring the drinks out, shall we? I could use a glass or two to brighten my spirits." Circe gave a soft smile as she worked on moving forward with this deal that the Sith-based manufacturing facilities of Subach-Innes could manufacture. Business was business, after all. "So, unless I'm mistaken, our order comprised some Adara-class Corvettes, Detritus-class Bombers, and Eightgun-class Fighters, right? Or do you want to add or subtract something?"

After all, business was as full of curves as a pregnant woman.

@[member="Erith Shadowcaller"]
With a grin Erith nodded and reached for a bottle of wine. There was already a glass for Circe on the table, though it was annoyingly empty. A simple snap of the wrist was all it took to remove the bottle's cap. Placing the container on the table, the princess let her guest decide how much she wanted. While the latter continued talking Erith turned on her datapad, wishing to see how much she was allowed to spend. It was a good amount, enough to buy the order... and potentially a little more. There was simply the issue of whether Panatha wished to purchase more goods from another merchant, or spend what remained on Subach-Innes and their wares.
The decision would not be the princess'. Likely her father or one of the financial advisers would take over. Erith was mainly there to talk, and make the planet seem more sociable.
"I believe that was it. For now we'll stick with those. I'd have to speak to father to see about adding anything." The way she said the word 'father' made it clear they weren't on the best terms. But the moment of stress passed, and she took another sip of wine, gaze glued to Circe.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
The glass that came to her was filled to the brim with luscious red wine. Taking a soft sniff to inhale the rich aroma of the alcoholic drink, she brought it to her lips... and drank the entire glass in a second and a half. "That was good... more wine, please." As a plant, she was immune to the effects of alcohol, though she did have only a modest tolerance for liquified sugar. The Epicanthix princess across from her, however, would begin to wear down. Circe only wanted to toy around with her a bit.

No reason to get shot.

@[member="Erith Shadowcaller"]
Erith had to admit, she was impressed by how quickly Circe had downed the wine. Skill in combat wasn't the only thing Epicanthix appreciated. Being able to hold one's drink, well, that was another thing they often looked for in friends and allies. Not to be outdone, the princess downed her own glass before pouring them both some more. A smirk played onto her lips as she waited to she what Circe would do next.
"I see you like your wine. Good, we have plenty here." Erith said, gesturing to the several other bottles the servants had prepared. She doubted they'd finish them all, of course. But it was good to be overly-ready for anything.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Shall we?" The glass was finished a second time, almost a challenge to the other woman. Circe could drink this woman under the table, potentially put her in more of the bargaining mood. After all,while she was far from her own planetary position, she was still a Falleen princess in spirit. And she would use that to her advantage significantly.

"So, tell me about yourself, Erith. I'd like to know more about you."

@[member="Erith Shadowcaller"]
Respect was gained once more. Whoever this Circe person was, besides the obvious piece of running Subach, she was not one to be careless with. The princess decided she'd much rather have the woman as an ally then just a business partner. Not just for Panatha, but for herself. So with another grin she downed her second glass of wine before pouring them both another round. This would be an interesting meeting, that was guaranteed.
"What would you like to know? There's really not much to say. 3/4 Epicanthix, 1/4 Hapan. Single heir to the throne. I'm sure you're much more interesting then I am..." Erith answered, hinting that she wished to know more about her companion as well. While waiting for a response she finished her third serving of the drink, chuckling slightly as she did. The wine was yet to affect her... though it likely would soon.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I suppose I'll be frank about my past. Falleen princess-turned-slave, took over Subach-Innes and ran it exceptionally well, married Alli Wren, was about to divorce her when she killed me. Brought back to life by a now-dead Sith, exposed the Omega Protectorate leadership as a group of liars over my role in the Ewok Genocide RC 212 perpetrated, and regained a position of leadership in Subach, running all Sith-based facilities."

A third serving of wine went down the woman's throat. Gently, she took the bottle, intending to give herself another glass, but she instead brought it to her lips and took a long swig. "Mmm..."

@[member="Erith Shadowcaller"]
Despite all the effort put into stopping it, a gasp left Erith's mouth. The grin she had been wearing transformed into a tight-lipped frown, complimented by the sadness expressed in her eyes. Bowing her head ever so slightly the princess stayed silent for a moment, thinking over what her companion had just said. When she finally recovered she found herself holding a second bottle of wine, seeing as the first was now in Circe's hands. With a flick she opened it and took a sip.
"My apologies, that sounds... rough. You'll have to forgive me for admiring you for it though. So much pain, so many scars, and still walking. You would have made a wondrous Epicanthix. Far better then I have been, surely..." Erith said, trailing off at the end. For a moment she stared out the window, watching her home planet breathe. Watching as the wind brushed up against trees, pushing and pulling on them. Roots were deep, and made the giants to tall to be knocked over so easily. It brought a smile to Erith's lips, and let her relax a little more. "I doubt I'll ever be able to tell a tale anywhere close to yours. For nineteen years I've been princess of Panatha. Nineteen years spent well, learning how to lead and learning how to fight. Staying inside the citadel for most of that time. Each second spent outside was one spent in danger. The people of this planet do not think highly of me yet... and won't until I've fought many battles and came out on top. Any time I walk among them I get challenged. There have been many times where I am left broken and beaten, having to recover for weeks here. You've faced far worse, I imagine. Oh, how I'd love to be free of this place..." Erith continued, chuckling quietly.
Turning back to her guest she muttered a cheers and drank more from the bottle. A sad smile replaced the frown, completing a picture. Sad eyes, sunken features. Lack of sleep, thoughts turning into demons. Circe may notice the way Erith held herself, the way she clung onto the bottle with such desperation. It wasn't the first time the girl had drank so much in so little time. Wasn't the fist occasion where she was stuck thinking in circles.
But it was the first time she was with someone who she knew understood.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Funny enough... I have, shall we say, good relations with a certain Epicanthix by the name of Kaine Zambrano. As well, one of his compatriots is also of your species, and quite delectable as well." She gave a sultry laugh, drinking more from the bottle. Then @[member="Erith Shadowcaller"] mentioned battles and...

"Battles? Well... You want away from here to fight battles. I just so happen to know someone who'd love to work with you on that sort of thing. Me. In fact, there's definitely a lot you can do for me, Erith... A lot more than simply being a representative."

The bottle was finished, and another was on its way to Circe's lips. Boy, could she down the booze. If Erith started to look too drunk, though, Circe would take the woman to her ship and help detoxify her system.
More wine found its way into the girl's system. Soon she'd have to stop, or she might get to out of it... among other things. For now it fogged Erith's judgement, and left her a little more moody then usual. Perhaps that's why she felt like immediately accepting Circe's offer. Just getting up and leaving the citadel, storming off to fight like she had never fought before. But something urged her to think twice. Let a more... sober mind make the decision.
"Kaine Zambrano? Sounds familiar. He might have come up in a political meeting a few months back. Made enemies with an ally of Panatha. But that 'ally' wanted us to pay for his deeds. The story made Kaine sound very impressive, so we killed the bumbling fool who wanted him dead. We didn't suffer much repercussion...." Erith said, remembering the encounter. It was unlikely that Kain had heard of what had happened. The man had many enemies. It would make little difference if one of the weaker ones was cut down. "Leaving this hellhole sounds nice. Don't let my father know, but I'd trade my weapons for farming tools if it meant getting away from here... It's not that bad, but being royalty just isn't for me. What exactly would working with you mean? And I'd have to make sure there would be someone suitable to take over the throne in my absence. With father being so sick and-"
It was the alcohol. Had to be. That was classified information. No one outside the royal family and its caretakers were supposed to know the King was dying. Erith visibly flinched as she let the words slip. Now it was to late to take it back. To late to prevent that knowledge from escaping. Letting out a sigh the princess went to take another gulp of her drink, wanting to wash away the disappointment.
"The King is dying Circe. All these meetings? Just part of preparing Panatha. I am not ready to take over this world. But I cannot leave yet. Not until someone has been chosen to take my place."
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Perhaps I can help you with your issues."

Circe took another bottle and utterly drained it, the liquid finding itself flowing soothingly down her throat. "Kaine is, for better lack of term, a speciesist. Not in the way that he's bigoted against certain species, no, but a way that he desires the utmost security of the Epicanthix race, including their homeworld. Help me install him as head of his kind's homeworld, and I will grant you the gift you desire - freedom. I have a planet in the Unknown Regions, wild and untamed. A place you can help me develop - and an empire to build."

She continued to drink, waiting for more of the alcohol to take effect on the princess.

@[member="Erith Shadowcaller"]
Circe's offer was becoming more and more likeable. It would soon be impossible to refuse. But perhaps that was just the wine talking, which Erith seemed to be drinking more and more of. It was fogging her thoughts even more then before, and the princess had started to get a light headache. Nothing she wasn't used to. Still it pushed things in Circe's favor... For a moment the realization that the older woman could have intended that dawned on her. And then another sip of wine slipped down her throat, and the thought was lost.
"I could kiss you! Kaine is, from what I hear, more then capable of leading this planet. Father will be gone soon, and mother is in no condition to lead. Nor would the people of Panatha accept her as their sole leader. Though my family would be upset, what you propose would work out well... But perhaps I should wait until I'm fully sober, and know more of this Kaine to make a decision..." Erith replied, grinning once more. What she had said was true. A large part of her did indeed wish to kiss her companion. Likely part of it was the wine. Though even without the alcohol in her system the princess would have felt indebted to the woman across from her. Finally her chance at freedom had arrived.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"You're right. You should sober up before making a decision of such planet-altering magnitude. But until then... You said you could kiss me. Care to take me up on that offer?" She took a last sip of red wine, letting it soak on her lips for a moment before stood up and stepped around the table. "There's lots to be done, Erith. And you're too stressed to do it right now... Perhaps we should have some fun, relax and soothe the tension."

She cautiously smiled, running a gentle finger up @[member="Erith Shadowcaller"]'s neck to the underside of her chin.

"Shall we?"
Relax... Have some fun... It sounded so nice. To just let go for a moment or two. When Circe came close, Erith couldn't help but blush slightly. Canines bit down lightly on the princess' lower lip for a moment. Then they released, allowing her tongue to lightly lick her lips. Wine, definitely the wine. Or maybe not... Erith didn't bother trying to figure out what made her so attracted to her companion. Instead she nodded and tried to stutter out a few words.
"T-that would be... amazing," she mumbled, blush growing in size. Instinctively the girl moved to pull Circe closer. A smirk played onto her lips as she mentally prepared herself for what was to come. In the back of her mind she made a mental note to look at the door every once in a while. Wouldn't want a servant to see anything... inappropriate.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Slowly, cautiously, Circe brought her arms around the Epicanthix woman. "Don't worry, this will be most enjoyable. It's one of my hidden talents, shall we say..."

And indeed it was.


Circe wiped her head. How long had she been resting? Sitting up, she found herself in an unfamiliar location - maybe the alcohol had affected her and finally worn off. Looking around, she finally realized where she was.

The Princess's bedroom.


@[member="Erith Shadowcaller"]

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