Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Problems without answers

Factory Judge
Hello all. Recently I have been gone for almost two weeks now. Reason? Computer decided to die on me. First it was the cord not charging, followed by a younger sibling spilling water into the motherboard, then losing almost an entire Tb worth of information on my laptop. Sooooo any form of a computer I have is my tablet and phone. Posting would have been slow.

However, it gets better.

My boss decided to change my schedule half way through the week without telling me. Thus, I didn't come into work on the right days. It became a huge fight of he said she said, and no real valid proof of anything. So I have one massive write up that could get me fired, when I already lost my second job due to "being too good for my position." (Seriously, I was told that they day I came in and was fired.)

So I don't have a computer, no job, and almost no way to get said job as I got into a wreck and can't have a car due to high as the sky insurance prices.

I will not be writing for a while. First, need a job, secondly, need a computer since my tablet is my necessary form of communication to the web, it's going to be used for applications, and such. Not gaming.

I would like to offer my sincerest apoligies to [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], the others in the FO/GA invasion on Hoth for my sudden absence. This is the first time I have had a chance to use my tablet even remotely fun related, and thus have contacted you guys.

Sorry it's a little late, but better late than never right?

Anyways, I will be back on the site when I can, I just need to fix a whole lot of problems that I don't have the answers too.

As always, may the force be with you.
[member="Anora Shaw"]

Always gonna be here when you're good and able to return, Brother.

Until then, take care and all the best with the trouble life seems to be giving you.

Give us a shout across PSN if you ever feel the need, and if that doesn't go bust soon too!
("Touch Wood!").

Peace dude,
Factory Judge

Had a job for about three weeks, then was fired due to having hired too many people, and they couldn't pay me to work anymore. Still looking into jobs, and trying places I never thought I would turn to. You would think an engineering, computer tech dual major would be able to find any kind of work in that field right..... right?

Anyways, still busy, might be able to fix my computer soon with the help of a few friends who are willing to loan me a computer, depending on if they trust me with it, or if they even do give it to me in the first place.

Just looking over the site for a bit while I have time in my busy-but-not-truly-busy schedule.

May the force be with you.

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