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Duel Preventing the Liberation on Zygerria


Location: Zygerria
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Darth Wallgof was patrolling the streets of the Imperial Empire's capital, the High Inquisitor was ensuring that order and peace was maintained during the day. There was a market day going on with traders from outside of the capital being allowed within the walls to sell wares that were not as common to find in the capital. Wallgof didn't think the market day was worth the security risks that allowing strangers poised, however, it was stated by the Emperor to be important event that brought the Imperial Empire together and strengthened the bonds they had with the rest of Zygerria.

"High Inquisitor! A call is coming in from the capital city of Zygerria!" A voice called out over the comms in Wallgof's helmet.

"Send it through." Wallgof replied.

The voice of a distressed Zygerrian came through, "High Inquisitor! We are in need of help from the Imperial Empire, a band of rebels are attacking us and attempting to free slaves!" A flash of fury burned in Wallgof's eyes, rebels here was not good news in his mind. "Please help us and bring as many Inquisitors and soldiers!"

"I will be there shortly. Remember that the Imperial Empire was there to save you from these fraudulent rebels." Wallgof responded, he then contacted the military command and organised a dropship deployment to combat these rebel forces. Boarding the dropship, stomped his foot and gave the signal, getting the dropship to head off to the Zygerrian capital. Breathing in deeply, there was certainly Jedi in this rebel force and attacking the independent nation of Zygerria would be politically outrageous. Especially if Wallgof could highlight that these bands of rebels were being led by Galactic Alliance Jedi, framing them as grossly overreaching and overstepping.

As they got closer to the capital, "film the destruction and chaos that these rebels have created. This will do well as footage for our Emperor to use." Communicated to the pilot before Wallgof jumped out of the dropship onto the ground.

Landing firmly onto the ground, the earth rumbled due to his impact and the Sith Lord made his presence known in the Force, luring out Jedi to combat him. Wallgof knew a Jedi would never be able to resist the lure of fighting a Sith. Igniting his blood-red Lightsaber, Wallgof moved forward and surveyed the streets, hunting for any rebels or Jedi to take down, capture or simply kill for daring to disrupt the lives on Zygerria with their false ideologies.


Jonyna could feel it. A presence she hadn't felt in near a year. Her mind went back to Elom as she gripped her sword, looking to Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar "Keep letting people free. I'll need to handle the sith lord that just landed. If things get dicey, back me up."

As she moved through the streets, she drew closer, before finally...

In a long street, she stood.

"Darth Wallgof." She spoke, the wind carrying her voice. "Funny seeing you again." Without another word, she drew Liz in one hand, and Lucy in the other. She knew what she was up against. She knew this time, she'd come out victorious. Taking a Form I stance with her saber in her right, and a Water Stance with her katana in her left, she waited. "Not the same lowly Knight I was back on Elom. You do remember me, right? The Cathar who overcame your mental games. The woman who never left her feet. The wielder of ghosts."

She had learned much in the last year. Trained under Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Vulpesen Vulpesen . Learned from Valery Noble Valery Noble in the ways of the Shadow.

Now she'd show this two bit sith what she had learned since their last encounter.

Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

He felt it. The cold.

It wasn't the first time Gatz had experienced such a presence, and he'd since learned that it never meant anything good. Sovereign Station. Taris. His encounters with Sith had been limited, but even those few times had been downright terrifying. Gatz hadn't exactly been looking forward to facing such insidiousness again.

But confronting the Dark Side was the destiny of a Jedi. Plus... if this approaching Sith Lord killed him, well, it wasn't like he was doing anything this weekend, right? So he may as well go out with a bang.

"Keep letting people free. I'll need to handle the sith lord that just landed. If things get dicey, back me up."

Jonyna had different plans, though. Gatz was naturally rebellious by nature, but he was also an adult capable of rationalizing his situation. So he chose to trust in the Knight he'd been partnered with for this assignment.

"Got it. I'm capable of telepathy, so if he starts to get the upper hand, just give me a mental ring." That would make it much easier for Jonyna to call out for help.

As she moved out to the street, he busied himself with the task she'd given him. Maybe these slaves could slip away while Jonyna kept the Sith distracted. So, as much as Gatz wanted to follow the Cathar Jedi out the door, he willed himself to listen to her orders. If the two of them fell to Wallgof, then these next few minutes—where they were still alive—might be the only chance these people had to escape with their freedom.



Location: Zygerria
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Breathing in deeply, he could sense a Jedi moving towards him. The chaos was rampant, it was perfect. Through this chaos, the Imperial Order could carve order and secure themselves as the political champions of the planet. Ensuring that was what the Emperor wished to do after hearing the news of the Jedi attacking the planet. Wallgof struck down any who dared to near him as he awaited to see who would was approaching him.

When the Cathar Jedi arrived, the area of arrogance and presumption reeked even from the distance that was between them. It was shocking to him how much the Jedi held themselves as superior beings, yet he had failed to meet any who had survived or not fled from his presence.

He paused and tilted his head, "remember you?" Wallgof shrugged his shoulders and chuckled deeply when she mentioned details of their supposed encounter, "oh. Sorry. See I have fought many Jedi, for me that encounter was just like any other. But I understand for you, it was clearly the most important day of your life."

"However, you must be misremembering the details. I have not been defeated, I have not faced an equal. If you did not die on that day, you fled cowardly away." Wallgof stated in a cold voice. "But we can correct that error and ensure you become one with your fellow ghosts."

Raising a hand, he gripped the side of the nearby building and brought it down on the Jedi. Laughing deeply, chaotically as he did. This was a Jedi, clearly one from the Galactic Alliance, and this was all he needed to demonstrate the corruption and outrageous overreach these Jedi were now demonstrating. Her death would just be the cherry on top now.


Almost immediately, Jonyna's feet burst into flame as she rocketed above the falling debris, spinning as she flew upward, firing a twin tentacle of white hot flame out of her feet towards the sith. "So you DO remember me! Ya know, lying is unbecoming of a supposed sith emperor! Or is that spot still taken by the actual big dogs of your order?" Stepping off an invisible platform mid-air, she rocketed herself forward towards Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof , her tail pulling her newly upgraded sonic blaster , the blaster already tuned to the resonate frequency of beskar, as Jonyna charged forward with her katana. She knew what she needed to do. Shatter his armor and force the man to be exposed to her attacks.

Her katana sparked with golden lightning, as she swung down, a massive bolt came down, arcing right at the sith, followed by the blade itself.



Location: Zygerria
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

When there was an accusation of Wallgof being a liar, he tilted his head, "clearly the Jedi only hear what they wish to hear. Or forget things they said just before. You told me everything that had happened before. I just stated I know I have never lost a fight, that does not mean I remember every fight." Wallgof's voice was weary. The Cathar was clearly a desperate Jedi with dreams of proving herself of being better than she was. He was more than happy to correct her understanding and allow reality to hit her hard in the face.

The sonic attack came and it hit against a solid Force Barrier, guns being used by Force Users, it felt uncivilised and a desperation to compensate for a lack of skill in their Lightsaber combat skills. "Emperor Tywyll is my leader. I am guessing that you are still no close to reaching your goals. I have no knowledge what they are, but insults like yours usually come from frustrations and suffering from experience." Wallgof stated in a cold, calculated demeanour.

Breathing in deeply, the Force coursed through his muscles and Wallgof moved impossibly fast, dodging the attack of Jonyna at the last minute. Still he had not raised a blade to her, "your reliance on flashy technology and moves highlights your unrefined abilities. Very disappointing that you think you could stand against the darkness." A bored tone called out to Jonyna as he waved his hand and several of Wallgof appeared, surrounding the Jedi. "I shall make this quick for you, child."

Shifting forward at once, the four versions of Wallgof moved to attack, slashing and stabbing at different areas of the Jedi all at the same time.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

Freeing slaves was hardly a difficult task, especially when he had a lightsaber to cut through their chains, but it was reasonably difficult not to focus his senses on the fight happening just outside the doors. The Sith Jonyna was dueling was an overwhelming presence, on a scale that Gatz hadn't ever felt before. All his experiences with the Dark Side were restricted to Sith Knights, bumbling about, making desperate plays for power.

The man outside was a Sith Lord. Gatz hadn't even laid eyes on him yet, hadn't crossed blades with him yet, and already he could tell the difference. It was like comparing a kiddie pool to a lake.

The last chain was slashed by green plasma, and the woman and her child formerly connected it made a break for the door. Gatz followed them—not running, but walking—and stopped for but a single moment. Gatz could hear the clash of weapons, and... something that sounded like a blaster going off. Right out this door was an enemy of a league far beyond what he'd ever encountered before, even at Valery's side.

Breathe in. Breathe out. There's no point in being afraid of the inevitable.

Gatz stepped out the door, lightsaber humming in his hands, green blade at the ready and—

Holy shit were there four of this dude? That was cheating. Gatz didn't know how Jonyna planned to deal with that, but maybe he could offer even a modicum of usefulness and be a good distraction.

"It takes four of you to fight one Jedi Knight?" Gatz tutted, "and here I thought we were dealing with a Sith Lord."


As she landed, Jonyna let out a grunt as she deftly sheathed Liz. Her reliance on tech is what had kept her alive this long. The moment he struck, she was already reaching out with the force. He could trick her eyes, trick her mind, even trick her sense through the Force.

But he couldn't trick the wind. Channeling the air around her, she found him. The real him.

And in the blink of an eye, she draw Sally. The cortosis blade swung at the sith's saber, moving just as fast as him. Force Speed was a cheap trick when you were up against someone not equally as already fast. She'd already dealt with copies fighting Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and speeders fighting Quintessa Quintessa , so her senses were on edge. Liz's crystal shined, giving her swiftness to match his speed, as she followed up with a swing from Lucy, her ruby saber aiming for his midsection as she channeled as much pyrokinesis through the blade as she could, the blade burning hot enough to melt beskar. And if she couldn't, she'd cook him inside. "I'll just have to disappoint you further then, because I don't go down quick. Tell your boss he's not Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , and he certainly ain't no Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean "

Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar



Location: Zygerria
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Jonyna had assumed he would not deceive her with decoys that felt as real as himself. Using the Force to manipulate how the Jedi interpreted the air and the movements of each illusion. The Sith Lord's decoy took the slash and the voices of the others mocked and laughed around Jonyna. Taunting her for committing to a singular target, the overconfidence in her abilities and underestimations of Wallgof's abilities to deceive. "Ah child, you are a fool. You think you understand how to win. That you have trained hard enough to win but are merely setting yourself up to fall even greater now." The voices of Wallgof taunting, calling out hauntingly on the air as the three Wallgof remaining continued to strike at Jonyna as if they were him. To disarm, maim and cut down.

"Such a limited imagination and so short sighted. He does not seek to be them, mimicry is such a childish behaviour. He decries both Jedi and Sith, he sees them as equally dangerous and harmful to the galaxy." Wallgof explained. He knew this fight was being recorded, evidence of the Jedi's actions against a world that holds no Sith or anti-GA ties.

When Gatz arrived to the scene, calling out to Wallgof. A mocking laugh called from the shadows a the true version of Wallgof appeared. "Yet you wish for two of you taking on a single version of me to be a fair fight." Wallgof stated in a cold tone, his hand reaching forward as he began to his attempt at infiltrating the mind of Gatz, seeing what he could corrupt, what he could manipulate and torture. Allowing the illusions to continue to trick Jonyna of which one was real and occupy her attention.


Sylvar, this one loved the sound of his own voice. She couldn't rely on this. Her eyes, the air. No, she needed to rely on the Force.

Closing her eyes entirely, she felt for it. The real Wallgof. Her mind searched, feeling for little things. The sound of the battle disappeared in her mind. Instead, it was replaced with nothing but the flow of the universe. She didn't bother blocking whatever came her way, instead focusing on the feeling of the wind. The feeling of electricity flowing through the air. The flow of life.

Where was he, Force? Tell me...

With a crack of lightning, the sky erupted and fired down on the man attempting to manipulate the Padawan.

Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

"Yet you wish for two of you taking on a single version of me to be a fair fight."

"Well, I was a smuggler. We love fighting dirty!"

Of all ways to combat Gatz, Wallgof picked the worst. Oh, he could have rushed him with a lightsaber. As talented as Gatz was with one, he still wasn't on the level of a Sith Lord. Wallgof could have electrocuted him with Sith lightning, Gatz was neither trained in tutaminis, nor experienced with blocking lightning with a lightsaber.

Instead, Wallgof chose to play head games.

But Gatz had spent months in a permanent mind meld with Briana, fighting to keep his mental defenses up so that they weren't constantly aware of what the other was doing—so that they weren't constantly in each other's minds, sharing thoughts, memories, and other private information neither wanted the other to know. They'd done that twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for months.

Wallgof was more talented at breaking into minds, Gatz could already tell by the effort he had to put in to keep the man out. But keeping the Sith Lord's assault away from his mind for a few moments was nothing compared to the endurance he had built during his time shutting out Briana.

"Man, you really like to hear yourself talk, don't you?"

For all his claims that keeping Wallgof out of his mind was easy, his speech was jilted and slow, as if he was intensely focused elsewhere.

Then came the crack of lightning, raining down on the Sith. Lightsaber held in ready position, Gatz waited to see what the Sith Lord would do.



Location: Zygerria
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The Sith Lord could only sigh as the former smuggler attempted to mock him for talking. It seemed that a simple conversation was merely too complicated for the Jedi to understand, that they preferred mere grunts and punches. The Knight seemed to think merely using the Force to locate him would allow her to ignore the illusions of the other versions of himself. However that was an error, it allowed him to end the illusions and as soon as the lightning struck, he absorbed the energy.

Breathing in deeply, he sent the concentrated energy from Jonyna's attack directly at Gatz. The barrage of multiple bolts of crimson lightning charged towards the weaker of the pair. Ensuring that the bolts would cause searing pain and cripple the limbs temporarily. Exhaling slowly, he allowed the Force built in his hand as he held his Lightsaber in his left hand. The Force swirled in his hands and gathered strength turning the potential from a simple Force Push into a devastating Force Wave.

His right hand thrusting forward, the Force blasted forward, the Force Wave shot debris, warped the buildings around them and rippled the air it pushed back. Smirking underneath his helmet, the Sith Lord was enjoying the desperate struggles of the Jedi who was so eager to demonstrate strength and power, it was no different to a Sith apprentice. Hungry for a victory, a single demonstration of their superiority yet missing the understanding, their desperation was a weakness.

Stepping back towards the shadows, Wallgof did not let the two Jedi out of his view. Curious to see what they would attempt next.


The massive telekinetic blast forced Jonyna to hold Liz out and cut through it like a fin through a wave. Damnit. She had to be better than this. She had to be. She couldn't do anything but watch as Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar was bombarded with the electricity she had sent forward.

She needed to get the upper hand. The shadows were this sith's friend. So she'd rob him of that. Mother, I need you...

Suddenly, from her saber, the ghost shot forward and let out only one roar of energy.

A flash of light covered the entire area, and in an instant Jonyna could feel her mother disappear once more.

One day she would learn to do that herself. One day...

Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

Gatz wished the Sith had stuck with mind games.

Knight Si had brought lightning forth from the sky, and Gatz had been sure that that would do something to the Sith Lord. Instead, he found that very same lightning coming his way, the evil creature unmarred by it, as it had been unmarred by everything that had been thrown at him. Did this thing even have any weaknesses? Or was it just power incarnate, untouchable by anyone?

But Gatz didn't have time to come to a conclusion.

One moment he was standing with his lightsaber at the ready. The next, a horrific, excruciating scream clawed its way out of his throat. Before he even knew it, Gatz was on the ground, writhing in agony under his fellow Jedi's attack, lightning destroying nerves and synapses and sending him into an uncontrollable jerking mass of muscle.

Gatz, having been hit by the full fury of atmospheric lightning, went limp—maybe dead.



Location: Zygerria
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

The human was rendered unconscious by the lightning bolts. A sigh of relief briefly escaped his lips, the satisfaction that he felt in forcing this into a one v one with the Cathar.

The Force Light blasted from a ghost inside a blade. Growling, Force Light was a cowardly power, it was one that attempted to weaken the Dark Side and he could feel it work slightly. Wallgof was fortunate though, he had began the process of utilising Force Rage, fuelling his body with the Dark Side of the Force. His body was getting stronger, faster and better, he was focusing on the physical improvements enhancing his abilities. Gripping the body of Gatz, who was either unconscious or dead, he launched the body at Jonyna. Knowing her hands were holding her weapons, he was curious how she would handle the body being launched at her.

"SEE WHAT YOU DID! YOU JEDI CAUSE DEATH, CHAOS, PAIN WHEREVER YOU GO!" Roared Wallgof, a Force Bellow ripped from the Sith Lord to blast at the Jedi and disorient them.

His Lightsaber launched forward in his attacks, slashing at Jonyna and his body enhanced further than he had been before. Moving faster, his strikes stronger and his mind able to comprehend things fasters.


Things were going south very quickly.

As Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar was thrown at her, she could only catch him with telekinesis and loft him somewhere behind her. Then came the Force Bellow. With a shift motion, she drew Liz and cut the air in front of her, creating a vacuum right down the middle of the sonic attack.

Death and pain. Rich, coming from a sith. Was he really blind to the goings on? Carnifex's ruining of Tion? Of the horrors of the Empire and Vader's massacres?

She felt out through the force. Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar was still alive, at least...she thought. It was weak. They needed to get out of there. But this sith wouldn't allow that. She needed to stand her ground.

As the sith came forward, all she could do was deflect. With Liz and Lucy, she was on the defensive, until she saw an opening. With a slight shift, she raised her forearm as a trio of claws sprung from her forearm, hoping to catch the blade with their cortosis fangs.

Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

Gatz drew in a weak wheeze. Some spot on his abdomen burned. And some spot on the bottom of his foot burned. And everything in-between those spots burned. And everything else also burned. And—

Wait a minute, this wasn't where he'd been lying before. Did he move? How did he move?

Fresh pain lanced through him one again, and Gatz decided that wasn't important right now.

Fuck, lightning hurt. Why had no one ever taught him how to deal with it? Wasn't it, like, a pretty common move in a Sith Lord's repertoire of evil techniques? If he lived through this—and right now it kind of felt like he wouldn't—he'd have to bug Inanna or Valery for a lesson on handling Force Lightning. Because, if he was being honest, he was a little miffed that neither one of them had instructed him in the matter, despite there being war with Sith on the horizon.

Then again, he'd been an abject failure until just the last few months. So maybe he really just hadn't been ready for something that advanced.

You're kind of being an abject failure right now. His pain-addled mind told him. Laying here on the ground like a dumbass.

Gatz could hear the clash of combat—the fight was still on, and here he was, a liability. Not a Jedi. Not even remotely helpful. Just a failure lying limp on the ground, who hadn't been able to contend with even a single attack from a Sith Lord. Senior Padawan his ass. Valery had talked up how he was probably already going through his trials without knowing. About how he was a promising Jedi.

And yet, here he was: on the ground.

He drew in a slow breath. Force Healing was something he'd struggled with once upon a time. Until Inanna Harth Inanna Harth had taken him on. Gatz couldn't correct all the damage, not here, not if he wanted to walk when he was done. But enough to get back up? That he could do.

He just needed Jonyna to buy him some time.



Location: Zygerria
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

The Jedi seemed to ignore that it was their own doing that created Vader. Their arrogance and woeful disregard that the Sith could still possibly exist until it was too late. It was their eagerness to side with the first republic and war against those who did not wish to maintain in a corrupt, criminal government. The Jedi had always attempted to spout that they were champions of peace, of order, yet even now they fought against peace. This attack on a peaceful Zygerria was not harming Carnifex, it was not a rebellion against the Sith Empire nor was it liberating anyone. It was a justification for the Jedi to enforce their law, their order, acting as the very dictators they pretend to be against.

It was this false confidence, this arrogance in her own skills that allowed Wallgof to draw out a false opening. Utilising Trakata, just before the claws connected with the blade, he turned his Lightsaber off. He moved in a swift motion and pressed the top of his hilt against her stomach. The position was not ideal and it would not be a death blow, but it could do some serious harm as he ignited his Lightsaber once again.

He then jumped back and chuckled deeply, he could sense the other Jedi was attempting to heal him and bring enough will to stand a chance of drawing attention. It was tempting for Wallgof to attempt to just Force Crush a leg and ensure that Gatz would not be capable of fighting but he could feel that the Force Light held a lingering affect and he would have to risk a loss of concentration on whatever Jonyna attempted next. The effects were fading with every passing second, he could feel his connection to the Dark Side growing once again but for now, he waited for what the pair would do next.


He moved in a swift motion and pressed the top of his hilt against her stomach
In that moment, Jonyna snarled at him as the top of the hilt connected with the plates of her armor. Arrogant. That's all the sith were. That's all they ever were. Self righteous hypocrites who touted themselves superior.

In a blur of motion, once more her tail flicked out with the sonic blaster, firing point blank at the sith's chestplate, with a harmonic blast that was designed to shatter the beskar armor, before following up with a trakata move of her own, putting Lucy right up against his arm as he moved to face her. She'd been stabbed before, and she knew she could withstand it.

All the while, she focused on Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar , doing something she had never done before. Focusing on healing another. An owl, a spirit of one, shot from her back and flew towards Gatz. Claire would protect him for now.

Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

Force Lightning wreaked havoc on the body. That was the first thing Gatz learned. He could feel the trail the lightning took, from his sternum and out of the bottom of his left foot. It was like it had singed everything in-between, flesh, muscle, maybe even bone. The fact that he'd even lived through such a violent attack was nothing more than a stroke of luck.

But he had lived. And Gatz was adept enough in the art of Force Healing that he could repair the damage done to him, though the process went slower than he'd like.

Did... did Knight Si just shit a magical Force bird in his direction? Between her and Wally, the amount of esoteric Force Powers being displayed today was unreal. Whatever this tier of Force users was, he sure as hell didn't belong in it. Here he was, on the ground recovering from lightning burns, while Jonyna and Wallgof traded blows, neither having taken so much as a scratch yet.

Well, I suppose that just means I have more to learn.

Gatz stood, finally, with a groan. The damage to his body wasn't fully healed—the scar on his abdomen, and the bottom of his foot would remain for now—but he was functional and that was enough.

And it might have to be, seeing as how Wallgof had just pressed his lightsaber to Knight Si's abdomen.


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