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Priority One - Announcing This Month's T3 Dominion

Greetings, loyal legions of the First Order,

High Command has issued its orders, and the First Order is moving to conquer more planets in the name of the glorious Supreme Leader. The most serene rule of human supremacy will be extended to yet more planets! Our goal for this month: The Trenwyth hex.

Let's get the important stuff out of the way: speed will be a priority for this dominion. We have received intel that some interested parties may try to rebel this dominion. We must ensure that that does not happen. As such, we have taken a different approach with this dominion. Our objectives this month do not focus on the usual martial conquest; you'll notice that there are no actual battles. Instead, we are moving to develop the planets we wish to acquire. The goal is to make these planets better than they already are, and to show the galaxy that the First Order rules in a powerful and unforgiving, yet righteous manner!

To maximize the element of surprise, this dominion will begin tomorrow (10/11). To avoid the possibility of a successful rebellion, we have created objectives that are exclusively story-driven. We hope you enjoy. We ask that you try your best to complete your stories within the 150 post limit for T3 Dominions.

Now, on to the objectives!

Trenwyth is a desolate planet, almost completely uninhabited.Aside from once being the site of a battle in the Nagai-Tof war almost a millennium ago, Trenwyth has seen hardly any habitation since – until now.The First Order has a grand vision for this unassuming planet, for Trenwyth will become the site of a great biological preserve that will be a marvel to citizens across First Order space.The First Order military has been tasked with importing the galaxy’s most interesting and rare fauna, while scientists work on further terraforming the planet into a lush, beautiful world that shall be a sight to behold, and a prime vacation spot for citizens of the First Order!Help with the terraforming project or aid the military in rounding up the galaxy’s most majestic creatures for the bio-museum world of Trenwyth!

Objective 1: Help import exotic fauna to Trenwyth and turn the planet into a place of vacation and enjoyment for the First Order populace!

Tel’erra is a planet rich in minerals and ore, populated by small groups of clannish humans and Togruta who have basically reverted to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.The First Order will be colonizing this planet for its rich minerals, but also in an effort to improve the lives of the humans on the planet.As hunter-gatherer lifestyles are often wrought with health problems, the First Order Starfighter Corps and Navy have been tasked with making contact with the natives and introducing modern medicine and technology to the camps.The Security Bureau has also been tasked with integrating themselves into local tribes and earning the trust of their leaders.Meanwhile, materials are being gathered for a city on Tel’erra that will both improve living standards and properly industrialize the planet.

Objective 2: Provide medicinal aid to the tribes of Tel’erra.

Objective 3: Make contact with the tribal leaders of Tel’erra and ensure the First Order earns their trust.

Imhalyan is ruled by Stardust Raxis – a Twi’lek Force user with previous ties to the Knights of Ren.She has pledged to support the First Order so long as she gets to keep her position as Queen of the planet.The First Order is sending diplomats to deal with Stardust and ensure she enters into an alliance with the First Order.

Objective 4: Engage in diplomacy with Stardust Raxis to allow Imhalyan to come under First Order control.

Annaj is not only home to Darell Irani’s Iron Crown Enterprises, a company which has worked closely with the First Order, it is also the site where the Galactic Empire’s military retreated after their catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Endor.Numerous ruins remain from the Empire’s brief but historical time on this planet.Reports confirm that messenger droids carrying messages from Palpatine himself in the wake of his death have been spotted on the planet.As such, the Knights of Ren have been tasked with obtaining an old Imperial messenger droid with hopes of capturing a message from Palpatine.Meanwhile, the First Order military peruses the planet in search for an old Imperial banner to act as a ceremonial banner for the First Order.Obtaining an old Imperial banner will be of great cultural significance, to be used to consecrate all future First Order banners as an act of declaring ourselves a successor state to the old Empire.Not only this, but First Order diplomats have been sent to Annaj to broker a deal with Iron Crown Enterprises wherein Annaj and Xal 3 are allowed to retain increased autonomy in self-governance, exchange for their cooperation with the First Order.

Objective 5:Obtain Imperial relics from Annaj which will serve as important cultural artifacts for the First Order.

Objective 6: Strike a deal with Iron Crown Enterprises to allow the planet to come under First Order control.

Xal 3 – Iron Crown Enterprises currently uses this planet to test their weapons. The First Order will be building a shipyard factory on this planet, in order to pool resources with Iron Crown Enterprises and bring more jobs to the system. Meanwhile, the First Order military will be testing any and all new prototype weapons on Xal 3 as a demonstration of our power.

Objective 7: Help in the construction of a shipyard on Xal 3 as a token of good will towards Iron Crown Enterprises.

Objective 8: Test a new prototype weapon on Xal 3! The possibilities are endless!
skin, bone, and arrogance
[member="Argyle Crompton"], please take Objective 5. Sioux Chambers can assist, if needed.

I will be doing Objective 6 with [member="Darell Irani"].

I believe Mr. [member="Nathaniel Barrett"] will be doing Objective 2, but correct me if I'm wrong, sir.


Well-Known Member
[member="Natasi Fortan"] : Yes, that would be excellent. Along with aid from Riflor, I will also be bringing a few of New Advora's finest engineers to aid in improving the infrastructure and sharing building techniques!


Well-Known Member
I haven't yet decided where to put Rolf yet, but it may be between Objective 1 and 2. Additionally, if there is interest, I may be also doing a plot involving local emergency response and enforcement training on Tel'erra, sort of a "Hey, have some great training from the First Order Military on Crisis Response and general enforcement".

If you are strapped for ideas or need a place to fit in, let me know and I can come up with something!
I think I'll join in objective 4, as I have no interest nor is there really any need for a Grand Admiral in most other objectives. I'll come in as a representative of the First Order's military or something if no one would mind all too much.

Tanomas Graf

It's about time we get back into the dominion business, a nice refresher after the horrors of Omega and the deadly void around it.

I will presumable be accompanying Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"] to Objective 6.


Well-Known Member
[member="Garett Van"] : Perfect. I'd say bring a few tanks, we can do some show and tell. Maybe some basic training (Perhaps that's part of the deal, we could be providing some hardware for the locals. lightly armed versions of some AT-ST's or something) on driving/ weapons systems (No live fire!).

[member="Valessia Brentioch"] : 2 would be great for the FIMS, 3 could be as well perhaps an objective transition halfway through, have an NPC take over the small mobile clinic and your Major can go help out Rolf with some basic lifesaving stuff with the emergency services or even independent if you visit the local general hospital.
Starfighter Corps will be present at Objectives 2 and 3, escorting medical shuttles and dropping propaganda leaflets over high value villages and other targets. 'First Order Best Order!'

Want to take point, as SFC's premier atmospheric squadron commander, [member="Greta Kohler"]? Sounds like a good debut for the TIE/Striker.
There is no set priority for the FOSB for this one [member="Jude Falkrowe"]. Each of these objectives could certainly use the assistance of an FOSB agent.

As for Sentiri, I'm leaning towards 3 or 5. I'll decide tomorrow.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Roderik von Brinkerhoff said:
Starfighter Corps will be present at Objectives 2 and 3, escorting medical shuttles and dropping propaganda leaflets over high value villages and other targets. 'First Order Best Order!'

Want to take point, as SFC's premier atmospheric squadron commander, [member="Greta Kohler"]? Sounds like a good debut for the TIE/Striker.
Take care of [member="Greta Kohler"], [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]. In her case "SFC" stands for super-friggin'-cool.
This old relic could be present, and could be acquired with the other relics. In doing this, the First Order could acquire mission data that this War Droid was in, as well as gain the schematics if they wish to build more.

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