Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Princess Katemar Ashrod

Katemar Ashrod

Force SensitiveNot force sensitive


Katemar usually wears ornate but form fitting outfits to signify her status as Princess and ruler of her world. Having fair skin with no blemishes, dark brown hair often tied behind her, and piercing blue eyes, Katemar is the standard when it comes to aristocratic beauty. Often times she wears light makeup to help enhance her natural beauty.


Golden Bejeweled Tiara
SE-44C Blaster Pistol


Katemar acts very regal, perhaps even snobbish at times. Things such as democracy she believes are the worst form of governance, firmly believing that power should be held by the few rather than the masses. But despite those beliefs, Katemar also believes those that the top should embody the best aspects of people. Generosity. compassion, and forgiveness. For if we oppress the masses too much, they will rebel and overthrow us. Katemar ensures that she rules as a benevolent monarch to her people and the nobility on her planet follow suit.

Politically Savvy- Katemar has a natural affinity for politics being raised in a noble household. She enjoys playing the game of trying to out maneuver her political rivals to get what she wants

Stateman- After uniting her planet underneath her noble house, she has spent years of her life rebuilding it into the powerhouse planet that is now. She is beloved by the people and has experience in governing a planet. She is also a natural born leader


Little Combat Experience- Katemar has never been diretcly in combat. While she has been trained in firing a blaster, she will not survive long in a firefight.

Feudalist- Katemar is a firm believer in feudalism, that the nobility should rule over masses of commoners. Things such as voting rights she believes should not be given to common folks, only to those of noble bloodlines.


Katemar was born on her homeworld while it was in the midst of turmoil. The First Order that once ruled this area of space had collapsed, thus throwing her planet into a state of anarchy. For much of her childhood, Katemar was hidden away to avoid the worst of the violence, even if her family was killed in the violence. But by the time she was 14, she would be thrusted into the forefront of the violence. People began to back her and the rest of nobles against the provisional democratic government that had become corrupt. Katemar at her young age began to give inspirational speeches to her followers, becoming a leading figure in this rebellion. Within a year, the provisional government was toppled and the introduction of a monarchy began. At age 15, Katemar was crowned Princess of her world, and thus she set about rebuilding her planet.

Four years had passed since then, and now at the age of 19, Katemar has guided her world to become an important part of the Dosuunian Commonwealth.

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