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"Prisoner transfer" [ask]

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.

"We got you, bishwap" a man in a ribbon decorated military suit spoke while walking Ark down the thick durasteel walls of PNG1 Maximum Security Prison. This prison was only fabled about, a horror among scoundrels, a legend. Nobody knew where it was at, and when you went in, you didn't come out. It was almost a compliment to Ark, he was wanted so much, that he was put into the god of all prisons. That would make him happy, if his ship hadn't been impounded and all his gear confiscated. A loud crack of thunder was heard outside, and Ark could almost see the outline of the hall he was in though his blindfold.

The military mans name was Lazim or something like that, or at least that's what the other guards called him. Ark guessed he was the warden for the wing of the prison he would be held in. It was a long walk, and Ark had barely scratched the complexity and massiveness of his new cage. Another loud crack, it must always be raining here. Maybe Kamino? Ark had no idea. Ark tripped on his own feet, and was grabbed with a large hand by the back of his jumpsuit pulling him back up. "Get the frak up prisoner 24601!" . Ark didnt dare talk, because he knew what happened here was definitely not up to standard with civil rights.

Suddenly his blindfold was torn off, and roughly he was thrown into a cell of about 80 square feet. Cameras lined every corner and the bars where magnetically locked, electrified, and followed by a set of laser bars to ensure no escapees. Standing up, Ark looked down to see his orange jumpsuit. Lazim stood on the other side of the cell, with two heavily armed guards with him.

"Here are the rules 24601. You run, you get shot. You put your hand through the bars, we take your hand. You touch the cameras, you get shot. You talk with any other prisoner, you die. You get caught with any items out of the ordinary, you will get shot. Do I make myself clear? Nod if yes"

Ark took in the bantha fodder he was in now, nodding slowly. Lazim left, along with one of the guards. One guard was left, watching Ark the whole time. Sitting on his cot, Ark began to ponder what next. Maybe, just maybe, Vassara would pick up the destination tracker on Arks ship. Even so, this place was a hell house, it was one out of a million that he could escape. Ark hated odds.

Outside the Prison

The prison was huge, bigger than any other complex on the forsaken planet it was on. It was patrolled on each side by two Heavily armed and shielded war droids, the size of gunships. They where equipped with missiles, laser cannons, Gatling lasers, and monitoring software that could pick up any unauthorized visitors. The only defect to their near impenetrable system was the constant storming on the planet, lightning would throw off their scanners for a few seconds each.

The complex itself was constructed off shielded duraplating durasteel. No windows and had guards patrolling catwalks around the building. These droids shot anything that came near the complex that didn't have verification codes, running off different programming than the gunships, they were not effected by lightning, but every hour they have to reset their systems for 20 seconds due to changing verification codes.

Lastly, the inside of the complex was guarded by 1 guard per cell, and cells lined every corridor. That was only on prisoner wings 1A 1B and 1C. 2A was dedicated to armories, harboring missiles and grenades, along with blasters. 2B was dedicated to execution, and where bodies would be dumped into the ocean after their executions. 2C was for prisoner belongings, since no prisoners where let out, the wing is very unguarded, and is relatively unused.

@Switch @Orn'komad @Vassara Raxis @Harrip @Shawn Michaels
Harrip walked blindfolded down the hallway. His arms were bound in large arm locks and his legs were in very heavy shackles. He had already lightly tried to break the metals however he found that that behavior got him a hard beating with the stock of a blaster. He was only able to move at a slow walk. He didn't know who was leading him or where he was, though his sense of smell told him that it was a very waterlogged planet. He was about to speak when a voice that seemed to come from in front of him began, "Aren't you the prettiest face I've ever seen here." The sarcasm in the voice was almost palpable and Harrip could do nothing but sigh.

"Before you get any ideas, this prison is PNG1 Maximum Security Prison. It is a galaxy wide renowned prison and one that you will never get out of."

Harrip laughed lightly and in return he was given a sharp punch in his side. The armored fist was hard enough that it left a bruise on Harrip's Rakghoul skin. Harrip bit down on his tongue, intentionally. He spat some blood in a cough that he forced out. It wouldn't spread the disease, but it would give them something very difficult to clean up.

"Hehe, you'll learn soon enough. Now the rules, prisoner 24623. You run and you'll get cut down. You break out of those binders and you get a few new scars. You mess with the cameras and you'll get shot. You try to communicate with other prisoners, you'll meet a firing squad. We find you with any contraband materials and you get shot. Do you understand?"

Harrip spoke, "Ye-" He stopped when another blow struck him in the side. The stock of a rifle came up and smashed his face.

The person who spoke continued, "No, you don't talk. Now do you understand?"

Harrip nodded, letting the blood from his mouth and nose bleed without trying to stop it in any way. The guards dragged him away, though he couldn't see where and thanks to the pain emanating from his side and face he was having difficulty concentrating. The next thing he knew he was in a cell with four walls one door a single light on the ceiling and nothing else. There wasn't even a cot to sleep on. Apparently, Harrip guessed, he had done something that made somebody with a lot of pull very angry. He didn't remember doing anything though... Maybe it was just his appearance... That's what it tended to be.

He looked around the room, though nothing aside from the main light caught his attention... no wait, there in the corner was a small camera with a view of the whole cell and a speaker. He found himself on the ground leaning against a wall opposite the door. He wondered how long he would be here, or if here would ever leave.

[member="Ark Tallen"]
"The things I do for beautiful women," Venris sighed as he trudged through knee deep water, guided only by the set of goggles fitted over his eyes in the absence of a visible light source. He kept his voice low, as even a whisper could bounce off of the walls of this passage and give him away. "If anybody else asked me I'd at least be getting paid a small fortune for this, but she asks and I roll over like a frakking taun-taun-"

He recoiled as he found himself blinded, and held back a startled yelp while covering his eyes. He pulled the goggles back carefully and looked to the new light source coming from above. A large hatch was opening in the ceiling to reveal a chamber beyond, rank with the familiar stench of decayed bodies and bladders that had been released upon death.

Yep, this was definitely his stop.

PLOP! A shape was dropped through and splashed him with some salt water, and Venris quickly slid back into the darkness of the passage as the current began to slowly carry the corpse of an unfortunate prisoner back down the way that Venris had come from, towards the ocean where it would likely become a snack.

Venris glanced up and noticed mechanical forms dropping the bodies in one or two at a time. He needed a way to distract these droids if he hoped to get inside at all, but how...?

The young ex-Jedi shut his eyes and focused, reaching out into the chamber above with the Force. He sought out a body on the far edge of the room, ensnared it in his grasp...and made it begin to swing its arm bonelessly, slapping against the corpses around it lightly, but generating an echo that drew the droids' attention.

"Verify condition," One of the droids announced as it rushed over, a blaster appearing from its arm while Venris took this chance to leap up the passage and grasp onto the edge of the hole. He hauled himself up and rolled over a small pile of corpses, the droids focused on the now still corpse while one of them emptied three blaster bolts into it.

"Condition verified," The same droid said as its blaster folded back up into its arm, and the four droids resumed their duty of disposing of the corpses.

Venris, in the meantime, discreetly moved to the edge of the room and found a door with an access panel. He knelt down behind a console likely used to control the 'corpse hatch' and held his communicator to his lips.

"This is Talon One to Nest," He whispered. "Phase One Achieved, stand by for Phase Two. Going to radio silence until I find Talon Zero." He shut the communicator off and kept an eye on the droids, waiting for an opportunity to leave the room and its ungodly odor of blood and feces behind.
[member="Ark Tallen"]

Alpha Team-[member="Detorin"]
[member="Mad Klay Grubber"]
Objective: Hit prison from Northside. Make big noise, blow things up and give us a distraction!

Bravo Team-[member="Tyranus Collik"]
[member="Larana Holst"]
Objective: Hit Prison from South side. Use distraction on Northside to bust in and release the prisoners. Save as many as you can!
Charlie Team-[member="Venris Helion"]
[member="Shane Zion"]
Objective: Do you secret stuff. Get Ark to the LZ. :p


Location: Mystery Planet
Objective: Coordinate rescue forces and get Tallen back!

It had been a few hours since Vassara had tracked the prison ship that Tallen was on. When he had been picked up on business in the outer rim by Hutt Slavers she immediately knew he was in danger. It might have had something to do with the Trandoshan gang the two had blown away on Tatooine.

Vassara bit back her thoughts however, fingers engrossed in holographic controls of the Gypsy Caravan. The little freighter looked harmless enough, but she was fast, and fast was what they would need. Soon after his capture she had put out the call to the enitre fleet.
///:Ark Tallen is missing. Converge on following coordinates.//:
//:Destroy message when done//:
As Venris' transmission came through Vassara keyed the comms once, buzzing him with static to signal that she had a hard copy.

"Al-right crews, you got your assignments. I'm sending over the readout that I have from the long range scanners and whatever Venris managed to scrape up for us. Let's go get our Quartermaster back!"

A shortwave burst gave the respective crews scant details and rough unarticulated maps of their targets.

"Wish I could do better, but that's all I got."

She switched the comms off now, turning her piercing blue gaze to Silas.

"Prepare to jump."

Grim Blacklake

Shane Zion, at a prison complex, he only could sigh. He stepped slowly as he got nearer to the prison complex. He and Venris were supposed to extract the Quartermaster and bring him to the LZ. Shane had his sword on his back as he mentaly prepared himself for what he was going to do, timing the different guards from the wwar droids to the catwalk droids, he sighed and crouched. He wondered if it was better to wait for one of the distractions, nthen he remembered his canine, he motioned for it to come towars him and Shadow l lo stened the dog crawled on it's stomach moving slowly towrds Shane, he smiled feeling a tear fall from his face.

"Go..." shane whispered before looking at the complex, "ddistract the guards for a few seconds." The dog looked at him and then ran towards the complex all he had to do was lead them away from the complex for just a minute at the most. Shane watched as the dog maneuvered around the droids before running away towards another area, the droids sights followed. Shane saw his opening and ran towards the catwalk, once he arived he hid in the shadows.

From here he sat planning his next move.
[member="Shane Zion"]

Venris' first act upon leaving the room in Wing 2-B was to head for the point where he and Zion were meant to rendezvous at. It had been deemed less of a risk of they had used separate entry methods and then proceeded to Ark's position together, as the guards would not expect a highly organized rescue effort like this. On his way Venris made sure not to leave any indication of his presence, avoiding the sight of guards and cameras alike, moving over floor based traps by travelling along the ceiling, using the odd mind trick or two to geta guard to open the doors, etc.

Soon he was stopped by a door leading to the prison exterior, the site of his rendezvous with Shane. Venris set his communicator to the pre chosen frequency that he and Shane would be using and waited for him to either arrive or call for assistance....hopefully the former.
It felt like an eternity before something broke the silence. He felt something through the metal. He couldn't tell what it was specifically, however he could tell something was wrong. Well, wrong was dependent on the perspective of the people. The guards seemed to be talking and it didn't seem that they were not pleased. That probably meant that it was good news for Harrip. He had been working on breaking the bonds that held his arms behind his back. They were strong, but not strong enough to stop him.

He could feel the welding and joints begin to separate under the far too powerful force of his arms. Certainly, the men had taken precautions, however they had not been careful enough with the strength of the metal. He heard some of the metal break and he prayed that it was not too loud that the guards would hear it. It seemed that fate was against him, one of the guards turned quickly and looked into the cell. He asked what that noise was, before Harrip could replied the man pulled out a blaster pistol and told Harrip to stay in the corner.

Harrip obeyed, he watched as the man opened the cell door and closed it behind him. The man seemed confident, who wouldn't with a friend behind you will a blaster that could intervene should anything go wrong. He told Harrip to turn around. Knowing this was his last chance he gave one last pull with all his might. At first the metal only made a sound as if it were groaning. Then suddenly the metal snapped apart, the sound of metal being rent filled the room. It was not pleasant for Harrip to hear, but it was also a good distraction for even a moment. The guard screamed almost instantly for help, but before his friend could do anything Harrip was upon him. He grabbed at the guard, ripping cloth and flesh as he picked the man up and threw him roughly against the floor.

It could have been a killing blow, the sheer force that Harrip could use to throw a man into a floor could have crushed him. However, Harrip had made sure to avoid that, instead he through the man so hard that he became dazed. Swiping the key off the man's body, Harrip rolled away from the body. Soon there was blaster fire filling the room. The friend, unlike the first guard, had a carbine. Harrip felt skin burn and pain surged through him. That only made him angrier.

He tried to get to the door, but the suppressive fire that the man was laying down was too much. At last Harrip just threw the key, it went soaring through the air and clattered near the man's feet. Harrip could hear the sound of a comm being activated, the man must have been calling for help. It was now or never.

Harrip threw himself against the door, smashing the handle and crumpling the metal. It was bent so far out of shape that a small man could have probably fit through the hole. This made the guards mind up, he laid down more suppressive fire, forcing Harrip to back away from the door and to fall to the ground. He rolled sideways until the unconscious guard was between him and the firing guard. Looks like escape was not going to happen any time soon. He could already hear more guards walking into the hall.

[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Ark Tallen"]

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