Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Private] A Little OJT

Uther was back at the healer's temple again, but this time to apply what he had learned from Master Whitelight. Since the morning, he had been helping more experienced healers and physicians treat anything ranging from sniffles to plasma burns. It was his personal style to use conventional medical treatments, then enhance said treatments with the Force as needed. The first day he had shown up to train with Whitelight, he wasn't so sure he would be cut out for healing work, but he found he had a knack for it. If there was anything he couldn't handle, then the staff were always good about giving him pointers.
Coming into the make sure room that was serving as the ER room for good reason. As she had to be half help by her twin sister Shiva. All the time hearing from her how sorry she was about what happen out there. "Look just shut your trap, I don't care that you saw that pretty butterfly wing creature.", as this point she was so full of angery towards her own sister that nothing would calm her down.

Feeling her sister once again trying to put a hand upon her shoulder. Here again what was spoken just rolling her own eyes at her. "Proud my butt, your a whore you know it, then you do this.", couldn't help but get it all out no matter how many was watching them. After all their might or might not be something off on her yet. As there was some kind of darkness that had buried it self deep with in.

[member="Uther Weiss"]
Uther seeing his latest patient out to the lounge to recuperate, he was alone in the small examination room he had claimed for himself, reviewing some charts and notes from past treatments earlier in the day, humming along to some mellow rock music playing from his datapad. That was until a a small commotion outside made him stick his head out the door to investigate.

What he found was the incredible sight of a pair identical Zeltron twins, one cursing at the other. He noted that they were quite attractive - the Silver Order never seemed in want of pretty females.

"May I help you?" he asked, standing right outside his door. He wore his normal clothes, which made him stick out of place with other staff mostly wearing some form of smocks or more exotic robes.

[member="Shalla Horizonis"]
Shiva shrugging at her sister Shalla as she blocked out most of the tongue lashing. Looking up at the one that was speaking. This brought a very much smirking grin with her own eyes upon him. "Hello doll face, I think we could talked about what you can help me with.", with that she went up to cozy up only to feel that some one pulling her back.

Shalla just had to stop her stopping her play she heard of being man blocked but this was something more of a kitty block."Meow, Meow...", after all.

[member="Uther Weiss"]
"Yes you can I need someone to fix me up, as it is my sister suppose to be a healer if she would every get her lesson started.", it was a matter of fact that she had found out her sister wasn't even doing half what was ask of her to do. Seem like that half no more then half the medical and healers that was the males in this place had been helping themselves to her sister.

If he would look at her closely could see the claws marks coming through the kind of robe she had thrown over her to not show how her chest was looking with one claw stuck in her good.

"You see my sister can't do what she told has one track mind, we was suppose to be out with two other for a train but no she wanted to play with them, in her own special way.", as she looking. [member="Uther Weiss"]
One of the twin's words were dripping with innuendo, but other looked like she was more keen on actually seeking some medical attention, but just by looking at her, he couldn't tell what was wrong. Behind the twins, he could see one of the doctors giving him looks and shaking her head for some reason. Now that he was outside his room, he could see plenty of healers available in the lobby, yet they had left him to attend to the twins. There was something shady about all this, but Uther wouldn't refuse them service.

"If you'll (Shalla) follow me, then I'd like to ask you a few questions to get an idea of what's going on with you. Your sister can join you if you like." He disappeared back into the examination room. Inside they would find a examination table that could be propped up as a seat, and a small stone bench carved out of the stone wall.

[member="Shalla Horizonis"]
Following him but something else happen also feeling her sister right on his heal. "Oh don't you think you should go get some work study in.", as her sister had only one thing on her mind. Why did she see this going south so quickly with her around. After they was behind the curtain pulling her the robe to show what could only be seen as blood mess. Some of the wounds blood flow was slowed down no thanks to her sister.

Finding it hard for her to not gasped. It after all wasn't so eay like it was going right now. After some time she just wanted this to be over. All she did was started over at her sister seeing her letting at along sight. "Do you have to do that?", as she looked at him answering his question.

"Yes the creature had long claws why."
Sitting herself in the chair after awhile she was being so bored so what did all Zeltron like her do will half Zeltron. Finding herself going up to his behind and feeling "You know he got a firm and nice one.", as she just had that dancing of mischief playing across her own eyes.

[member="Uther Weiss"]
Uther grimaced as he studied all the lacerations. She must have had a high pain tolerance to make it this far without much complaint, she seemed more annoyed with her sister than anything. He picked up a small bioscanner from the counter, running it over her wounds to check for ruptured arteries and infectious elements.

"You were mauled? How did that happen?"

Some of the lacerations were deep, but luckily all her arteries remained intact, and he found no hint of infection. He would need to reduce the bleeding on wounds though, so he used TK to compress the tissue around her wounds. If that didn't work, then there was some powdered coagulant he could sprinkle over the lacerations.

Everything seemed to be going well until he jumped up from hands grasping his behind, botching his concentration. It was the frisky one. Her touch was inappropriate, but there was something else about that made his skin crawl*. It wasn't unlike the time Whitelight made direct contact with his tattoos, setting them off with a strange influence of her own.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to either ask you to take your seat, or return to the lobby." He told her as he pulled away from her grasp, practically glaring at her. While he could forgive the harassment, there was something off about her that made him uncomfortable as he focused his attention on her.

*He's reacting negatively to spirit possessing Shiva, since he's also partially possessed, and can detect paranormal activity on a raw, unconscious level.

[member="Shalla Horizonis"]
Looking at him with such a playfulness, "Aww please tel me you are such a sour jawa.", as she let out a long sigh. Even before she could try and play again she hear her sister speak again. "Shalla please you don't mean it its not like its totally my fault how was I to know that they both would want to play at the same time.

"Okay okay so I wasn't watching my sister back some of the super duper creatures that like flesh to munch on deside we make good snacks.", putting up her own hands to smooth outher own clothing but there was little of it.

"Okay sister I'll go and see if I can help, but you should know." looking at the one taking care of her. "I'll be back later on to play some more.", winking at him before she took her hand across his back on the way out. Feeling those dart stares at her from sister.

[member="Uther Weiss"]
Looking at her sister leave after which she looked at Weiss. "Look there a little pouch in it some spice give me a punch would you.", as she just stared at him blanket. It was like she always used to num herself with or did she. Now in if they had a bottle on wine laying around that would be better to put it in.

What stop her thinking of these matter was the warmth that being brought into her with his own force powers. Having no choice she laid back down to find herself closing her eyes. "I apologizes for my sister behavior, I will tried and keep her away from you and the other half a dozen that she seem to be into.",

[member="Shiva Horizonis"][member="Uther Weiss"]
It took great mental effort on his part to not physically recoil from his touch. She made him feel bad in a way that he hadn't experienced since his days as a Sith. He was glad that she had left. However, that still left the other one, requesting he supply her drugs. Just...WHAT?!?!

"I'm you spice. That's the last thing you need in your condition." He placed his fingers on her temples, using the Force to trigger a burst of dopamine to her centeral nervous system. She should have felt a wave of intense pleasure after that, to counter the pain.

He resumed applying pressure around her lacerations again, until he was sure that the bleeding would stop. All the while though, he couldn't help but think of how wild the sisters were. They didn't seem very Jedi-like in their behavior, but then he had to remind himself that he was dealing with members of the Silver Order. They were a lot more recreational compared to their Republic counterparts.

"So, what's you name?"

[member="Shalla Horizonis"]

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