Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Preparing to Down size

Well-Known Member
Okay, so I have more characters than I can handle, and maintain without spending literally hours on end roleplaying when I should be doing other things. Thus I have concocted a plan. I'm going to go on a killing spree, but instead of it being on my enemies, it'll be on my characters.

First on the agenda, is Ol' Fatso, Darth Voracitos. To be honest, I never really liked this character, and I only made him in exchange for a person to make a character for my faction back when the Sith Empire was young, weak, sparsely filled, and under "rule" by someone else. I feel that he was poorly made, and I don't think I give the title of Master any honor what so ever. Thus, when that coup starts up planning on killing Emperor Moridin, I'll be on the list no doubt to be eliminated, or at least he'd be one of the first to attempt to defend him, as he is apparently, most profitable. And change is not profitable. That is where I plan his death. I'll attempt to finish out the role play he is currently involved in, though I will be honest and say that I don't think he has the "stuff" for it.

Second, I hate to say it, I think I'm going to get rid of Silver Sentinel. He has limited use to me roleplaying, and he has served a purpose of at least acknowledging that the Resu are there, and some diplomacy was made that established a bit of background to any future characters (oh god I hope so!) playing a Resu; as in ships traversing the Galaxy for trade and carrying stowaway exiles who become warriors of scientists to other factions (Iron Giant comes to mind). How I will kill him off I don't know, I might just keep him inactive in case more diplomacy be needed.

Third, is the Meta. I think most of the people know why he is on the hit list, as he is a relic of my days of attempting to mesh Star Wars with other things. I feel bad though, as I've made the Project Freelancers factions all because of him, but I'm not so sure it'd be practical to be using him at all. I've made him a bit of technology, but I might edit it to give it to someone else, (I can do that right?).

Lastly, is Shaper Haru. I'm not sure if the faction is going to survive, and it really saddens me. I REALLY want it to succeed but it just isn't. No one is picking up speed, and in fact the only person who's bothered with it is Morna. But that might be more my fault than anything. I guess I just don't know how to be a leader yet. I don't know how to keep people involved. If it does somehow turn up then I will really be happy. But if he sits on the shelf more than I'm afraid I'll have to disband the faction, or just delete this character.

I'm not sure if I'm in a slow month with Kyr or not, but I just haven't been able to do him justice this past month. I hope that isn't an indicator that I've already over used him. I plan to keep 100% of the time MAD, Jhar, and Iron Giant. Jhar is very developed, and I don't think I could ever delete him, however, I plan for MAD to take over as my main, and Iron Giant is going to be WICKED cool once I get her moving.

So yeah, that's my plan. Are there any takers as to who wants to kill who? I'm interested if anyone would like to claim one of the first deaths on this site (via another PC). Also, if this is happening I'd very much support the idea of a character graveyard in the Archives.
You have to do as situations demand, unfortunately. I just hope this 'house clearing' will help free up your time and place less stress on your efforts.
Well-Known Member
Really? I guess I just don't understand what people like about him. You're not the only one to tell me to keep him.
Dude, he's a fat, decadent Sith who has a massive ego. What is not to love? Unlike the plethora of silly Sith out there that basically are different shades of the same color, he was a standout. Loved him. Hilarious character but was a fun different kind of evil.
That's true, but he's a hard character to write, I'd imagine, particularly when many of the Sith he's surrounded by are so quick to pounce on any sign of weakness. That level of self-indulgence obviously wouldn't be looked upon well by the others, so it would only be a matter of time before someone tried to slice open that ample gut and remove him, either as an embarrassment to their view of Sith ideology, or simply as another stepping stone on the way to power. He's the obvious choice of target if you want to topple a Sith Lord.
Well-Known Member
He is honestly, very difficult to write personally. But I haven't experienced those reasons quite yet. The main reason why he is so difficult for me, is that like you said, all those Sith are so ready to act. That isn't Voracitos, and it is very hard to get him involved. Perhaps I should focus on him more, but it's going to be difficult in finding something suitable to be an active part of the Sith Order.
Well-Known Member
Lol, okay :p

I'd actually might consider that option. He is after all, supposed to be a small time crime lord with business on Nar Shadaa. Perhaps I could take my Slave army and become a Rogue Sith in search of better profit. The Emperor would have to be SERIOUSLY in danger of becoming an unprofitable source of income though.

I know you do Kaine :p

@[member="Katarine Ryiah"] @[member="Shaper Haru"]

Is interested in making a Shaper of Kro var as her main char!

She's a new writer from another board, You'll see her hi thread in the "new members" deal under "Umm"

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

He'd be a massive statue.

I kinda want to make a Shaper of Kro Var, but I feel as though it's not the kind of character I write for. I write villains. Even if they start as heroes, they'll end up evil.
Well-Known Member
That's fine, the Shapers traditionally use the dark side anyways.

Skye Mertaal said:
HEY HON!! @[member="Katarine Ryiah"] @[member="Shaper Haru"] Is interested in making a Shaper of Kro var as her main char! She's a new writer from another board, You'll see her hi thread in the "new members" deal under "Umm"
And Oh my god! I think I love this person and I don't even know them yet!
Starts taking bets that Jhar will soon give birth to a whole bunch of new characters.......minimum of a 100 credits a pop and no I do not accept hugs as bets.

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