Targon Paramithian
President of the Galactic Republic University
NAME: Targon Paramithian
FACTION: The Galactic Republic University
RANK: President
SPECIES: Unknown (Yoda's species)
AGE: Unknown, at least 800
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 0.7 meters
WEIGHT: 17 kilograms
EYES: Light Blue
HAIR: Black, graying
SKIN: Pale Green
-Galactic Basic Standard
-High Galactic
-Shyriiwook (cannot speak)
-High Sith (cannot speak)
-Binary (cannot speak)
✭ Genius-Level Intellect
Targon has devoted his life to the pursuit of knowledge and has always had a natural gift for quickly learning new things. As a result, he has become one of the most intelligent organic beings in the galaxy. Even at his current age he continues to pursue new information on a variety of unique subjects.
✭ Eidetic Memory
Targon discovered early in life that he has a natural ability to recall any experience or piece of information he has ever encountered. This is one of the many reasons for his enhanced intelligence and mastery of several alien languages.
✭ Indomitable Will
Targon has developed complete mastery over his will through long years of study and discipline. As a result he is immune to subversive methods of persuasion and coercion, including Force techniques meant to influence someone's mind. He is also highly resistant to illusions.
✭ Diplomatic Immunity
Targon, while loyal to the ideals of democracy and freedom, has effectively severed all affiliation with a particular belief system. He communes with all peoples of the galaxy and openly welcomes their contributions. As a result he does not carry the same stigma that hinders the operations of other residents of the Republic and has frequently been known to travel to and work with the people of the One Sith.
✭ Staunch Neutrality
Because of his belief in the supremacy of knowledge, Targon has always refused the demands of various factions to act in a way that places more favor in one or the other. He will go to any length to maintain the neutrality of the University in the face of war and political turmoil. This has long been seen as a hindrance to the Republic's struggle against the One Sith.
✭ Massive Mistakes
Targon has long maintained that because of his relatively superior intellect, his mistakes are proportionally larger than those with less learning. He enjoys taking risks in the pursuit of knowledge and this has occasionally led to disastrous results.
✭ Cryptic
Targon believes that speech is an art form and is given to extensive metaphors and cryptic communications. He is rarely upfront or succinct unless teaching and this leads to confusion and misunderstanding among his staff.
Targon is a diminutive creature, standing only .7 meters high and weighing only 17 kilograms, but for those who notice him, he has a very kind face and thoughtful blue eyes. Like most of his species his skin is pale green and he has abnormally large ears. He is balding, but retains a good deal of graying black hair on top of his head. His resting face is a pleasant smile, framed by centuries of smile lines that give him the appearance of a kindly old grandfather.
He frequently wears elaborate academic robes that give him the appearance of a powerful old wizard and frequently wears the a sparkling chain of office that denotes his high rank. At most official functions he couples his attire with a plushy tassled cap unique to his position as President. Due to his advanced age he has become quite frail in recent years and has taken to using a cane, roughly half his height, it is black and crowned by a silver cylinder with the seal of the University stamped on it.
Targon is kind, patient, thoughtful, and wise. He cares deeply for the University, its faculty, and its students, giving to them his complete devotion. To this end he makes himself available to anyone who makes the long trek up to his office and has been known to spend the majority of his time meeting with concerned professors and students.
He believes firmly that knowledge is the great equalizer and strives to bring learning to all corners of the Galaxy in the hopes of one day bringing an end to the need for violence. To this end he has sat across tables from Sith Lords, Mandolorian Chieftains, Hutt Crime Lords, Jedi Masters, and has even treated with the Yuuzhan Vong. To all, he extends his hand of friendship and readily welcomes to the University, any who is willing to learn.
His kindness and generosity are not without their limits though. He does not abide those who seek knowledge in the pursuit of power and will not aid those who come to him with ill intent. Thus, he refuses to allow the Republic to use University technology and facilities to create weapons and forbids the Sith from inquiring about things that could help them enslave or destroy. While he believes in second chances and has forgiven trespassers who show genuine remorse, there are those who have earned themselves life-long exile from the University and his very presence for their crimes.
Targon's origin is unknown and he infrequently mentions his childhood to anyone. For the ancient University President, history begins in the far reaches of the Galaxy, beyond the reach of the Empire or the Rebellion, where an old Force Master (for he was not a Jedi) took Targon under his tutelage and trained him in the art of the Force. This education did not consist of swinging a lightsaber, but was an enlightenment to the pervasive nature of the Force in all living things. His Master taught him the value of life and instructed him in the art of connecting to the Living Force on the most intimate levels.
Targon remained in the service of his Master for many years until his natural expiration in his old age. It was only then, several years after the downfall of the Empire, that he set out across the galaxy in search of greater understanding. For many decades he traveled the galaxy, meeting new people, uncovering ancient knowledge, and training under many learned scholars. It wasn't until he was nearly 50 years of age that he came to Coruscant and enrolled in the University there.
At the University he devoted his time to studying in the Cardinal College of Celestials, specifically Interspecies Anatomy. In this he achieved his doctorate, writing an extensive dissertation on midi-chlorians and their connection to the ability of some to harness the Force. Before he released his findings he allowed members of the Jedi Order and several academic colleagues to review his research and was met with almost universal praise. However, there were rumors that he had uncovered a scientific formula that could artificially enhance or disable Force sensitivity through midi-chlorian manipulation. Under the cover of nightfall, his research was stolen and destroyed.
While he was still recognized for his work and conferred high honors by the University, he never endeavored to recreate his findings and refused to disclose his knowledge on the subject. Still, he was elevated to the position of an Associate Professor, though he abandoned the field of Anatomy and instead taught Biology. During this time he also pursued degrees in the two additional Cardinal Subjects: Thought and Justice, focusing on Galactic History and Diplomacy.
At the young age (for his species anyway) of 76 he was elevated to the role of Provost of Celestials and in this capacity he oversaw the Cardinal College of Celestials for twenty years, earning his Doctorate in all of the Cardinal Colleges. Being recognized as one of the brightest and most beloved faculty members of the University, it was no surprise when he was asked by the Board of Governors to serve as Acting-President after the sudden passing of their former Administrator. At first he declined the offer, loving too well, working with students and teaching. However, at the behest of his colleagues he reluctantly accepted the position, but made clear he did not intend to stay long.
Weeks became months and months became years and under his administration the University was renamed and re-branded. Corruption in the administrative halls of the university was rooted out, under performing faculty were dismissed, and discriminatory policies within the admissions department were eradicated. The Galactic Republic University became a beacon of wisdom to the entire galaxy and student flooded to Coruscant from across the stars to vie for the opportunity to study at the prestigious school. Meanwhile, the Board cleverly delayed the selection of a permanent President in the hope of forcing Targon to remain the in position indefinitely.
To the great relief of many, ten years after his temporary appointment, Targon relented and submitted a letter of intent to the Board of Governors stating that he wished to remain the President of the University. With it, however, came several demands including the expansion of his executive authority over the operations of the college, a full vote on the Board, and discontinued assistance in the field of military research for the Republic, all of which were granted unanimously. A week later, Targon was confirmed as University President.
For almost 700 years Targon oversaw the rapid rise in prestige and respect that was afforded to GRU by the rest of the galaxy and even though he stepped on several toes in his effort to remain non-political organization (though the university remains subordinate to the Republic,) he refused to compromise his morals. He has been called upon by many great leaders to act as advisor, confidant, and ambassador, and has championed many rights issues as a staunch advocate of equality of all sentient beings.
In recent years he has had to make many tough decisions that forever changed the face of GRU. When Coruscant was sacked by the One Sith, they had to decide whether to remain and hope that they would be granted autonomy from Sith dominion, or abandon their ancient headquarters in favor of more hospitable location. The University remained on Coruscant for weeks after the invasion with the school on high security lock down, its students secured in their dorms, while Targon held conference with Sith and Republic leaders. In the end, the Board voted to relocate with the Republic and Targon negotiated the peaceful evacuation of the university.
For many years, the University was hosted by a number of make-shift facilities on a number of planets while Targon worked to secure funding for a new, permanent home. As the Republic finally decided on Onderon, he secured donations from the Banking Clan and several powerful planetary governments and construction began on the new facility which was just recently declared complete. Today, Targon continues as the guiding hand that steers the university and continues to fight for the cause of knowledge.
Credit to Momma the Hutt for the template