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Rimward Trade League

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Privateering Company

Hey y’all! While I’m tossing ideas around for Krenis, mostly with him working as a contractor for the Suarbi System Republic to help train the defense forces and develop new special forces, pulling from his experience as an original ARC who trained under Jango Fett.

But, I’m also leaning towards privateering, sort of synthesizing his Mandalorian-ness with his Republic ARC nature. And looking into early US history, I found that a lot of pre revolutionary merchants would work together to fund a privateering vessel through creating a joint-stock company, where everyone would have shares in the company and receive parts of the payout. How, obviously, we have privateers and the Rebel Alliance had privateers in the old D6 rpg that I based ours on.

So, this privateering company idea sounds like a really fun way of combining these different elements, further develop our unique influence from maritime history, and build some really cool character connections beyond just “we’re privateers which makes us legalized pirates.”

Would anyone be interested in forming a company? I can see a ton of different angles we could run with it- since it would operate like a hybrid PMC/trading house? Probably it’s own intelligence group, it’s own engineers, plus the actual privateers themselves. And we could charter the creation of custom ships, probably, like the 18th century trading families

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