Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Productivity 101

[member="John Locke"] | [member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Sko'saht"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
852 ABY
Commenor was a great planet.

It was neutral in the galactic war thanks to the effort of [member="Lady Kay"] and her government. Therefore Chasin City was the best place to invest in a penthouse, his second home that he'd actually paid for. He always remembered the apartment he owned on Kesh, the apartment that he had hidden in during his exile from The Silver Jedi after Korriban. That apartment had served him well after Korriban.

He pulled open the fridge. There was enough beer in there, Corellian Ale and otherwise. Chips and dips, just another investment he'd made. He knew that this meeting might drag awhile, four different companies all trying to pitch ideas so that Locke and Key Mechanics could design and build Kei the best ship in the galaxy, at least technological wise. It was going to be an amazing ship.

Kei was sinking every available penny he had into this ship. Noriko was joining the budget, belonging to the Ike family she had money to burn. This ship would be an amazing upgrade to The Nightshadow. He liked his ship, but he had a really good idea on how to make sure the ship survived in active service. The crew had agreed to the plan and they were okay with it, they supported it.

The meeting room set and ready. All he needed were the company associates to show up.
Well, this had to be one of the more unusual setups for a commision that he'd ever been too, mostly it was boardrooms or presentation halls, not a penthouse in the middle of Commenor. Still, as locations go it wasn't bad, the executive almost felt that it was worth looking to invest himself if he spent more time on Commenor that was. As it was mostly he was here on quick trips, in check in on projects in the yards and then out again. If it wasn't for the fact that his orbital yards were on the planet he wouldn't really set foot on the surface at all. However given the rumours he'd been hearing about the royal family, especially the king, it paid to spend some time here, catching up on the rumours that were floating around, and by all accounts, his host was particularly close to the Queen as it was.

"Ok Ex, you've got all the schematics right?" "Oh no sir, I think I dropped them back by the front door to the lift, oh whatever will I's not like I have all your designs committed to memory or a communications link to the ship as we speak. I don't suppose you'd like to know what the crew are upto now, I must say that betting pool is far larger than I expected." John shook his head almost fondly, waggling one finger at the droid, "One of these days I'm gonna hit you with that memory wipe," the threat had no force behind it, an almost ritualistic response to the Executive Assistant who seemed to wink back at him, "I do live in terror."

John fought back a laugh as the elevator came up to a stop, "Fine, just...try no to show me up too much. Not everyone knows that you're the true mastermind behind Locke and Key Mechanics rise after all. Appearances have to be kept up."

[member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Sko'saht"]
Noriko was looking around... the apartment was kind of bare... no real touch just yet before she moved around and rolled onto the floor. Grabbing some of the clothing to get dressed and head out to meet some of these other people who she had never really heard of. THe guardian robes though those were worth it as they were gleaming silver and white radiating the lightside of the force to push back darksiders. Here on the planet she had felt ill at ease so having something like this was well worth it. "Hey." She said it leaning against the door frame and sensing with the force as she reached out to find someone.. anything that might becoming but she had a family name to keep up with and they had a whole lot to offer in terms of technocal savvy for the ships components and even materials.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa arrived in business casual attire, getting herself ready for any future deals she would be making with Kei. She was comfortable now, and had with her as always a holoprojector containing holograms of any and all creations that Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing was making for the open market. She hoped that perhaps such materials would be intriguing to the Commenori representative so she could get some contracts.

That was the goal, after all.

"A pleasure, Mister Raxis."

[member="Kei Raxis"]
[member="John Locke"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Noriko Ike"]
852 ABY
Kei stood in the kitchen as Noriko joined his side.

There wasn't a real order to people's arrival, traffic in Chasin City wasn't great. It was much like Courscant in that you could wait an hour to get a few miles. It wasn't the worst traffic jam he had ever seen but it surely wasn't the greatest. Lothal was amazing, tattooine was perfect. Empty desert, speed across it and let the wind whip across his face. A little warm, most desert planets were but that was counteracted by the wind.

High speeds were great.

Vanessa Vantai was the first to arrive. She was representing the Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufactoring company, or the DCMM company if you wanted to conserve oxygen. They were weapon manufactors, supplying some of the best boom boom guns in the galaxy. Namly, they designed ship weapons. The ship was going to be mostly an unarmed cruiser but it did need to operate some weaponary to make it worthy of Commenor Systems Alliance Navy usage.

Kei took her hand, nodding.

He was purposefully hiding his force signature. No-one would be able to detect the light within him, no-one would be able to sense the growing darkside presence within him. That was mostly for Noriko's sake. Kei had only just reconnected with her and he was against scaring her away. The darkside was within him, growing and manipulating him. His father had changed him, meeting his father had changed him.

Or was it in his mind?

John Locke and his droid were the next and last to arrive. Locke owned Locke and Key Mechanics, reputable ship builders reccomended by close friends. Kei was looking forward to testing their craftsmanship. They also had good technology that they could put into the ship, good technology that would help the ship be the best ship it could be. They would be amazing to work with, amazing builders and amazing craftsmen.

He just wanted discounts.

Kei led the group through to the meeting room. He pulled out a chair for each of his guests, taking his own place at the head of the table. The table was lined with nibbles and alcohol, more available should it be needed. The screens around the room at in front of each chair were all connected and ready to display any informaion needed, technical readouts or catalogues or whatever else they would need to display.

"Alright then. Let's get down to business"
She was looking at the ones who arrived and raised an eyebrow mostly standing next to Kei... she was unsure about who they were and didn't really recognize names or faces from them.. which meant they were new and she would have to at least endeavor to know what and who they were. She sat down though where Kei was taking them and had her small wrist datapad ready for anything. The hardlight projection and design that they would be able to get out of it. Locke sounded like he might be one of the choices making ships and some equipment... maybe they would have something that could compliment the designers her family had for making their ships.
John paused, his fingers halfway towards the chips laid out in the middle of the table as he gave Kei a shocked look, mock dismay painted all over his features. " mean to tell me that this isn't a purely social call? That you didn't gather us together for the pleasure of our sparkling company?" The man inclined his head towards Vanessa, he's met her once before, but had heard about her more than that and competitors they might have been it never hurt to try to make friends. "So then business it is," he gave the table a long look before nodding and reaching for the chip, "I can respect that. I was told that you were interested in commisioning a significant ship then?"

[member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Sko'saht"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Business is good." she said. "You're not going to find many complaints here - though I already am certain that I have adequate compensation requested and a suitable design ready - that can adapt as it has to." She responded, looking at the other participants. This was a cutthroat business opportunity that Vanessa knew DCMM needed, and she would do just about anything in order to get herself an opportunity to make a contract with this portion of the Commenori.

Of course, the presence of lightsiders was always a minor downside, but you couldn't have everything.

[member="John Locke"] [member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Kei Raxis"]
[member="John Locke"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Noriko Ike"]
852 ABY

They all knew the deal and they were all got right down into the details. Kei browsed catalogues as he began to study the different designs all being uploaded to the computer system built into the table. It was a good table, an efficient table. He wanted more of them, he wanted more good tables. He made a mental note to get more good tables added to his ship. He didn't even know what model table it was, he just wanted another one.

"I mean, the basic design looks good"

He had looked over it. John Locke had provided the good stuff, a good design. One thousand meters long, a decent width with a good number of floors. Plenty of bedrooms and places for technology upgrades and weapon upgrades. John was good, Kei would be hiring him and using his talents again in the future. Kei broadcast the schematic to every screen at the table, breaking it down step by step on a loop.

The star destroyer style was nice. Kei was down with that.

"What can we all offer to kit this out with? Technology, weapons. Let's see what's possible here, let's push the boundaries. Even the most useless AI will have a home here, should John be able to find a reasonable spot for it"

He turned to John, offering the ship designer a grin. He'd learned names prior, it was polite to know the names of one's guest. He sipped his Corellian Ale, the taste of home. It was good, a good taste. He enjoyed home, he enjoyed Corellia. Corellia was cool, Corellia was where he had grown up and Kei always wondered if Corellia would be where he died. It was possible, die of old age in his sleep perhaps.

"Might need to knock a wall out between some bedrooms and convert into a server room"
Noriko was listening and then looking at the ship as Kei knew what he wanted when she stayed next to him. "Hmm well a ship that large is going to need a crew, I can handle that... we have been coming along quite well with biot workers and soldiers to protect most sasori facilities. We also have a number of new things, the Agena and biocomputers we use would allow better interface capabilities so the should would only work with those who have the proper bio signatures." She had a wider grin on her face though. "Also we made some Nnth metal hull plating, all around protect at the cost of your ship looking like it has a mirror finish. Internal security systems and my personal favorite solari infused synthweaving. so every inch of it radiates the force keeping away darksiders who don't want to get sick."
"No pressure then huh?"

John gestured EX forward, the centre of the droid's chest lighting up as the holoprojector flared to life, the image of a star destroyer floating over the table, almost translucent as John reached out to flick his hand around, sending the image spinning slowly so everyone could see it.

"Well it's a start, but there's still a lot of work to go. We've picked one of the classic shapes, but it's a classic for a reason, maximum coverage for the weapons, and a good amount of internal space to play around with. Of course, with a ship like this, we have a lot of things to fit in. But then, that's where most of the fun, is isn't it?"

The man bobbed his head at Vanessa before raising both hands to manipulate the hologram again, peeling back the layers and layers that made up the ship. Exposing the insides, and cutting it into slices that drifted apart so they could see in internal rooms.

"It's probably best for us to start off with the basic systems that everyone needs to have before we fit in any of the fancy stuff of course. You'll need to be able to communicate with the outside world, but most importantly to be able to control your fleet, and keep an eye on the ships around you. What I'd recommend is our Freyja Communications System, it's built from the ground up as a command and control system, able to create networks of ships secured at the highest encryption level possible. You can sort fighters by squads, Capital ships by groups and not have to worry about the enemy hearing your commands, or different groups trying to speak over one another. Although, to be able to make the most of that capability, you'll need to have the communications staff in place to handle the networks and provide them and you with the best information possible. Did you want to build a flag deck or command from the bridge?"

A lot depended on how an individual felt about command, about how they wanted their ship to work. He'd only met Kei recently and John still didn't quite know how the man worked, although he could tell, this would be interesting. Dedicated command ships always brought a little bit of an extra challenge to the mix since they weren't designed to just fight, of course, they had to be able to do that, but they also needed to be able to survive and manage an entire battlefield. It was that challenge though, building a specialised command ship for the Admiral that made this so interesting.
[member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"]​
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="John Locke"] [member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Kei Raxis"]

"Gimmicks can only go so far." Vanessa responded. "What you want is a solid spaceframe with reliable technology and a hell of a lot of weapons." A hologram was showcased of a ship similar in design to the old Assault Frigate formed out of ancient Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser designs. "The Legacy-class Heavy Cruiser uses a reliable, proven design. Cast duranium frame segments allow for a relative ease of repair. Modern systems. Runs off a hypermatter annihilation reactor. We can provide this ship with eight of our standard beam cannons. A broadside from these beam weapons should cut through corvettes and frigates in short order, allowing you to bring your firepower towards other enemy ships. We can also throw in a computerized combat projector and a broad-spectrum sensor jammer to effectively shut down any and all communications, sensors, and other tracking systems within a very large radius."

She concluded. "If you want to be able to defend yourself, have more arms and armor than those who would do you harm, and know how to use them more effectively. Gimmickry only goes so far - what good is a ship with exotic alloys that crumples under standard bombardment?"
[member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="John Locke"] | [member="Noriko Ike"]
852 ABY
Kei ran his hand through his hair.

Ground up, start with the basics and build up from there. A good communication system was a good step, a good communication system was the backbone to a perfect command ship. A good communication system was useful. John also made another good point, a dedicated bridge or a flag deck? Kei wanted both, to command from the bridge with a seperate battle bridge hidden inside the cruiser itself, inside the ship itself.

"Both. Let's get a dedicated bridge with a hidden battle bridge hidden inside the cruiser somewhere"

He looked towards Noriko, shaking his head. She gave a list of good ideas and good technology. He however disagreed with the synthweave, more for his own safety. Anything that repelled the darkside was not going near this ship. He could feel the darkside within him, he was against being made ill by anything that was designed to repel the darkside, by anything designed to repel the Sith or practioners of The Darkside.

"We have communications sorted. How do we feel about shields, what shields do we have?"
John nodded his head at Vanessa, inclining his head at the woman as if allowing her the point. “Vanessa’s right, there’s no use in building a ship that will come apart at the seams in a standard engagement,” he allowed with a smile. “But I think, between the two of us we can design a commission that goes beyond, and lets us combine the best of the technological with the survival and strength of a normal ship.” Command ships at the Heavy Cruiser level were rare, most admiral’s preferred to command from a larger, more impressive ship but a fleet of small ships could dance around their opponents like no-one’s business.

“For defences, I would suggest that the best way to build it is to layer one level of defences on top of another, armour it and shield it. We have our Phalanx Shield that can provide a level of increased protection by rapidly reassigning shield energy to meet incoming attacks. Although this is an area I’m sure Vanessa can help to work on it better than me. Both Sasori and Defence Consolidated have more experience with war than I do at this time.”

[member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Noriko Ike"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Kei Raxis"] [member="John Locke"] [member="Noriko Ike"]

"Perhaps." She said. "Variable quadrant shield technology is useful but can be easily overwhelmed. Molecular shield technology is extremely effective against energy weapons, albeit useless against physical weapons. Truthfully, standard deflector shield technology is likely the best way to go." She continued. "There are a wide variety of anti-fighter defenses that could prove useful. I believe composite beam lasers are some of the most effective given that they are a solid beam - a beam that can slice through enemy fighters and strike warheads at variable distances."

It was a sensible anti-warhead option after all. And certain factions sure loved their torpedo spam.
Noriko looked on and let herself go still. Allowing the force to calm herself and her face remain neutral.... Gimmicks? She questioned it and how quickly one of the larger companies who was here was dismissed and internally shrugged making a note to herself. Their rill frame and nnth armor was more then protective, advanced shielding that allowed it to go to the surface of the sun or depths of an ocean, even survive a storm on mimban which most ships in the galaxies didn't have. It all made her feel better, even the self sustaining modules that allowed them to recycle food, water and oxygen on the ship so they could last without being starved, sleg and quintessence reactors which were cleaner. Several suites and packages of systems including the chambers to grow biots so your crew can always be full without having to risk coming up short from previous engagements. She just waited and sat back looking towards Locke who had some ideas as she reached out with the force making the design in her head then on her datapad. Even including their modular racking system and gravity lattice that would allow its hangers to swell with fighters or the hyperdrive and shielding upgrades for making it more formidable. "Sasori's experience with war is mainly in being prepared for any situation. As such most warships produced serve additionally as means to produce food, protect entire coloies or outposts and construct materials needed. We also specialize in making crews for our ships. We have done a great advancement in the use of biots or just making ships that are force dead but not vong." She shrugged. "For a gimmick of course."

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