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Approved Tech Prime Restoration Mutagen

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: N/A
Size: N/A


  • Intent: To create a mutagen that modifies the DNA of Draelvasier, bestowing upon them healing elements.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source:


  • Through synthesizing Firrerro DNA with Draelvasier DNA to ensure compatibility. When introduced into the bodies of Drael it gives them an accelerated healing factor.
  • When Icarii DNA was introduced and modified to be compatible with Draelvasier DNA, it bestows upon the wearer a regenerative ability. Should organs be destroyed, limbs be severed it allows the wearer to regenerate the lost organs/limbs over a prolonged period of time.

  • Genetic Upgrade: The Prime Restoration Mutagen is a clear upgrade to the genetics of Draelvasier. It bestows upon the wearer an accelerated healing factor to close up battle wounds, while introducing a regeneration ability. Should the wearer lose limbs or even organs, when battle is finished, they can regenerate what they lost over a prolonged period of time.

  • Out of Combat: While powerful, the regeneration ability cannot be done in the heat of battle. It requires a prolonged period of time and is not something done with any sense of urgency.

Evolution was at the core of every Draelvasier.

For Rakvul the Darkener this developed into an obsessive pursuit of the betterment of their species. Through technological development that updated the Bryn'adul Remnant's forces, but this extended beyond that. It came to the genetic coding of the Draelvasier itself. Chieftain Tathra Khaeus was the sole individual who'd brought them back from extinction, it was by his hand that crafted the genes of every Drael into the predators they became. Now with the Chieftain presumed dead or missing it fell to his former lieutenant to take up the mantle. Through analysis of a prototype previously developed for the Chieftain himself.
So he went to work.
Through the many captives he'd taken Rakvul uncovered unique healing elements in the Firrero and Icarii DNA. These two races held separate traits that would prove invaluable to the Draelvasier. The Darkener ordered raids of these communities that harvested countless individuals, all of which would be harvested to create what would become the Prime Restoration Mutagen. A careful process synthesized these traits, introducing them to and making them compatible with Draelvasier DNA. It gave Draelvasier a rapid healing factor that allowed the swift closure of wounds, as well as regeneration that allowed them to regrow lost limbs and destroyed organs. Once complete, Rakvul tested it on himself first before gradually explosing larger groups of Draelvasier to it. Before long it would be spread to every Draelvasier in the Remnant.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a mutagen that modifies the DNA of Draelvasier, bestowing upon them healing elements.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Prime Restoration Mutagen
Modular: No
Material: Firrerro Genetic Code Icarii Genetic Code Draelvasier Genetic Code
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