Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Prison Break!

Groaning Katrina lifted her head up off the cold floor. Leaning against one of the four gray walls in the room she glanced to see nothing but more of the same. There was nothing not even a door in sight. The woman would have gotten up to pat the walls as she was sure there had to be a hidden door but her head was spinning. Perhaps she would try to get up later when it didn't hurt so much. Katrina didn't drink but if she did the woman imagined that this was what having a hang over felt like.

As she sat in the dimly lit room she tried to remember how she got here and where this was. This information wasn't as helpful as knowing how to get out but she felt that in some capacity it would be useful.

After a few minutes had past Kat felt well enough to try to get up so she placed a hand against the wall for balance as she slowly got to her feet only to fall again.

The Destroyer

Roy woke up in a cell, which wasn't surprising considering the fact that he had been captured and drugged by couruscant officials during his last mission. Or was this even couruscant? Getting up, he looked around at the four grey walls. He heard a groan in what was most likely the cell beside him. He tapped on the wall to see if he could get their attention. Maybe he could find out where the Shab he was

[member="Katrina Garnier"]
Corruck heard a tapping from the cell near his. It was faint, too faint to mean the person had tapped towards his cell. He lifted himself to his feet, he had been sitting listening for anything. It had been about half and hour since he had awoken and still nothing new to say. He made a quiet rapping with his foot against the wall to where thought he heard the tapping. The groan was beyond his hearing. He could only guess as to why he was here.
"Finally caught up with me eh. Well they'll find I'm full of surprises." He said to himself before listening for any response to his tapping the wall.
[member="The Destroyer"]
[member="Katrina Garnier"]
Korin awoke with a splitting headache. He found himself curled in the corner of a featureless gray room. Bringing his fingers to the back of his head, he found a tender area where he had likely been cracked in the skull. He shakily rose to a feet, looking around the room. After a quick scan, the only thing noteworthy seemed to be an air vent flush with the ceiling. There was no doubt about it. He had somehow ended up in prison.

He had never been arrested before, you had to caught to get arrested, The problem with that is that nobody knew his face, at least nobody who'd have a grudge...

Oh... right... Korin had recently taken part in a coordinated terrorist attack on Alderaan. The plan worked out. But somebody could have recognized him. It was a long shot, but it was still possible.

Okay. First order of business, don't panic. Think this through. He listened on each of the walls, tapping them as he went, trying to see if he was near another cell.
[member="Katrina Garnier"]
[member="The Destroyer"]
@Corruck Hazen

The Destroyer

Roy heard tapping coming from several different areas, probably cells around him. Roy was probably part of a new load of prisoners that was just waking up. Just then, what seemed like a guard with a stun baton walked in through a sliding door. "Stop that tapping, scum bag!" the guard yelled. Without a word, Roy took a step back and nodded. It is probably best to not tick the guards off any more, he thought.

[member="Katrina Garnier"]
@Corruck Hazen
[member="Korin Undoli"]

Roshh Lago

A Ubese man was slowly brought to the cells. He had a bandage on his stomach and was wearing a trench coat. The guard was holding his gun and helmet and then the guard pushes Roshhp against the cell. The guard opened the door and brought a kick to Roshhs back, sending him stumbling inside. The guard slammed the door shut and locked it before taking off. Roshh could not help but grin, the guy who he was fighting in that bar fight back at the stargazer was most likely in more pain. He propped himself up against the wall and looked around. He did not say anything and just sat there, staring at the floor. The real question was did Roshh want to stay in prison? Well, the answer was yes. He would rather be here than be in some nightclub getting into fights with Ithorians. He looked at the guard staring through the bars at him and Roshh glared at the guard. "Do you need something you farkin' nerf-herder? I would rather not look at your face since it looks like it got lit on fire and then someone tried to put it out with a lightsaber" he said. "I suggest you shut your mouth before I break your neck", the guard shot back. Roshh laughed, he enjoyed being insulted. He then returned his gaze to the floor. He was going to be here for awhile for assault with a deadly weapon. Hey, he could probably be sentenced to attempted murder for bashing the Ithorian in the jaw with a blaster and hitting him with a potwa bottle. But he liked being confined to a cell, it made him feel good being locked up.
Corruck heard a guard yell at someone. He instantly fell silent. To escape would take thinking, not just attacking. "I don't have anything to attack with. My guns are gone. I'll just wait and see what happens for now..."

Roshh Lago

The guard slowly walked off down the hall, leaving everyone in the cellblock alone. He would then smile and open his mouth to speak. "Anyone else in here?" he asked before pulling himself up.

The Destroyer

"No, aside from killing more people than you can count" Roy replied when the guard left. "I won't talk more until we hit the mess hall. They are probably listening" he said, walking to the door and pressing it, feeling for weak points
Corruck slipped out of his cell. He didn't know the reason for him being here. But he didn't plan on staying. He wouldn't try to force an escape. Not yet.

"So our fine prison guard, which way to the food. Or is this a place where we find what we can and starve otherwise?"

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"The mess is that way follow me" *points left and starts to walk towrds the mess hall* the chatter of all the other prisoners were loud "ok you get one hour to eat then im back dont try anything funny your under watch." *points up*


How the hell had Veran ended up in jail? In all of his years of pirating and cooking and fighting he had never ended up in a prison before, he tried to fall back asleep again, the people who ended up in this place were usually the biggest scum in this universe, he didn't want to mix with them, a guard came knocking around the cells telling everyone to wake up, so Veran sat up in his cold bed, wait it shouldn't be that cold, he felt his bare chest, crap he had no shirt, which would reveal his battle scars and the pirate tattoo on his back, this was defiantly not his day.

There was only one chance he could get his shirt back, he banged on the cell and yelled towards the guard "Oi" but he seemed to be occupied with the other inmates, so he kicked the steel creating a loud bang "Oi were the hell did my shirt go?"
[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
After making the inmates go to the mess hall he returned to Veran " your shirt is withthe warden along with all the other armour and robes now come on" *unlocks cell door* head to the mess hall with the others one hour to eat then im going to come back"


Veran wasn't used to the protocol of prisons and he thought that he could get his shirt back so he grabbed the guard by the shoulder and said "Now look here buddy, we can do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way, I want my shirt back" Veran looked around at the other inmates "why do the others get to keep there shirts, mine wasn't harmful"
[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"The other prisoners get their shirts because they are well known now let go before I call the other guards. Your not use to this prison aren't you well here you are in for crimes you have committed against our great republic only scum go here now you think that you can just control what I do" * grabs shock baton and gets ready*
Corruck watched silently, pretending to eat food. He in fact was formulating weaknesses and plans. Obviously the one guard they had met so far was easy enough, just overpower him and continue, however the ensuing rush to find an exit would cause a general alarm and completely remove any hope of escape. They would need to know how to leave before trying anything. If a fight went on right now he would stay out of it, no use in being noted as a trouble maker before you were ready.


Veran looked at the shock baton and simply laughed, letting go of the guard "Yeah I am new to this prison system, and you obviously aren't very force sensitive" hopefully this would imply that Veran was force sensitive, he turned around to look around his bed, just to make sure his short wasn't there and making sure that at the same time the guard got a good look at his pirate tattoo on his upper left back.
[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

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