Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Procedural Generation

Once upon a time I was in astrophysics. I worked with large scale simulations. Some of these simulations worked with gas in the universe, using hydrodynamic simulations to model it.

There were mesh simulations. These split the space into a cartesian mesh. The code would work out the interactions between neighbouring cells and how much fluid/energy moved between cells. Sometimes they were a fixed mesh, other times they used adaptive mesh to be smaller in dense regions. However there were issues around the grid being in a particular direction and effects from this.

There were smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations. These use n dots and the exchanges were calculated between the dots. Obviously in dense regions there would be more dots and more resolution. However, things like shocks were very poorly modelled in this method.

Now there's a lot of work on hybrid methods. These use particles and then in each timestep the simulation effectively draws a Voronoi tesselation around the cells. I'm mostly posting this because there are some awesome videos below:

(Nothing to do with art, I know, but there are some cool and very, very large simulations using the technique with some pretty videos)

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