Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Imperial Palace
Grayson Office
Coruscant felt kind of..icky. Like there was a film of history that gave a sheen to everything. It was all over the buildings, the façade of its citizens, even the food tasted somewhat spiced with hesitation and dissidents.

The Grayson Imperium had not really existed before the day they reigned all heck down on the imperialists on Coruscants streets. Some imperials were likely still scrounging around amidst the shadows, and some squadrons had been dispatched to ensure they were dealt with accordingly. Other squads focused on rectification. Looking into the installation of a new government on the planet. It would be too presumptuous to instal a new currency with [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s face on it, but she wouldn't be surprised if interrupting the mint was on the agenda in the next year or so.

On Ruusan, Grayson had informed her he intended to build the name of his House once more. He'd promised it would not interrupt her training, and while she didn't want to be a bratty only child, she was feeling a little conflicted about the activities that had taken place.

So, true to her nature, she sought an audience with the Lord Imperius. And, aggravatingly so, had to wait her turn. Tapping her toe outside his door, legs crossed in the waiting seat, the young Jedi-wannabe awaited her audience with the subjugator of Coruscaunt.
There had been far too much time to spend with his apprentice.

There were several now, but Loske was the first: the chief among them, his prodigy in a sense. Teaching her the ways of the empyrean fulfilled him more than any conquest ever could. Cedric lived to see other things grow, be they nations or people. It was why he had made the decision to take the galactic core in the first place: to cultivate it, to see it rise up from the cycle of chaos it had been stuck in for decades.

He reminded himself to make far more time for his student as her meeting time came up. He'd have to issue her a pass to come and go as she pleased - even as Imperator, the role of the Jedi MAster was a constant one. If she needed advice or anything of the like, she had a right to it immediately.

Such thoughts whirled through his mind as the Quarren in front of him garbled on about unrecognized titles. The formerly oppressed alien sought his property that had been confiscated by the Core Imperial Federation. Growing tired of the conversation, Cedric sighed, and nodded.

"So long as you produce the proper records, your holdings will be restored. Speak with the minister of industry, and all will be set right."

The Quarren gurgled thanks in his alien tongue. Cedric smiled, and waved as the alien stepped out of his office.

"You can come in now Loske," Cedric raised his voice so she might hear. When she would do so, she would find her teacher grinning widely, evidently rather pleased for her company. It was certainly more interesting than that which the bureaucrats offered."It's good to see you. I'm sorry I've been so tangled up lately - things should slow to a more manageable pace soon."

[member="Loske Matson"]

A squid-headed individual bobbed his head toward her as he left the archway of the office, immediately reaching for his commlink and garbling what she assumed were instructions into it. Azure gaze followed him out before she rose to stand, and cross the distance between the seat and the doorway.

"Are you getting a secretary any time soon?" The girl asked, hovering in the doorway for a moment with her arms folded across her chest. Truthfully, she was a little apprehensive to touch the walls. They could talk to her, after all -- and she wasn't sure she was quite ready to receive their stories.

To be honest, this felt a little too ceremonious. She was used to dropping in on [member="Cedric Grayson"] whenever she liked, and they talk late into the night or whatever. She wasn't sure if it was their Force bond, or just the extremities of emotion the Grayson Master emanated, but he seemed happy to see her. Oh, no, emotion. Definitely the Force bond option. With that, she felt a little bad for all the scowling she'd been doing outside the office.

"You don't have to apologize, this is what you wanted, right? How are you feeling?"
"That would probably be a good idea. Position's open if you want it," Cedric half-joked. Truthfully finding an assistant that would be assuredly loyal was a difficult task. Cedric was a paranoid ruler, and he understood the fragility of the new Imperium all too well. Its elements were already butting heads with one another, and they had only been brought to peace via Cedric's mediation. He expected things would get more stable with time, but right now even a loose lipped secretary could spell disaster for his people.

"Wanted is a strong word," he paused, snickering at his own words. "Well, yes I suppose I did. I view it more as a duty honestly, something that had to be done for my people, and for the good of the galaxy." He stopped himself as he prepared to go on another tirade about the necessity of the Imperium. It seemed he'd given so many of those lately that it came instinctively - that wasn't how he needed to talk to Loske.

She understood.

"I'm doing okay. A little overworked, but that comes with the territory," he gestured for her to take a seat in front of his desk. "Happy to see you though. Seems everyone I interact with lately wants something from me - which again comes with the territory. Still, it's tiring." He paused, "How are you holding up? How's your connection to the Force?"

Pushing from the archway, she acquiesced and folded into the seat. Knuckles knocked against her head when [member="Cedric Grayson"] asked about her connection with the Force, accompanied by a grin "Still there."

She pulled her feet up from the ground, sitting cross legged in the seat across from him and leaned her arms on the surface. "I know you've probably given this speech a few times, but, give me a refresher course on how this is for the good of the galaxy?

Or is part of restoring House Grayson creating a legion that will snuff out all shadows in the universe...and that, by extension, will improve the galaxy."

There was no accusation in her tone, but she was having difficult perceiving the long term goals of this move if they weren't just for splendour. The reality of liberation was evidenced, even through the mumbles of the passing quarren -- but did the galaxy need another government? Another group of individuals that were in it for territory? That's where she was starting to feel conflict.
He could see the apprehension in the minuet shifts in her facial expression. Loske was unsure if they were doing the right thing, and he understood the fear. Cedric would have felt the same were he in her position. His padawan deserved a full and honest answer.

"I've spent many years pondering how to restore the galaxy to its old glory," Cedric began as he toyed with a small wooden carving that had been shaped into the image of a nexu. "My entire life, I have been devoted to four things. The Jedi Order, the people of the galaxy, my own people the Essonians, and the living force. I have spent far more time than is healthy pondering how best to serve these causes, and the Imperium was my answer."

He gestured out toward the skylanes outside the window, "I will admit, restoring House Grayson is something personal to me. It is something I do for my family's legacy, and in that it is a selfish endeavor, but it makes me happy, and it hurts no one, so I chose to pursue it." He turned back to Loske, "But the Imperium is far more than that. We're both young Loske. We've never known a galaxy at peace. The stars have been set aflame for decades now, and the reason?" He lofted a brow.

"The fall of democratic rule in the Republic's demise, and the rise of tyrants like the Sith Empire and the First Order. I have come to learn that the people of the galaxy must be united in order to stop its evils. If these worlds were left on their own, they would eventually become parts of the Sith war machine, and know that the Sith are coming. It's only a matter of time before they reach our stars."

Loske was the only individual he had ever shared a link through the Force with, and at times it made him slightly uncomfortable how much she might be able to read of him. It left his emotions unguarded, though he did trust her with them. Right now, she would feel nothing but purpose from the Jedi Master. He believed every word he spoke, from the very core of his being.

"The core is the most valuable sector of the galaxy, and it's been in imperial hands for years. By liberating Coruscant, not only have we destroyed the oppression of non-humanoids, but we have also brought democracy back to the people. I took the title of Imperator to guide, not to rule. My intention is to use the legitmacy provided from the throne of Coruscant to expand our Imperium to any worlds that would wish to be wish us. From there, I can ensure slavery, racial prejudice, and other evils are ousted from society. We can create a better galaxy, one where people care for one another, rather than seek a way to exploit their fellow citizens."

A pause.

"I have created the House of Lords, but truthfully it is the senate in all but name. The dukes, barons, and lords that make up its number will be democratically voted in by their people. There may be some exceptions for special cases, such as worlds that are in such disarray that they require a foreign governor to save them, but most will be brought in through the will of the people. From there, these nobles will vote as the senators of old did, and in time we can perhaps dismantle my position of Imperator entirely, and declare a Republic. Now, however, we are far too unstable, and there is far too much disharmony. Without a strong figurehead for the people to rally behind, our fragile alliance would crumble at the seems. We must first secure our Imperium and protect the people properly before I can relinquish control."

The Jedi took a deep breath as he finished. "That is my reasoning. From the Imperium, we can do the greatest good for the galaxy. We can act in the interests of the people, and no one is above us to tell us to do otherwise."

[member="Loske Matson"]
"Restoring to it's Old Glory.." Loske mouthed milliseconds after Cedric said it out loud, but not enough to interrupt the speech she'd asked to be privy to. She'd pocket that sentiment for a later date. [member="Cedric Grayson"] was an individual with a mission, and it imbued his spirit. That much was apparent beyond the way he held himself, and his diction.

Being young was an understatement. The blonde clone across from the Lord Imperator had really only been out of the laboratory for maybe four years now? She'd been created for war. Stitched together to sunder darkness, and expose enough gaps for the light to pour in and do what it needed to.

The explanation essentially boiled down to if you want something done right, do it yourself. Which negated her questions on why not just join the coalition? Why not attempt to bring all the Jedi Orders together? Effectively, if it was another government, at least it was just one more against The Sith. They'd likely start to create allegiances and build out from there.

For a handful of seconds after Master Grayson stopped talking, Loske remained uncharacteristically silent. Mulling over everything he'd shared with her. It was a motivating vision, one that several had pledged themselves to.

Something in her chided him slightly. The logical side from [member="Marcello Matteo"]. It was naive to think this wouldn't hurt anyone. In the future, it would. The Imperium would rise, become a machine, the people it's cogs, and The Sith would hunt them down. They would be harmed in marking the name for their Lord.

"People are going to die for you." She said finally. It was both a compliment, and a burden. A compliment to his vision, his gusto and belief in righting the wrong. A burden because...being responsible for people generally sucked. Something she'd never want. Her expression was wan, as if thinking too seriously was exhausting her. With a mental pivot, she leaned back and draped an arm over the back of the chair, physically looking to get out of this serious conversation. "And you're about to become the most eligible bachelor in the core worlds."

A smirk.

"What's the best place for me in all this. How do you want me to help."
Loske Matson said:

"People are going to die for you." She said finally.
The words struck Cedric more than he would have liked to admit, and at the same time they meant nothing. The dichotomy was worrying. His brow furrowed as he thought on it, momentarily distracted from Loske. So many had died already - quite literally billions of beings. Almost all of those death had been perpetrated by the Sith and their allies. The Essonians had died for him defending their world, and fighting onward. Their allies had done the same.

But then, had they truly died for him, or for what he represented? Was that what it truly meant to be a leader? To be a living embodiment of an ideal, a breathing symbol to walk the earth a mortal being? Cedric didn't know. All he understood was that those that had died under his command had done so to secure the future of their people, their families, their children. That gave him his answer.

"They won't die for me Loske, they'll die for what they believe in. If that is me, then it's only because I represent the means to which they believe their ideals can be made reality." Cedric replied thoughtfully. It was important that he understood that as much as she did. He was only a conduit, and it would be arrogance to believe that anyone would give their lives purely for his sake.

Furthermore, he simply did not like that idea. It made him feel a little sick.

The Jedi breathed a quiet sigh of what might have been relief when she came with the jokes. The change in atmosphere was welcome, and he found himself smiling along with her. "I don't know about that," he snickered, "I may have a fancy title, but I'm sure the majordomos of Zeltros might have something to say about being the most eligible of bachelors."

A pause.

"I want you here with me, at least until your training is done." He answered as if Loske were silly for even asking the question. "I intend to rebuild the Jedi Order of old, and you are my protege. Once you have completed your training, I hope you'll help me bring that dream to life."
Her reaction was delayed.

Her whole life (or at least the past three years outside of the lab) Loske sought mutual commitment in friends, efforts, focuses -- everything. She loved the idea of being in a single spot long enough to watch the seasons change..but she never imagined that place would be Coruscaunt. Her gaze waivered from [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s and she looked down at the desk between them, dropping her hands into her lap.

The lieutenant commander's mind was racing with the potential of his statement. Another Jedi Order. This was the next Republic.

"I haven't given my resignation from Wraith Squadron." She didn't really want to ask how long training would take, that would probably be entirely dependent on her performance, and not something Cedric could offer insight toward.

She also didn't say yet at the end of that statement. Loske liked to idealize herself as a surfer on the tide of need, flexible enough to go wherever she was needed. That said, if she wanted to make herself truly useful, she'd have to spend some time on herself. And maybe that Training to be a Jedi. Still, she never really saw herself able to boast that mantle -- only under the category of Force User.
"No one said you had to," Cedric offered her an easy smile. Most might have seen him as something of a hardliner, but there was a heart beneath that cold exterior. Loske had a wandering spirit - Cedric had recognized that much when he'd first set eyes upon her at the race tracks, and their time together had only strengthened his initial assumptions. Were it most other apprentices, the Jedi would have not trusted them to go off on their own.

Loske had a good heart though, and there was no greater safeguard against the Dark Side. That coupled with the force bond they shared assuaged his worries. If ever she had need of advice from him, she could get it so long as she could reach him through the empyrean.

Still, it would be a lie to say he would not have rather had her in the Imperium's space, rather than fighting for other nations. That was not the Jedi in him talking however, but the politician.

"I trust you. I know you won't aid anyone that would seek to impede our endeavors," the smile grew, "Besides, a Jedi's purpose is to serve. I'd be a hypocrite if I denied you that."

[member="Loske Matson"]
"Yes, you would be."

Relief flooded the room. Any muscle she'd had tensed in apprehension loosened and she sunk into the chair with a limp grin. "I had a little speech ready to call you out on that." Loske admitted, having reflected on the hard time he'd given her on Metellos when he'd accidentally already thought she knew about her Force connection, and was just being apathetic.

Light eyes glanced past him, to the landscape that stretched beyond [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s chair. If she made a concentrated effort, she could get used to this place for a stretch of time. There was much history here, and lots of people that needed attention. She assumed too, that in the future Cedric's Imperium may even warrant it's own naval squadrons.

She interrupted her thoughts with a sniffing sound, indicating stuffiness. "When was the last time you left this office?"
There were a number of unique little intricacies about Force Bonds, and Cedric had taken the time to study every one of them. He had never forged such a bond with another sentient being in his life, save for Loske. he had chalked such happenstance up to the will of the Force, as it seemed most of these bonds were born purely from shared traumatic experiences. Perhaps the events that had transpired in the superweapon had led to that bond strengthening from that of master and student to something more powerful.

Truthfully Cedric could not say, but he felt that bond keenly now. He'd taught himself how to close himself off to it, in some ways. His emotions and inner thoughts were blocked to the would-be padawan. Their relationship was that of student and teacher, and it would be inappropriate for Loske to know of the rather flawed and human thoughts that passed through Cedric's mind on a day to day.

For Cedric was a naturally broody person, and he had little desire for her, or anyone else for that matter to know of his failings.

Even still, it seemed she'd picked up on some of it. Or perhaps it was simply intuition. Either way, the Imperator practically jumped at her veiled offer to leave. "Far too long," he said as he rose from his chair.

"It's been awhile since you've had a lesson too. Shall we take a tour of Coruscant?"

[member="Loske Matson"]
"Yes, but wait, want to see something cool?" She too, rose from her seat and reached out to stop him from leaving the office. This made the chair orbit in an awkward sway, threatening to tip over due to her abrupt rising and knocking around it. Her face was positively beaming, a similar expression to when she'd realized she could erupt manifestations of light from her palm.

After ensuring he wouldn't leave the room, she took a defiant position and placed her palm against one of the walls near the archway. She spread her fingers out against the cool stonework, and extended her other palm in the opposite direction, extended to [member="Cedric Grayson"]. It was an optional offer for him to take it or not -- she was pretty confident with their bond he wouldn't need to but she felt it might be appropriate.

"I promise it won't hurt.." she was about to add an i think to the end of that statement, but reasoned it was best to leave it.

"I found out I could do this two nights ago." Pride burst from her puffed out chest, a triumphant expression evidenced and it looked impossible to wipe out. It'd been in a temporary apartment on Coruscaunt, the planet was brimming with history. The first time she'd done this, she'd passed out - telling herself how impossible it was. Frank had zapped her back to consciousness, and she remembered what [member="Cedric Grayson"] had said. Not to fight what The Force wanted. To forge her pact. "You can see who was in this room before you."
Cedric lofted a brow as she drew him to a halt. He expected something to do with swoop bikes or some other such thing, but her words intrigued him. The Jedi Master had studied several aspects of the Force, though this was a realm that was mostly unknown to him. He knew of the ability Kiffar had to track down old memories from lost artifacts, and that certain Jedi had perfected the art, but it was never anything he'd been predisposed toward.

Cedric was concerned with the future, not events of the past.

The opportunity, however, intrigued him. He suspected that the bond he shared with Loske might allow him to partake in whatever ethereal effects the Force had for her. It would be a rare opportunity, both from an academic and purely entertaining perspective.

Of course he was going to agree.

"Consider me curious," he eyed her outstretched hand for a moment with more than a hint of hesitation. It took a bit of conscious effort to reach out and take it - contact would likely make the vision transfer more efficiently, after all.

"Alright teacher," That dripped with friendly sarcasm. "Guide me."

[member="Loske Matson"]
Although she expected [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s reaction, she frowned when he hesitated to take her hand. "You're really going to have to get over that when they bring babies for you to kiss at your parades." Curling her fingers around his, she concerned herself no longer with the present. The first time this had happened, it was an accident. Now...

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back ever-so-slightly. As if she were exposing herself to The Force (we know, it's there in everything all the time). The view of the metaphysical was beautiful and technicolour, highlighted with nuanced ebbs and flows. Her ethereal self extended to one of the threads that twisted about the pair of Force users, delicately treading to a random pin point. They had no target, and she was not a good navigator just yet -- so like darts against a map, she tossed themselves forward into the unyielding current of The Force.

She had no idea what this technique was called, and yet, the walls spoke to her. To them. Infiltrating behind their eyelids, and inhabiting this very room, silhouettes murmured back and forth amidst one another. The ground beneath them remained as it had been in the physical realm, although it seemed to pulsate beneath their soles and lap against their ankles.

As transparent spectators, Loske and Cedric would be witness to history's events in this space. Just paces away from them, the murmurs started to grow louder, and take on a distinctly Imperial accent. Speculative seeking, searching fingers through private reserves.

"Why is Coruscaunt so deep?"

"Why is this room so secure?"

From the doorway, another figure in a tightly hemmed uniform stood, turning in to look right past Loske and Cedric. Their noses almost touching. "Less talking, more searching. If we can find this, before the Emperor, you can imagine the bargaining chip we'll hold."

The two men in the room, also in Imperial uniforms, silenced themselves. One crouched, another stretched, while the third waited.

"Ah-ha!" Came the triumphant accent, lifting a datacard and inserting it to the reader their accomplice held. "Made for each other." A cheesy grin was exchanged between the two, sharp-featured individuals. Within seconds of the connection, a projection filled the room. A topographical representation of Coruscaunt. It twirled, before zooming in to the layered planet, racing downward in spiralling twists and turns.

This peaked the person standing in the doorway's interest, and he walked right through Loske to get to his friends. She wavered, feeling queasy at the interaction. The shared projection's saturation dimmed, and she furrowed her brow to concentrate on rectifying it for the both of them.
There was a comment about kissing babies, and Cedric rolled his eyes.

When his vision refocused, it was otherworldly. The galaxy spun before him, strands of space stretched out into directions that were so indescribable they threatened to shatter the mortal mind. Cedric had not been prepared for the intensity of the experience, and he found himself drawing in several sharp breaths to center himself as reality became understandable. The pieces fell into place one by one, akin to a hologam ethat was rendering the environment exceedingly slowly.

The Jedi was suddenly glad for his padawan's hand.

He heard the words of the imperials, and felt them brush past him as if he were physically there. They did not respond to his touch - a curious thing. He felt he'd read of this somewhere - flowwalking perhaps? It seemed similar.

"This is it." The well dressed Imperial had nothing but greed in his voice. "This is exactly where the texts said it would be. It seems the emperor has been keeping secrets." The Imp smiled.

Cedric turned to Loske, and opted to speak given he doubted he could affect the vision in anyway. "Wonder what's on that map," Cedric's brow furrowed. "It looks pretty deep below," he focused, "...Even further than the underlevels. What could possibly be down there?"

"Alright, my guards are going to be off shift shortly. We should get moving." The lead Imp ordered.

[member="Loske Matson"]
Loske was startled to hear [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s voice blended in amidst this timeline that was not their own. They were unwanted voyeurs, and she felt like they shouldn't be speaking -- only observing. Then again, he likely knew the rules of The Force better than she did. She was just...figuring out what she was capable of day by day.

A shrug.

Dutifully, the pair operated to pull out another datacard and plug it into another port of the datapad. The map flickered slightly, and a loading bar overlay the display. The image panned and zoomed sporadically, giving glimpses of what it was they were seeking. It looked magnificent, and broken at the same time. Something hidden away.

The loading bar indicated completion, and the rest of the actions were hurried. They moved about the room, replacing things they'd been moving around and attempting to restore the room back to it's original state.

"Maybe we can find the source of his power, and use it against him down there."

They seemed largely unbothered by the stoic figure entering the room. It was a broad-shouldered silhouette at first, but began to manifest, overlapping with the image of the imps scurrying out the door. It was strange to see the bodies passing through one another, barely flickering. No bones crunched, no blood spilled, just ghosts ignorant of one another.

In real life, Loske was blatantly confused. Looking between Cedric and the figure who had just walked into the room. They likeness was uncanny. The cognitive burden of trying to determine what was real, and what was not, and where they were in time, were causing her to falter. She found herself struggling to keep her breath steady, and leaned heavier against the wall, introducing her hip to the mix for support. The amount of effort this was taking to sort through the threads of time was starting to burden her.

Where were they in time right now? The Spectre before them was captivating, and she watched him as he approached a dark figure in the same seat Cedric had been in moments ago.

The voice cracked above the confusion that was deafening. "Your reign is over."

Outside the door, the trio of imps with some sort of map disappeared from view.
Whatever questions Cedric might have had melted away as the scenery changed.

It was a situation he did not recognize or know of, yet felt in his bones that it was something he'd experienced. His eyes narrowed with confusion as he looked upon Cyril Grayson standing in the entrance of the hall. The bloody crimson of his lightsaber hummed with barely contained violence as he strode into the room. His father was clad in dark robes and battle armor that was completely covered in damage. Cyril himself looked near exhausted, but there was intense purpose in his eyes.

They burned a sulfuric amber, cold hate just behind the contained by his stern expression.

"I want you to know something before I kill you," Cyril's voice dripped with malice.

The cowled emperor peered up at the man. "And what is that?" His voice thrummed with power.

Cyril gestured toward the way he had come. "I've done this to see your empire fall. Every resource you've wasted, world you've taken, every soldier that's ever died for your cause - it's all for nothing. After I kill you, I'm going to leave your empire to rot."

"Quite presumptive." The emperor rose, a twin bladed saberstaff hissing to life in his hands. "That is, of course, assuming you can kill me, which I think we both know is a bit overzealous."

Cyril just scowled.

"Come then, usurper," bloody sarcasm dripped from the emperor's words.

Grayson launched forward. The emperor rose to meet him. Their blades clashed in a blinding display of agility, the air room around them shaking about as the powers of the empyrean were unleashed at their apex. Storms of lightning scorched across the chamber, spears of pure darkness cleaved through its furniture, and blades of energy carved through the rest.

Cyril threw a blast of telekinetic energy into the emperor after parrying a strike. The Sith Lord screamed as he went flying into the nearby wall, the permacrete shattering from the impact. Cyril approached. Veins of emerald lightning poured forth from the emperor's hands, and the Grayson slowed, clearly pained.

Then blue lightning came to meet the emerald. It spread forth, forcing the emperor's energy back, until it finally reached the old lord. The lightning coursed through him, his body spasming on the floor as his life's energies faded from him. A minute or so passed before the barrage was over, and when it ended, all that was left of the emperor was a smoking corpse.

Cyril knelt by the man.

"It's finished," he breathed, his body shaking from the exertion. His blood dripped in thin rivulets, his body torn asunder by the emperor's assault. But he had lived, and thus achieved his objective.

A man in dark robes came rushing through the door, red blade in hand.

"Lord Mephirium?" Darth Kentarch asked.

Mephirium turned about, a thin smile on his lips, "Let it be known that the emperor is dead."

Kentarch hesitated a moment, then pressed a fist over his chest. "Long live the emperor."

Cyril smiled, and gestured away. "Spread the word. I need a moment."

Kentarch turned to do as he was bidden. Cyril watched as he left, walked toward the shattered windows, and took a deep breath. He stepped forward, and then he was gone.

[member="Loske Matson"]
Maybe it was the intensity of the projection, or the duration, or a combination of both factors amongst other things, but Loske had to stop what she was doing. Her whole right side was against the wall now, and she released [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s hand to slide down and kneel at the floor.

They were experiencing one of the problems with skipping between realities --- losing one's sense of time. It had been morning when Loske first arrived in Cedric's office, but the sun had lowered in the sky and was hovering just above the buildings that threatened to pierce the atmosphere.

The other problem, was not being able to affect what it was you had seen. Or being wholly prepared to experience situations you were not part of. Without Flow Walking, there would never be the opportunity for Cedric to be in the same room, at the same time, as his father's greatest triumph. It was miraculous and terrible all at once.

Looking upward, she searched his face to see if there had been a reaction. While they were bonded, she'd been overloaded and unable to fully understand his sensitivities in that moment. She bit down on her lip, and rested a finger on her temple to steady the pulsing.

His father was dead. Handfuls of seconds ago, he'd been more alive than perhaps Loske and Cedric in this room. The fire in his eyes, the purpose in his movements. There was a tremour in The Force.

For once, she didn't speak first. Asking if he was alright was...strange. Part of her was worried he'd be upset - she hadn't intended to show him that. She didn't even know this room had been where the Emperor of old had been destroyed. So, she sat on the ground, awkwardly seeking a reveal from the Jedi Master.
The Jedi path was one of peace, and caution. It taught its students to seek balance in all things: that in serenity, one would find surety of purpose. Cedric had lived by those tenets for his entire life, and they had served him well in fighting of the shadows of the Bogan.

Right now, however, those tenets were shaken.

The Jedi stared in disbelief at the spot his father had just stood. A hand was up to cover his gaping mouth, his eyes blinking several times as if he were having trouble processing what he'd seen. He knew his father had slain the emperor, and had felt it in the empyrean even as a small child.

To see it in person though...

"That was my father," he said more to himself than to Loske, his hand slowly falling from his mouth. He stood up a little straighter, drawing in a deep breath to retain his composure. The man that he'd just seen reminded him nothing of his progenitor. There was no warmth, no careful understanding, only hatred and grim purpose.

Cedric finally understood the shadow his father had truly cast himself into to see the Sith destroyed. It wasn't worth it.

"I've lived my entire life thinking his fall was a lie, that he'd simply duped the Sith into thinking he was one of them." He hesitated a moment, "But he did fall."

A pregnant silence filled the room as Cedric found himself leaning back against the wall, momentarily overwhelmed. "This is what he went to do after they killed my mother. Her loss destroyed him."

There is no emotion.

Cedric understood now.

"The first of my family ever to fall. My father," he had trouble believing it. "I...I'm glad that he died shortly after this. To see him like that it...that wasn't him."

[member="Loske Matson"]

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