Doctor Ludwig
Galactic Alliance Maximum Security Prison- Prisoner #4356 File
Name: Walter Ludwig
Occupation: Doctor
Description: Walter Ludwig is a 35 year old Caucasian Human male. He is of German Descent. His body is an average build with no distinguishing features. His hair is neatly combed and cut short, it is a dark brown colour. His eyes a bright blue (though if that was his original eye colour is unknown) Before Arrest he wore a White Lab coat covered in bloodstains, a white shirt, red tie, tan trousers and black boots. He is often seen wearing small round glasses, though it does not seem like he needs them to see.
Crimes: Mass Murder, Assault on an officer, Arson, Defiling Corpses, Human Experimentation, Unethical Medical Practices, Vandalism, Poaching, Harboring Criminals.
General: Walter Ludwig is a feared name within the Criminal Underworld, working as a Mercenary and Doctor. Many are afraid of him visiting them, due to the way he murders and defiles the bodies of those he has killed. Ludwig likes to collect the limbs and organs of those he has killed to use in his experiments. He is often hired to perform surgeries on high ranking criminals, though many take issue with the ethical nature of his operations concerning the use of murder victim and animal parts. His medicine far beyond that of a regular doctor, however due to the nature of his medicine, he is discredited. his work has been described as Unethical, Immoral, a crime against nature and incredibly illegal. In his own words "Medicine is more art than Science."
Arrest: An anonymous tip off alerted Coruscant officers to the location of Ludwig. He was later arrested inside of his own home on Level 14. At first he seemed to come quietly, however when approached by Officer Dennings, Ludwig stabbed him 15 times in the chest before he was incapacitated by other officers. In the basement of his house officers discovered a large door made of an unknown metal. All attempts to breach have failed, it is assumed his laboratory is behind the door.
Items: 1 Standard Issue Blaster Pistol, 1 Bag Filled With Medical Supplies, 1 White Feather.
Ship: The location of Ludwig's ship, The Vaccination, is currently unknown.
Medical Notes: Ludwig is not force sensitive (Thank God)
Both eyes, heart, lungs, intestines, left arm and left leg on Ludwig's body are not his, having been surgically added by himself. There is no visible evidence of this (such as scarring or stitches) but multiple DNA test show that these parts are all from different people. (What is he, Frankenstein?)
Incidents: Ludwig stabbed 3 prisoners while in the cafeteria, all 3 died instantly.
2 Prisoners have committed suicide and left behind notes naming Ludwig as a main cause.
So far Ludwig has not made any escape attempts.
Addendum: Ludwig has escaped and his whereabouts are unknown
Deckard: "State your name and occupation for the record please."
Ludwig: "Valter Ludvig, Doctor"
Deckard: "Mr Ludwi-"
Ludwig: "Doctor Ludvig"
Deckard: "Mr Ludwig, Your medical licence has been revoked for what, 8 years now?, You're not a doctor, how did you loose it?
Ludwig: "Oh I don't need a licence, as long as i know how medicine works, zats all zat matters. And how i lost it is no concern to you, Zough, it is a hilarious story."
Deckard: "Our therapist have told us that you are an incredibly intelligent man , however you are deeply disturbed."
Ludwig: "Disturbed? Nonononono... You all simply don't understand my Genius! i could cure all diseases in ze galaxy in less zan a week if i vas given ze funding, but "Nooooo, Doctor Ludvig's work is unethical and a crime against nature"
*Pause in the conversation*
Deckard: "M-Mr Ludwig...What are you holding? H-How did you get that?"
Ludwig: "Ahh it is nozing my friend...I'd duck under ze table if i were you, Ja?"
*The sound of a button being clicked*
*The sound of an explosion*
Name: Walter Ludwig
Occupation: Doctor
Description: Walter Ludwig is a 35 year old Caucasian Human male. He is of German Descent. His body is an average build with no distinguishing features. His hair is neatly combed and cut short, it is a dark brown colour. His eyes a bright blue (though if that was his original eye colour is unknown) Before Arrest he wore a White Lab coat covered in bloodstains, a white shirt, red tie, tan trousers and black boots. He is often seen wearing small round glasses, though it does not seem like he needs them to see.
Crimes: Mass Murder, Assault on an officer, Arson, Defiling Corpses, Human Experimentation, Unethical Medical Practices, Vandalism, Poaching, Harboring Criminals.
General: Walter Ludwig is a feared name within the Criminal Underworld, working as a Mercenary and Doctor. Many are afraid of him visiting them, due to the way he murders and defiles the bodies of those he has killed. Ludwig likes to collect the limbs and organs of those he has killed to use in his experiments. He is often hired to perform surgeries on high ranking criminals, though many take issue with the ethical nature of his operations concerning the use of murder victim and animal parts. His medicine far beyond that of a regular doctor, however due to the nature of his medicine, he is discredited. his work has been described as Unethical, Immoral, a crime against nature and incredibly illegal. In his own words "Medicine is more art than Science."
Arrest: An anonymous tip off alerted Coruscant officers to the location of Ludwig. He was later arrested inside of his own home on Level 14. At first he seemed to come quietly, however when approached by Officer Dennings, Ludwig stabbed him 15 times in the chest before he was incapacitated by other officers. In the basement of his house officers discovered a large door made of an unknown metal. All attempts to breach have failed, it is assumed his laboratory is behind the door.
Items: 1 Standard Issue Blaster Pistol, 1 Bag Filled With Medical Supplies, 1 White Feather.
Ship: The location of Ludwig's ship, The Vaccination, is currently unknown.
Medical Notes: Ludwig is not force sensitive (Thank God)
Both eyes, heart, lungs, intestines, left arm and left leg on Ludwig's body are not his, having been surgically added by himself. There is no visible evidence of this (such as scarring or stitches) but multiple DNA test show that these parts are all from different people. (What is he, Frankenstein?)
Incidents: Ludwig stabbed 3 prisoners while in the cafeteria, all 3 died instantly.
2 Prisoners have committed suicide and left behind notes naming Ludwig as a main cause.
So far Ludwig has not made any escape attempts.
Addendum: Ludwig has escaped and his whereabouts are unknown
Deckard: "State your name and occupation for the record please."
Ludwig: "Valter Ludvig, Doctor"
Deckard: "Mr Ludwi-"
Ludwig: "Doctor Ludvig"
Deckard: "Mr Ludwig, Your medical licence has been revoked for what, 8 years now?, You're not a doctor, how did you loose it?
Ludwig: "Oh I don't need a licence, as long as i know how medicine works, zats all zat matters. And how i lost it is no concern to you, Zough, it is a hilarious story."
Deckard: "Our therapist have told us that you are an incredibly intelligent man , however you are deeply disturbed."
Ludwig: "Disturbed? Nonononono... You all simply don't understand my Genius! i could cure all diseases in ze galaxy in less zan a week if i vas given ze funding, but "Nooooo, Doctor Ludvig's work is unethical and a crime against nature"
*Pause in the conversation*
Deckard: "M-Mr Ludwig...What are you holding? H-How did you get that?"
Ludwig: "Ahh it is nozing my friend...I'd duck under ze table if i were you, Ja?"
*The sound of a button being clicked*
*The sound of an explosion*