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Approved NPC Presin the Oswaft

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“The constellation ‘The Great Manta’, visible from Yavin IV, was named after me, just no one remembers. But it’s okay, now you know!”
-Doctor Magna Ducissa Admiral Prisencolinensinainciusol, PhD, Esq.

  • Intent: To sub a unique and interesting being to use as an NPC in a variety of roleplays- and to resist making a new PC.

  • ​Image Credit: Ethernal Manta Ray, Martin Hyke, ArtStation

  • Role: Distributer of INFORMATION

  • Links: N/A

  • Age: Claimed: Over 1000 years! (How do *you* know? Were you *there*? Of course not) Actual: 103

  • Force Sensitivity: Claimed: Varies. Actual: Non-Force User

  • Species: Oswaft

  • Appearance: Prisen is an Oswaft: a giant space manta ray. Prisen is small for their species, less than 400m across and they are very self conscious of this fact. With their transparent body they can be difficult to see in space unless someone knows where to look- but don’t worry, Prisen will make themselves known as soon as someone needs something (or they think someone does) or is wrong about a topic with a distinct ‘Well actually.’

  • Name: Claimed: Doctor Magna Ducissa Admiral Prisencolinensinainciusol, PhD, Esq. Actual: Prisen

  • Loyalties: At present, none.

  • Wealth: None.

  • Notable Possessions: None.

  • Skills: Information gathering. As an Oswaft, Prisen is very good at absorbing transmitted information- communications, holonet transmissions, active sensor data, etc- and remembering it.

  • Personality: Prisen is incredibly friendly but also very self-doubting. That doesn’t stop them from presenting a front of ‘I KNOW THINGS!’- in part because they do genuinely know a lot and in part because they want others to think highly of them. Prisen is very happy to share information with anyone willing to sit in listen, and sometimes those who are not- there is nothing more pleasant than a captive audience, but if someone pointed that trait out Prisen would be horrified and of course deny it (they would never make an audience captive on purpose of course. Probably.) While Prisen would never deliberately lie about information, sometimes they panic and might make something up that sounds plausible on the spot if they find something someone needs but they do not know. They will lie about themselves, however, and their importance as an Oswaft without hesitation and may back up disbelief or correction on such things with a telepathic sniff and a dismissive “Who is the Oswaft here?”. All of that said, most of the information they share is accurate- they do after all actually know quite a bit!- but is not always actually useful or relevant to the situation at hand. Sometimes the sharing of the information becomes more important than the other person’s need for it.

  • Weapon of Choice: K N O W L E D G E

  • Combat Function: Technically, Presin could ram a star ship smaller than they are. Well, they could ram one larger but it would probably hurt. A lot. Presin could use their tentacles to grapple a star ship smaller than they are, but would rather avoid direct confrontation and is more likely to watch and absorb information, rather than fight. Between their anatomy and the fact that they will never be on the surface of a planet, hand to hand combat in any capacity normally expected is simply not possible.
Prisen the Oswaft was born and grew up in the ThonBoka Nebula like every other Oswaft that came before, and would likely come after. It was clear from the beginning that Prisen was small- far too small by Oswaft standard. But no one ever said anything. After all, that would be cruel when it was something they had no control over. That didn’t mean Prisen didn’t notice, however. Over a century, that knowledge ate at them- they tried to over come the insecurity, by learning everything they possibly could- and while no one else ever said anything resembling it, Prisen always felt like it wasn’t good enough.

It was not a simple choice to leave the nebula. Oswaft didn’t by and large do any such thing. But the combination of distress about their size inadequacies and the desire to learn even more to be thought of as someone of import rather than simply the smollest Oswaft eventually drove Prisen out into the galaxy at large.

The lies started early. Of course they were large! They were an Oswaft and this was how big Oswafts got! Yup! Definitely this large, the largest of the Oswafts!! It felt good, being the biggest for once, and that feeling spiraled out from there. They started by adding to their name (something they were not old enough to have earned), exaggerating their age and experiences based on stories told by other Oswafts ("I helped defeat the first Death Star, but no one remembers because I was so difficult to see, you understand."), adding titles without necessarily fully understanding just what that entailed (e.g. “well I now know the full history of the Jedi on Voss, how they trained, what it took to be a Jedi Knight, does that not make me a Jedi Knight then? Of course it does.”). It wasn’t with any malice, simply feeding an ego that was desperate for sustenance.

Now Presin travels through the galaxy- gathering and dispensing knowledge.

Whether anyone wants it or not.
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