Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Price Directory: What Costs What Where?

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Zoronhed, Zonju V
All prices in ORC talons - all exchange rates probably haggleable in the middle of nowhere.

Good blaster: 40

Rusty blaster: 25

Good swoop bike: 250

Rusty swoop bike: 120

Dose of glitterstim: 15

Bottle of liquor: 7-30

Drink at a cantina: 3-5

Medkit: 35

Basic ship repairs: 300-2000

Personal supply of cave sap/cactus juice (a local anesthetic): 15

Dose of cave cactus paralysis poison: 60

Aurodium nugget: 1000-5000

Swoop biker gang disguise: 50

OOC/ I like having granular options for smuggling/business RP, and nothing says granular background details (or arbitrage opportunities) like price lists. Post yours up here, for your faction or your planet. If you've got local currency, use that, or just go with credits or Huttese coins or whatever. Local specialty products, also a good idea.

Azel Moran

Tash-Taral, Sith desert world
Tash-Taral has no currency and operates by barter. Crudely distilled water is a common barter item. All prices are in litres.

Good blaster: 20

Rusty blaster: 15

Good swoop bike: 100

Rusty swoop bike: 80

Dose of glitterstim: 6

Bottle of liquor: 2

Drink at a cantina: 0.5-2

Medkit: 4

Tashai bond-tracker talisman: 10

Tashai water-seeker talisman: 50

Tashai spirit ocarina: 100

Sithspawn body part: 1-20

Access to, or the location of, a good-sized water supply could easily be bartered for ship repairs, a powerful Sith artifact, a live Sithspawn, a map to a Sith ruin, etc.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Port Mynock, an asteroid shadowport in Wild Space
All prices in Huttese wupiupi

"Port Mynock is an enclosed settlement of around fifteen hundred more or less criminalized Outer Rim and Wild Space denizens. The shadowport, including twenty-two docking bays of various sizes and levels of security, is built into caves, bunkers, tunnels, and lava tubes. The hub of the shadowport is a bustling, grungy, poorly lit bazaar whose merchandise is often thirdhand and bloodstained. If Port Mynock has a specialty, it’s outlaw techs. Port Mynock offers a dizzying variety of starship and body modifications, used boats, and repurposed salvage. Port Mynock offers a threadbare, dangerous, but unregulated sort of existence. Its culture partakes of numerous Outer Rim influences so far as standards of conduct go. Slaves, spice, illegal weapons and dead bodies are commonplace sights."

Drink in a cantina: 2-10

Docking bay (rent): 500/day - and double that if you aren't providing your own security

Docking bay (buy): 10,000 - and you'd better be prepared to provide your own security going forward

Frozen corpse from the vacuum of space: 100, more if it's someone notable

Ship modifications: 200-10,000

Dose of glitterstim: 6

Half-melted lightsaber: 500

Rusty light freighter of dubious provenance: 15,000, and don't mind the bloodstains
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Drenn, main settlement on Lonesome, an asteroid spice mine orbiting a sunless nomad world
All prices in ORC talons - all exchange rates probably haggleable in the middle of nowhere.

Good blaster: 30

Rusty blaster: 15

Dose of glitterstim: 25

Dose of cheap lumni-spice: 5

Dose of high-grade lumni-spice: 15

Bottle of liquor: 5-25

Drink at a cantina: 2-5

Stolen access pass to a good part of town: 300

Medkit: 25

Basic ship repairs: 300-2000

Cargo of low-grade lumni-spice: 2000
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
New Habat, Varunda IX
All prices in obsolete First Order credits, since Varunda IX was under the thumb of the First Order for years.

"Varundana cities mingle elegant two- and three-story structures with trees, vines, flowers and fauna, a gradual progression from urban centre to deep jungle. Anywhere in New Habat, a bustling but carefully planned metropolis, you can climb a tree and pick fruit in season. Designed to maximize sustainability, New Habat is a sector leader in luxury timber export and elite woodworking. The planet’s slightly heavier-than-normal gravity, at 1.15G, makes New Habat tiring for the average visitor. Many hotels and entertainment venues maintain lighter gravity to attract and retain customers."

Drink in a cantina: 2

Bottle of liquor: 3-20

Stormtrooper armour: 110-400 depending on functionality

Stormtrooper blaster rifle: 80

Medkit: 50, and loaded with high-grade bacta

Former First Order shuttlecraft: 22,000

Rare timber and woodworking (e.g. veshok, greel, snow-wood, laroon): Great but variable prices, heavily traded at the Varundana Timber Exchange.

New Habat University staff ID, misappropriated: 200
Tillian Outer Rim Trading Outpost & Distillery, Imynusoph

Currency- Outer Rim Coalition Talons

Tillian Cola-
-Shot: 0.5 talons
-Bottle: 15 talons

Good Blaster:120 talons
Poor Blaster: 30 talons
Blaster Gas Cartridges: 3 talons a piece
Slug cartridges: 2 talons a piece

Imynusoph Artisan Wookwork: 20 talons a piece
Imynusoph Wooden Tool: 8 talons a piece
Imynusoph Wood, uncarved: 2 talons a piece

Ship Repairs: Variable, cheaper than most would anticipate given the well-developed ship facilities for GUIDE
Ship Parts: Variable
Starship Fuel: 400 talons for personal ship, 800 for a light freighter, 1200 for a medium freighter, 2400 for heavy freighter

Imynusoph Wood Wine: 200 talons a bottle

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
The Ketyadyr (Note: Prices on other ships of Echoylir)

Prices in Beskar

[*]Refueling + Repairs [Starfighter/Light Freighter]: 12 Kgs
[*]Refueling + Repairs [Corvette]: 30-60 Kgs
[*]Bes'uliik Repair [Droid]: 5kgs+
[*]Bowl of Noodles: .09 Kgs (But why are you buying noodles with beskar, get outta here!)

Drinks at Tki'r:
  • Shot of Corellian Whiskey: Beskar Not Accepted
  • Shot of Tihaar: Beskar Not Accepted
  • Mug of Ale: Beskar Not Accepted
  • Mug of Ne'tre gal: Beskar Not Accepted
  • Bottle of Sprite: Beskar Not Accepted
  • Various Spirits: Beskar Not Accepted
  • The Works [Private booth/room with all you can drink]: .4kgs
  • The Bar: Negotiable....

Prices in ORC Talons
  • Mandalorian Blaster Pistol: 60
  • Mandalorian Carbine: 100
  • Rusty Mandalorian Blaster of either type: 30
  • Custom Beskar'gam: 45,000+
    Unmodified Phase 1 Armor: 25,000

[*]Refueling + Repairs [Starfighter/Light Freighter]: 300-500
[*]Refueling + Repairs [Corvette]: 1000-3500
[*]Bes'uliik Repair [Droid]: 150+
[*]Bowl of Noodles: 3

Drinks at Tki'r:
  • Shot of Corellian Whiskey: 5
  • Shot of Tihaar: 6
  • Mug of Ale: 2
  • Mug of Ne'tre gal: 4
  • Bottle of Sprite: 60
  • Various Spirits [Bottle Prices]: 20-60
  • The Works [Private booth/room with all you can drink]: 300
  • The Bar: Not For Sale

Prices in Corellian Credits
  • Mandalorian Blaster Pistol: 50
  • Mandalorian Carbine: 90
  • Rusty Mandalorian Blaster of either type: 20
  • Custom Beskar'gam: Not For Sale
  • Refueling [Starfighter/Light Freighter]: 300-500
  • Refueling [Corvette]: 1200-4500
  • Bowl of Noodles: 3

Drinks at Tki'r:
  • Shot of Corellian Whiskey: 7
  • Shot of Tihaar: 8
  • Mug of Ale: 4
  • Mug of Ne'tre gal: 6
  • Bottle of Sprite: 70
  • Various Spirits [Bottle Prices]: 40-70
  • The Works [Private booth/room with all you can drink]: 500
  • The Bar: Not For Sale

Prices in Imperial Credits
  • Mandalorian Blaster Pistol: 100
  • Mandalorian Carbine: 350
  • Rusty Mandalorian Blaster of either type: 80
  • Custom Beskar'gam: Not For Sale
  • Refueling [Starfighter/Light Freighter]: 400-800
  • Refueling [Corvette]: N/A
  • Bowl of Noodles: 7

Drinks at Tki'r:
  • Shot of Corellian Whiskey: 8
  • Shot of Tihaar: 10
  • Mug of Ale: 6
  • Mug of Ne'tre gal: 8
  • Bottle of Sprite: 100
  • Various Spirits [Bottle]: 60-100
  • The Works [Private booth/room with all you can drink]: 800
  • The Bar: Not For Sale

Prices in Banking Clan "Standard Credit"
  • Mandalorian Blaster Pistol: 55
  • Mandalorian Carbine: 95
  • Rusty Mandalorian Blaster of either type: 25
  • Custom Beskar'gam: 30,000+
  • Refueling + Repairs [Starfighter/Light Freighter]: 300-450
  • Refueling + Repairs [Corvette]: 1000-3000
  • Bes'uliik Repair [Droid]: 145+
  • Bowl of Noodles: 3

Drinks at Tki'r:
  • Shot of Corellian Whiskey: 5
  • Shot of Tihaar: 6
  • Mug of Ale: 2
  • Mug of Ne'tre gal: 4
  • Bottle of Sprite: 40
  • Various Spirits [Bottle Prices]: 20-40
  • The Works [Private booth/room with all you can drink]: 350
  • The Bar: Negotiable to Mandalorians

Prices in Sith Credits
Uglaqq City, Toola
All prices in Sith Empire credits
  • 1kg of fresh or smoked mastmot meat: 20cr
  • Snow demon pelt: 300-500cr
  • Caraboose-pelt winter clothes: 120cr
  • Mastmot ivory tusk: 400cr
  • Expertly chipped stone spear: 90cr
  • Sled with a team of trained tuggles: 800-1200cr
  • Riding mastmot: 900cr
  • Standard kit of survival gear: 200cr
  • Area map: 50cr
  • Area map, including hidden hot springs: 2,000cr and you'd better be polite
  • Seat in a convoy to Ithaqua Station: 100cr
  • Services of a Whiphid bodyguard or hunter for a day: 200-400cr
  • Services of a Whiphid Raider for a straightforward job with average risk: 250,000, all in advance

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