The OOC One
[member="John Locke"] | [member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Sko'saht"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
852 ABY
Commenor was a great planet.It was neutral in the galactic war thanks to the effort of [member="Lady Kay"] and her government. Therefore Chasin City was the best place to invest in a penthouse, his second home that he'd actually paid for. He always remembered the apartment he owned on Kesh, the apartment that he had hidden in during his exile from The Silver Jedi after Korriban. That apartment had served him well after Korriban.
He pulled open the fridge. There was enough beer in there, Corellian Ale and otherwise. Chips and dips, just another investment he'd made. He knew that this meeting might drag awhile, four different companies all trying to pitch ideas so that Locke and Key Mechanics could design and build Kei the best ship in the galaxy, at least technological wise. It was going to be an amazing ship.
Kei was sinking every available penny he had into this ship. Noriko was joining the budget, belonging to the Ike family she had money to burn. This ship would be an amazing upgrade to The Nightshadow. He liked his ship, but he had a really good idea on how to make sure the ship survived in active service. The crew had agreed to the plan and they were okay with it, they supported it.
The meeting room set and ready. All he needed were the company associates to show up.