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Approved NPC Private Jasper Williams

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Name: Private, Jasper Williams
Loyalties: Imperial Remnant, Delta Squad
Role: Friend, and squadmate under command of alpha
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 24
Species: Human
Appearance: This soldier has the body of a runner when not wearing stormtrooper armor, Typically he is extremly small compared to most being's. In his uniform, he still is considering incredibly smaller then most not wear armor, jasper also has a mohawk as a hair style.
Personality: Jasper is the jokster of the squad, always making any funny, and crude remark possible during battle. While he may not be the best at what he does, surprising he has the most heart to keep fighting, especially for Alpha.
Weapon of Choice: standard imperial grade blaster rifle, and mobility due to size.
Wealth: middle class
Combat Function: Long range infantry, and flanking the enemy ( damage)
Skills: Basic combat training
Notable Possessions: Stormtrooper armor, 1500 credits, imperial standard blaster rifle
Other Notes:
. Long time friend of Alpha since the beginning of his service in the imperial military army.


[member="Matsu Ike"]

Please explain what mannerism's mean, and what the squad thing is about.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

What does the character do when nervous, when angry, when lustful.

For the squad it is more curiosity is it a squad like the Republic Commando's and elite unit? Is it like Havoc with mismatched soldiers who together compliment each others weaknesses? Is it a basic squad of soldiers? This doesn't have to be answered just my own curiosity.


Delta is a regular storm trooper assault squad, which I command as their NCO. Ill answer the rest soon, sorry for the wait. [member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Approved pending secondary
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