Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pretty sure I wasn't invited

Standing at the apex of the hills of Tython brought a rather gentle breeze and the sun shining bright to some might have brought promises of a bright future. But Kiara and among others sought to end such promises and replace them with death, pain and blood. And oh how did her blood lust call to her on this very day chosen because of the Knighting ceremony going on. In part, she wished to show these Knights and the Jedi alike that though they may have dreams of being a hero. No heroes would only perish among the Jedi and you'd think the death of Teferi would have been enough to show that.

For them their was no hope, they better either join up or die because they saw their elders as protectors but who really needed protecting? She would personally shatter any false hopes and ambitions and show these young ones and old ones the true power that brought transcendence which was the dark side. She stood their concealed in her tightest weave of magic, peering below them at the lambs for slaughter. A smile rose on her seemingly emotionless face through her Rancor armor though only Mark 1 as production of her second armor were still being finished. She knew not of her companions mastery of concealment and neither did she care as she was Sith.

The weak among them with be purged today as well, she hoped the younger of the order would use such opportunity to sharpen themselves today. Her twin Vexx sabers were idly laying in her hand not yet ignited and with a quick flourish that was rectified. She slowly began to walk down the hill, building up her passions and rage and willingness to live this day. She found the dark sides embrace cold yet comforting as she called out. "Aww how sweet, these little ones are becoming Knights, boy you Jedi must really need help to delay us crushing you." Even though she spoke from within her helmet that malice and barely contained rage was behind her voice quite noticeably.

She looked at them all eyeing the younger ones as she could instill fear in them easier by rising through age and rank. Her fear was stemmed from normal uses but from the deepest depths of her memories of being subdued by this very techniques by Lord Phage. It was on of the darker of Sith Magic as she pointed her saber out saying "So, who will be the first to die by my hands?"

@[member="Skorn Draclau"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="John Harrison"] @[member="Anaya Fen"]
@[member="Kiara Alanna Decoix"]

Skorn Draclau wore the trademark raiment of a Sith. A crimson black cloak over ornate armor, fashioned with many dragon like stylings all over the damn thing. The craftsmen of the Draclau Clan often went overboard in their zeal. He stepped up and followed close when Kiara began her slow deliberate walk down to the padawan training ground In an effort to set the mood, Skorn spoke in his best Darth Maul voice yet.

"At last we reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we have our revenge...ahem...ah yes, sorry couldn't resist."

He was grinning. Not because he particularly enjoyed slaughter of this kind. In fact nonsensical slaughter often left a bad taste in his mouth. But he knew all too well the power of fear. The power of instilling fear in your enemies. And letting loose every now and then, could be a liberating experience.

As the group of armor clad Sith entered the compound, one of the younglings came hopping over to him.

"Are you here to teach us about the Sith Master?"

With a smile on his face he ripped out the boy's throat, allowing blood to erupt. A single swipe at his throat with a clawed hand did the job, the boy did not even see it coming and simply collapsed. The irony of the situation, he was indeed here to teach these unfortunate ones about the Sith. A lesson they would never forget. A few people screamed, a few ran.

That alerted the rest of the lot though, the ones being Knighted and the ones Knighting them too.

Atrum Voidlighter

Jedi Purist, Sith Clone
@[member="Kiara Alanna Decoix"]

He shook his head as he arrived too late to save the unfortunate child. Such was life, though. Mourn not the dead. His white cloak furled a bit as he set himself in the entryway between the Sith and the rest of the Temple. "I"m going to assume that you are not hear to turn yourselves over to the Jedi or turn back from the dark path you've taken. So I can simply ask that you leave now." He stood as solidly in their path as his thin frame would allow him to present, but he drew no weapon. He didn't need it at the moment.

"Of course, the death of the youngling would demand that you turn yourself over for trial. I get the feeling that's not how this is going to proceed, though..."


Well-Known Member
And so it would seem such a trivial thing for most have him be there. An initiate no less and barely considered as a padawan by most account.But then again for one of the few so Master that were there. There was more to it that that, that hidden in plain sight was a truth yet to be revealed. Of which only time would tell what the outcome would be.
At any rate standing on the wayside at first and told only watch ....observe.....learn. As before him a line of Jedi stood silently as they stood before the Masters to partake of the tradition as they unfolded. When from the blindside figured appeared and for some reason the very sight of them seem stir him from within. Thought left unknown and seem nothing less than phantom in his mind eye. As he could feel faint tingling sensation in his hands as power within barely awoke......wanting be released from the shackles place upon them.
But then before he could question or doubt this trail though in his mind. He feel a hand come to rest on his shoulder and word no less spoken in calm tone.

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Skorn Draclau @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Mikhail Shorn @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]John Harrison @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Anaya Fen

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