In the years following the Primeval's violent and sporadic expansion, many short cuts were taken, and the Warlords governing planets carelessly sought power wherever power was pooled. In the Chiloon Rift sat one of these numerous Warlords, Kass Vetrusk, overseeing mining operations and forced slave labor over his people. His wealth went to military and technological advancements, far and widespread in the eyes of his counterparts, but what rose this man to power would in turn be his downfall.
Kass Vetrusk was a greedy and horrid man, and any who met him would agree. In the late years the crazy ex-mandolorian pushed technology into the very reaches of both the past, and the future, finding both controversial and powerful artifacts in his time. One such artifact he discovered was sealed volumes of the once Imperial Empire biological weapon "Blackwing", or Project I71A. Blackwing was a project with a dark history in the timeline of the universe, never successfully being tamed by even the Imperial Empire and numerous Sith Lords.
Created from Sith Alchemy, it turns it's victims into mindless wretches of what they once were, violent in nature and hungry in body. A man infected with this, either airborne or direct bite or blood, became a husk of their former self, doomed to feed on the body's of the living and spreading the deadly pathogen farther and farther. In this, Kass Vetrusk saw a chance for power, if he could develop a microbial kill switch, he could clean whole planets of what he thought of as scum, and the moral dilemma meant little to him.
As the secluded and high funded science team worked on the disease on the asteroid colony of Mal Trusk, the disease once again had shown it's fangs and escaped the control of it's would be masters. It ravaged the space station of nearly fifty thousand strong, and fully collected itself to harbor in the reaches of space, brooding and spreading. Before the full collapse of the space station took place, the ship let out a distress beacon, demanding help from any and all ships in the vicinity, but in doing so they only increased the death count.
Now, in the void of the asteroid belt of the Chiloon Rift, sits a graveyard of ships, and a hornets nest of a horrifying disease not seen by the galaxy in millenia. Resources begin to dwindle across the Primeval space, and production begins to slow without the heavily rich mass mining of ores in the region, and this begins to call planetary attention.
With the Primeval focused on war, a fleet of some of the best soldiers in the empire begin their journey through the collective space, unsure of what they are to see, and unaware of the horrors they have to bare. These men in the campaign will face great challenges, and many will find themselves lost in the depths of the horror show that is the Mal Trusk Space Station or it's surrounding grave yards of ships.
Prepare yourself, Primeval Exemplars, for the greatest challenge you ever will face lies in the once great military complex of the far gone Kass Vetrusk, and the ominous SOS signal may perhaps be the most haunting memory you ever hold.
Don't mean to steal [member="Razor Shot"] 's idea or anything, but I've been working on this since [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] had told me about this contest. Although this is simply a rough draft, I hope people appreciate it and look at it in a fair light. Now, as for OOC, I'm willing and open to any outside advice or mention since I'm not entirely sure how this would work, but I can explain it how I see it.
Since obviously players are going to want to do RP with us, this would be run in a more Dungeon Master Sense, with faction administrators (or myself) being involved heavily in offering players NPC (and possible PC later on) resistance. Since the infection spreads, I can see players easily falling victim to the unfortunate disease, and in turn infecting their friends. Although the disease is not incurable, it is safe to say many will not be able to be saved. The disease mostly affects Humanoids, but for the sake of the RP we can adjust it to mess with others.
Realistically, nobody will come into this knowing what the disease is, or how to counter it. The only knowledge known is that a biological weapon was released inside the space station, and it quickly spread to any and all ships that came to the rescue of the station. With this, instant load outs would be players armed with pressurized suits, and a whatever armaments they intend to bring. Included, small squads will be sent out with each player, and NPC squads will have goals in various places elsewhere in the ship.
As time goes on, the NPC squads will release various SOS Signals back to the PC's, offering a psychotrauma-esqe feel to the entire thing, basing a lot of this heavily off of Dead Space and how the system worked there. While eventually players can uncover how the disease was made, many will face harder and almost boss like fighters, ones that seem to take improbable amounts of damage, or Rancors released in the entertainment districts of the mining colony.
Eventually, I see many players forced to run for their lives in the claustrophobic and cramped spaces of the space station, and a few would be trapped. The end goal would be players either banding together to cleanse the space station of it's infection, or simply giving up and blowing the entire space station to smithereens in whatever fashion they see fit.
Admirals of the ship would most likely be faction administrators or myself to follow up with the DM sorta feel, and allow us to command people to certain goals with certain challenges they face.
I can expand on all this later, but this is pretty much a rough draft as I said. What does everyone thing?