Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Princess of a monster

Bastion, Sith empire territory

Above the planet dropped out a small fighter from hyper space, looking she saw a mix of freighters and massive capital ships guarding the planet below, it was honestly quite a sight to behold for the older twilek to see. Of course many a time she had seen such ships with the many battles that has plagued her life. She watched as a massive ship started its approach towards her and sent her a request for codes to continue on to the planet, transmitting them it moves away slowly as she started towards the atmosphere and slowly down towards the planets surface as she sent additional codes to land near the palace, she had to admit they had some strict security here and she knew why and wouldn't put up any issue at all with them, as her ship slowly landed the hiss of the hydraulics sounded out as she shut everything off before she opened the canopy to several guards that stood waiting for her

Hitting the ground she came with only her sabers, no blasters except her arm cannon even that was unloaded and in hand mode, her gam shined a bit as she stood up and looked to them as she nodded and began to walk with them following her on all sides, she was greatly impressed at the length of the security yet again. They would escort her towards the imperial palace where even from here she could feel immense power she could only guess was Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis , letting a breath out she stood tall as they guided her

@adara cadera


Location: Fortress Carnifex, Ravelin, Bastion
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Adara Raxis Adara Raxis


The Palace of the Sith Emperor was visible from all corners of Bastion.

A monolith rising into the heavens and sheathed in wall after wall of gilded stone. All citizens lived perpetually within the shadow of their undying sovereign who brought them safety, security, and unmatched supremacy over the cosmos. The entire complex was miles wide as it was tall nestled into the Royal Residence sector of the Administrative Center. The massive rebuilding process of Bastion in the early days of the Empire saw a massive area of the city claimed by the state and demolished to host the center of the sith government. It was now the most restricted, maximum security district on the Throneworld. The skies above it were considered a restricted airspace and all traffic through it was highly regulated, anything without prior authorization would be immediately intercepted and destroyed. The very moment one stood in the shadow of the towering complex of spires they were faced with the unequivocal truth that this was the Emperor's home in those who walked within the halls. Security was a massive effort that began on the ground with the Gelian Sentinels, the lowest wrung of security they were well equipped, disciplined, and dangerous. The ranks of the sentinels were filled with highly experienced veterans and nowhere in the empire would they be seen except for in areas sacred to House Zambrano.
They like all of the Emperor's security was separated from the Sith Empire's hierarchy and they answered to the Seven Captain-Generals who answered to the Shadow Hand. The palace was strategically placed in proximity to the headquarters of the Blackblade Guard and there were almost always a compliment of the dark troopers within as the next wrung of security along with many others. The highest level of security was the Imperial Crownguard the sovereign protectors of the ruling Sith Dynasty. They were the very tip of the pyramid of security and they only answered to the Zambrano Lords. All security ran directly through them and in the highest levels of the palace they were the only ones allowed to carry weapons so close to the royal residence.
When Stardust landed in the Vitiate Spaceport the first of two spaceports that serviced the palace she was immediately greeted by an escort of two Sentinels who would be her escorts up the massive structure. Their faces were covered by their dark helms and it was clear it was a man and a woman that possessed a certain rigidity and seriousness. They led her through the crowds of the ground levels and up through a series of lifts and checkpoints that took quite some time to pass through until they hit the first post of the Crownguard. A mechanized voice from within the checkpoint spoke and informed her that they would be confiscating all weapons. They were well versed especially in the force and possessed a unique knowledge to spot objects and other items that might be affiliated with the force. Once they were satisfied she was allowed through the checkpoint with yet another escort.
The Crownguard towered even above the hulking Blackblade Guard they were the genius of the Zambrano Lords - the apex of bio-engineering and cybernetics pushed to the very limit with the best training, bleeding edge equipment and the greatest candidates in all the galaxy. They were the greatest champions of House Zambrano and their silent protectors. Every single one of them was well gifted in the force. Unlike the sentinels who walked with her before these towering statues were even more ominous. They said nothing and yet she would feel as if every move she made was being watched.

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The tome upon Adara’s table hummed with potent language promised in its’ pages. A stylus in one hand, and ruler in the next, Braxus Zambrano’s only living daughter mouthed each syllable, an unholy relic of the High Sith mysteries entrapped within each papyrus page. Whispers echoed out of the girl. Her posture was perfect in a navy blue chersilk dress and mahogany hair wound about the top of her head in braids. The image of a well behaved and studious adolescent, a nexu stretched on the marble floor in a sunbeam, while a Mandalorian Cycle Owl preened its’ colourful feathers in a grand tree, sculpted by studies in floral manipulation to house both Mr. Wimples the owl, and Adara’s Domhandan phoenix Pax.

Yet, the docility of the scene was warped by the hideous and decrepit language which poured forth from Adara’s studious lips.

No tale of whimsy or childish entertainment laid upon the book rest on Adara’s desk. Another of the Sith Magic tomes given to her use by Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , the current manual of choice included studies in spell casting, the penalties of such spells upon the caster, and whether it was possible to defer such penalties upon a willing or unwilling ‘sacrificial bantha’.

While Adara made notes, she spoke aloud certain phrases multiple times, an attempt to learn the language at a good enough proficiency for future use. Grunting softly, Adara sat back and set her fingers onto her temples. She rubbed in circles, a radiating headache threatened to overtake her conscious efforts toward cognition. Maybe her father would better explain the current spell cast series than rote memorization. Or, but no. The Lady was perpetually busy, Adara would be mortified at prematurely approaching Lady Raaf for aide. Once she went as far as she could without adult supervision and revision, then she would ask.

Lips pursed around a teacup, Adara took a sip as a gentle chime came from her chamber’s door. What once was a sapient female walked in, humanoid body clothed in servant’s attire and head from lips up replaced with a computer bank and flat top. While Adara wondered where this slave at first originated and what her life was like before it was replaced by a computer, years under her father’s care made the question moot. The nature of them no longer shocked or unsettled her.

They served a purpose, and as this one spoke of the entrance of a Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae to the Imperial Throneworld and the residence itself, Adara perked up.

“Escort my Aunt to the nearest salon, please. Unless Papa has another location in mind. And do alert my fa-hm.” Sitting back in her chair, Adara bit her lip. “Perhaps I should seek my father myself... Yes, thank you. You may tell the kitchens to prepare a meal to share, make it biologically appropriate for a Twi’lek and father and I, thank you.”

She shooed the decraniated slave off, and spoke the spell-sigils to close the tome without a drastic and dangerous effect. One could not be too careful when one was dealing with Dark Forces beyond most mortals comprehension.

Also, if Raya came in unannounced and poked at it, the Fallanassi trained Light Sided Zambrano was likely to require the hospital wing. Again. Settling once more in her chair with the best posture she could muster, Adara put both palms down on her knees. The air breathed in and out of her, until a projection of her consciousness shifted. Descended from the chair in which Adara sat, and travelled through the halls toward the perpetual maelstrom of her father’s presence in the Force.

It behooved her to make another attempt at such powers, and instead of running through seeking Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis for herself, this was a far better asset to her continued training.

“Father?” The disembodied projection solidified far better than a previous attempt and spoke, seeking out the man who claimed and saved her from the half-life of a wounded babe and halfling Infernal child.
The first brace of escorts likely stood foot shorter then her, however they stood tall still and walked with her in a brisk yet it almost felt like a rythm. They took her up several lifts and multiple checkpoints that took a bit to get through, star had to admire the tight security and honestly took note of things she would adopt to be put into her own city one day.

Then they came to another, a voice told her they'd be confiscating her weapons, she handed them over without so much a issue and raised her arms to show nothing was hidden and lowered them as she was let through with a new brace of escorts

Now these ones stood equal, as they walked she noted they watched her every single move, she swore even how she breathed was watched and again she eaz greatly impressed. Any chance at conversation she knew was not gonna happen so she remained silent as they continued through
Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Adara Raxis Adara Raxis


Location: Fortress Carnifex, Ravelin, Bastion
Tags: Adara Raxis Adara Raxis , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


The air was filled with the smell of bleach and other cleaning reagents that contributed to the sterility of the laboratory. Everything was absolutely immaculate illuminated by the blazing lumens that glowed like suns overhead. It was a complex that could only be described as a scientists dream. There was an entire level of labs designed for virtually every medical, and scientific field known to man that contained equipment that was worth the gross income of an entire world. Inside this particular lab a series of mechanical apparatus sat in the center of the room, a variety of tables and shelves were pressed against the walls that held three doors. One went out into the hall, the other into a supply room, and the last went into some sort of examination room. It was in the central lab that the Shadow Hand stood. He was bereft of armor or other regal trappings and instead wore a lab coat that fit well over his great musculature. He was accompanied by Highlord Osbasid who wore the armor he hardly ever was without, and another man. The man was considered quite tall for a human with broad shoulders he was well built, yet even he and Osbasid were both dwarfed by the giant.

Doctor Kallisarian.

The scientists head was shaved bald and he wore a special lab uniform denoting him as a member of the Blackblade Biomedical Science Corps. A single rack pressed against the wall held the scientists own set of sleek black armor, a variant off the traditional guardsmen. It was Kallisarian that brought the Sith Lord down to the labs. The Biomedical Science Corps was responsible for all of the augmentations cybernetic or biologically engineered that turned guardsmen from normal men into superhuman killing machines. The work they did was absolutely critical in ensuring the continued evolution and dominance of the Blackblade Guard in this modern era. The corps itself was a sign of progress and everything they put out since their creation spoke to the value. Their work took a soldier with superior training, equipment, and battlefield experience and enhanced him beyond what anyone thought possibe. The Shadow Hand followed their work closely and large scale implementation of the current genhanced bodies of the guard had to ultimately be approved by his hand.

Kallisarian for the past hour had been presenting his plans for the introduction of a new implant into the Blackblade Guard, developed from blueprints uncovered from the ancient sith. It was an implant that stimulated cellular reproduction in the body allowing the individual to heal far faster than they otherwise would naturally. It was put through a complex series of stress tests and experiments, a long process before he could even get approved to present it to the Highlord let alone the Shadow Hand himself. The sith regenerator as Kallisarian called it if implanted would give a Blackblade a form of battlefield regeneration allowing them to heal injuries faster, and get back in the fight. The presentation culminated in a demonstration of the implants effectiveness in a subject, a guardsmen who volunteered for the program was put through a series of wounds, and the giant was very pleased at the results.

"Once we calibrated the regenerator and made certain it was compatible with the Blackblade's complex biology, the benefits were evident right from the onset. Not only would our warriors have the ability to withstand even the most horrific combat scenarios but they have the ability to heal on their own even before a medic is needed." Doctor Kallisarian said.

"I've seen the extensive battlefield testing results they've done. It has a profound impact in combat scenarios and a marked effect on soldier longevity and its less intrusive nature means it can be introduced fairly quickly." Osbasid added.

The Death Lord crossed his arms and shifted his gaze back from Osbasid to the Doctor and spoke "Do you have a time table for implementation?" He asked. No doubt there were benefits to the implant. What concerned him was how implementation would work. To introduce it into the entire guard would take time and depending on its intrusive nature that meant entire corps would need to be made unavailable for field operation for a period of time, and he couldn't afford to take the entire guard out for a prolonged period of time.

"Yes and we are very optimistic my lord. As the Highlord said the process is minimally intrusive and there is no necessary recovery time. We do no need to pull the Grand Army out of the field for its introduction." Kallisarian answered.

It was then that he heard the calling voice of Adara reach into his mind.

"Yes my child?"

An essence of detachment and pain seeped the walls of the laboratory as Adara’s ethereal form drifted down. While the trooper volunteered to be wounded, and was a diligent and quiet subject, the pain he repressed sang to Adara’s senses. She wanted to taste it, live with the pain so near she could take and glut upon it. The laboratory ached around the ghostly apparition, who smoothed her navy blue dress as she floated at eye level with her gargantuan progenitor.

“My pardons, Highlord. Doctor. May I steal my father from you?” Both Highlord Osbasid and Doctor Kallisarian were given polite and respectful curtseys. The Blackblades were a fascinating and vicious comfort to the youth, both as curios to study and a force to protect that which her family valued.

“Stardust arrived and passed the first security checks. I commanded she be brought to a Salon and a meal prepared. Will you come meet her?” Adara’s bottom lip drifted between her teeth. Long did the pull of her two families, her Mandalorian kin and beloved Zambranos, tangle the threads in her mind. While Braxus taught his daughter to detach and be strong, that all ills were to be enfolded in memory for the perfect revenge, there was want for nothing, should she work diligently on her studies. Her adopted Aunt was one of the few Mandalorians who understood the Force, and seldom hesitated in sharing warmth with the confused Infernal child.

Yet, since Stardust suffered an amnesiac event, Adara tugged the Twi’lek into her Zambrano world. She showed Carnifex at rest, on Panatha with his wives Ahani and Gunnr, after Gunnr’s daughter Taiya was born. Stardust saw a proud father, a man at his leisure. Yet as Stardust’s memories returned, Adara’s hope remained that upon further inspection, the once angry anti-Sith would see the truth.

Demons though they were, to those who found their way House Zambrano could offer the Galaxy’s best. In her way, Adara longed for the diffident sides of herself to rectify. Although the rectification cut chaff from her life, Braxus’ daughter held to such feeble loves as hope provided.

“Please, Papa?”


The salon was comfortably furnished, if vast. Dark marble and pleasant carpets draped the floor, where couches were set with the beginnings of fruit and drink on tables. As Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae was escorted to the sitting room, two vast winged birds flew into the space and perched on the high backs of two guilded chairs. Adara’s childhood Cycle Owl Mr. Wimples, and her Domhandan phoenix Pax preened, fluffed their feathers and greeted Stardust warmly. Colourful feathers seemed abrupt in the rather dark space, yet Mr. Wimples hop-hop-hopped on the backs of the furniture until she could nuzzle her plumage crowned head into Stardust’s hand.

The owl kept with it a symbiotic relationship with Adara, held an ability to share sight and sound. It chirped and clicked its’ beak, attempted to nip affectionately at the cloth at Stardust’s wrist. A bit of familiarity in the obscene.

“Aunt Stardust!” The face which met Stardust was rosy of cheek and hale, as Adara trotted into the Salon, the small train of her navy chersilk dress fluttering on the ground. Her skin took an olive shade more reminiscent of her mother now, instead of the unhealthy palor of her childhood. A security and power rested around the adolescent as she opened her arms for her mother’s sister, confidence her fellow where in other reaches restraint and worry were her companions and guards. “I knew you would come. Thank the Force.”

Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

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