Professor of Alchemy
In light of recent disagreements arising between the Sith and the Mandalorians, Valik decided he would quit making ways to deal with Jedi and begin focusing on ways to make the Mandalorians fear his technology. But how? A Mandalorian in some good armor was nearly impervious. Beskar was simply the strongest metal in the Galaxy, boasting amazing resistance to blaster fire, slug and melee weapons, and lightsabers. Don't focus on the strengths, find a weakness. Valik thought to himself to try to stay on course. Beskar was rare, most normal troops wouldn't have a full or pure set of armor, still, impenetrable soldiers were a problem no matter what their frequency.
Stop focusing on it's strength. Find a weakness. Valik prodded himself to think more constructively. Weaknesses, weaknesses, weight. Beskar, especially pure beskar not made into the molecular cage structure with Carbon. Weight then, but how to manipulate it. Most mandalorians almost always wore their armor, so they were used to dealing with the weight. If there were a way to increase it however, perhaps Valik could get somewhere . . .
Stop focusing on it's strength. Find a weakness. Valik prodded himself to think more constructively. Weaknesses, weaknesses, weight. Beskar, especially pure beskar not made into the molecular cage structure with Carbon. Weight then, but how to manipulate it. Most mandalorians almost always wore their armor, so they were used to dealing with the weight. If there were a way to increase it however, perhaps Valik could get somewhere . . .