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Approved NPC Professor Michio Cheng

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Name: Professor Michio Cheng
Loyalties: Himself, Herr Vanderhing, and The Vanderhing Crime Family
Role: Doctor and psychological torturer

Development Threads:
Valorum Asylum: Welcome to the Madhouse-

Age: 55
Species: human

Appearance: Professor Cheng is an average sized and weighted human. He's heightened at 5"5' and weighted at around 100lbs. He has a peachy or yellowish skin tone, is bald, and has a small beard. He usually wears a long button up lab coat that covers the entirety of his neck and goes a little under his knees. He wears a small pair of bifocals that have pink lenses in them.

Personality: Professor Cheng is an extremely calm and collected individual but also assertive. He doesn't usually frighten easily because he usually always has some form of escape plan though when he does frighten his calm and collective nature gets traded in for an emotional wreck of fear.

Force Sensitivity: none

Weapon of Choice: Psychological wits, small concealed blaster pistol

-skilled doctor and physician
-expert psychologist
-high intelligence
-good at manipulation

Wealth: moderately wealthy

Combat Function: Professor Cheng has very little combat functionality though he isn't a complete liability. He is a skilled doctor and his able to quickly patch up any wounds quickly. He is also a skilled psychologist and is sometimes able use that skill in battle to talk the attacker off from attacking.

Notable Possessions:
-suitcase of assorted medical equipment kept with him at all times

History: Professor Cheng a.k.a The Director, and The Warden was born 55 years ago to a long family of doctors on the planet Naboo. He worked hard most of his life to become a surgeon, but his real passion was psychology. Before getting his surgery certificate he quickly changed all of his classes to psychology courses and became a psychologist. Eventually when Valorum Asylum was being reopened he was appointed the director and warden of the facility where he preformed unspeakable acts upon many of the patients. After the "First Valorum Asylum Incident" ( he was arrested and his status as the facility's Warden and Director was revoked. He was tried and during the trial he pleaded and begged with Herr Vanderhing to rig the trial and in return the professor would work for him. Vanderhing agreed and the Professor became Vanderhing's personal physician and councilor for any personal problems.

Intent: I just really like the character and want to use him more often
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