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Pri Kole

Rakaan Horne

General Information

Name: Pri Kole
Age: 24
Status: Dead
Race: Human
Imperial Database records indicate that the outlaw Pri Kole is a Human Male that stands at six feet and two inches tall with a muscular if not athletic build. His skin is white, yet tanned, and he has a clear complexion. His hair is a dark shade of brown, as are his eyes. The identifying feature is a thin scar on his left cheek.

Psychological Information

Personality: From speaking to those that have previously been affiliated with the outlaw Pri Kole, it has been determined that he is unusually a "decent" person despite being involved in the line of work in which killings are the standard. Despite his young age he appears well versed in the Galactic Underworld which has been a factor in his recent ascent in such location. A deceptively outgoing individual.


Duraplast Armor: A head to toe suit of light Duraplast Armor that encompasses his entire body, even with a helmet. It's colored in shades of grey, green and a tan. Soft weak points are visible in the under arms and neck region.

Duraplast Helmet: The helmet is also made of duraplast, it's visor from the inside is a screen that allows a perfect view as if he was not wearing a helmet at all, although from the outside it appears to provide minimal sight with it's red visors that come in the form of multiple slits.

Blaster Pistols: The Mercenary dual wields two blaster pistols that are capable of firing in quick succession and deal sufficient damage over a prolonged period of time. Their main damage factor comes from the overwhelming fire that they can provide.

Additionally: A wrist rocket, small jetpack and vibroknives are also on his person.

Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Quickdraw
+ Keen Instinct
+ Durable

- Arrogant
​- Tinnitus
- Undisciplined


Pri Kole was born on the Hutt Planet of Nal Hutta to two individuals he would never know. He found himself in a roving gang of street kids that were either plucked off the street; dead, or, managed to find themselves in a gang. Though unlike any other child that wound up in a life of crime, Pri managed to fall under the employ of the local Hutt: Teemo. Even at such a young age he was capable of doing many things, it was a tough world, he needed to be tougher.

As he grew in age, size and mind his skills further improved to help him become a trusted ally of Teemo the Hutt. Initially Pri served as a spy of sorts, moving into the other gangs that had grown in size so much that they could potentially be an issue of sorts, fortunately for him he looked the part. When things went haywire with one of them he was forced to kill a series of the gang members, claiming his first kill at the age of fourteen.

In his later teens he became a mercenary for the Hutt, he was large enough to be a menacing enough figure and the skills he learned only had him become a more suitable candidate for the job. He was paid well enough, and with the credits flowing nothing kept him shy of a contract. Although it was on a much smaller scale.

By the time he was twenty he was a well known Hutt Mercenary, at least on Nal Hutta. When competitions for grand riches came around between the Hutts, of course Teemo sponsored Pri. He thrived in the competition with an excellent support team to help guide him. He eventually came out on top, earning his lump sum of credits and abandoning Nal Hutta once and for all to pursue a more hardened career.

Now he's an up and coming Mercenary and Bounty Hunter with little to his name but credits, anyone focused on the world of the Hutts may know of him, but other than that, he's an enigma. He scours the galaxy in pursuit of fame and fortune. Hoping to one day join the greats of the galaxy.

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