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Character Profile: Cryptarch Bullete

Cryptarch Bullete


  • [The following was retrieved from a multitude of Galactic Records]

    Name: [REDACTED] | Operates under the alias of Cryptarch Bullete
    Species: Unknown | Believed to be an offshoot of the [REDACTED]
    Age: [REDACTED]
    Gender: Male
    Current Height: 3.1 Meters
    Current Weight: 200 kg
    Physique: Endomorphic
    Eye Color: Black
    Hair Color: N/A
    Skin Color: Red-White

    Occupation: Primary Controller of Paragon Technologies, Mercenary Contractor, Deep-State Politician
    Allegiance: Paragon Technologies
    Current Status: Presumed Active | Last Seen 856 ABY on Coruscant
    Homeworld: Unknown |
    Possibly [REDACTED]
    Known Residences: Unknown
    Languages Known:

    • Galactic Basic: Fluent
    • High Galactic: Fluent
    • Kaleesh: Fluent
    • Mando'a: Fluent
    • Binary: Semi-Fluent
    • Wookie: Fluent
    • Durese: Fluent
    • Twi'Leki: Fluent
    • Huttese: Fluent
    • Cheunh: Semi-Fluent
    Languages Spoken:
    • Galactic Basic: Fluent
    • High Galactic: Fluent
    • Kaleesh: Fluent
    • Mando'a: Fluent
    • Durese: Fluent
    • Twi'Leki: Fluent
    • Huttese: Fluent
    • Cheunh: Semi-Fluent
    Force Sensitive: No
    Midichlorian Count: None
    Known Moral Alignment: Sociopathic

    Marriage Status:
    Spouse: Unknown | Several Spouses of Assassinated Politicians Rumored to have been taken as Concubines
    Children: None
    Parents: Unknown
    Siblings: None

  • [The following was retrieved from a multitude of Galactic Records]

    Combat Training
    • Cryptarch has been reported to display a keen and disturbing understanding of various forms of martial arts such as:
      • Echani
      • Alderannian
      • Rek'dul
      • Sholân Kha
      • Tae-Jitsu
      • Teräs Käsi
      • Wrruushi.
    • One attempted arrest some years ago had the crime lord showcase skill with vibroblades, particularly two double-vibroblades.
    • Presumed to have some basic understanding of blaster weaponry.
    • Expert piloting skills displayed during numerous evasions from Galactic officials and bounty hunters.
    Physical and Mental Traits
    • Immense size, easily towering over even Wookies.
    • Stupendous strength comparable to Wampas.
    • Unique physiology unknown to most sciences.
    • Strange resistance to toxins, poisons, and elements.
    • Has displayed philosophical and scientific intelligence comparable to top Republic Scientists and Sith Scholars.
    • Keen understanding of underworld operations and the black market
    Displayed Strengths
    • Along with the above, Cryptarch publically possesses a fleet of hundreds of ships of his own apparent design as well as numerous bands of mercenaries.
    • Presumed trade alliance with various powerful factions.
    Displayed Weaknesses
    • Almost entirely driven by gluttonous greed and self-perseverance
    • Willingness, if not joy, to eradicate entire cultures for the slights of a few
    • Refuses to have personal allies, relying entirely on the paid army and his own skills. This particular weakness nearly resulted in capture several times.

  • "We are at a crossroads of peace and illusion. Galactickind has nothing and yet everything to lose. We are in the midst of an archetypal maturing of beauty and sentience that will amplify our connection to materiality itself. Transformation requires exploration. We self-actualize, we believe, we are reborn. You shall not reach this state of being for I am your demise." - Attributed to Cryptarch Bullete moments prior to the destruction of Aergon IV Research Station
    [The following was retrieved from a datapad found in a crime scene on Agamar]

    It should come without surprise that the being I write of is one of the most reprehensible and yet intriguing creatures in recent Galactic history. Never have I been born witness to such vacuous delight in the bloody macabre so contrasted by a reserved philosophy in political science that could shake the foundations of any good and true organization. He is a devil yet speaks like an angel, a brutish barbarian who carries himself like a learned mathematician, a savage who lives like a royal scholar. He is a mage of knowledge and death whose only rival stands to be few and far between in number.

    It goes without saying that my studies of this beast have revealed a great number of things that may or may not be true, but it shall hopefully prove the former. While sightings of the creature who I hope still goes by the alias of Cryptarch Bullete were as rare as his viable opponents, I had been fortunate enough to be at the location of each of his within the Deep Core and Core worlds, tracking him like the good hunter that I am. I don't do that anymore.

    Perhaps the best example of this monster I could give is from 856 ABY on Coruscant, my last encounter with him. I had finally cornered him in an office building only a few miles from the Senate Building, which I assumed he was planning on attacking. He was massive, and I imagine still is, standing roughly 3.1 meters from the ground and was at least 1 meter in sheer girth.

    His red and white face appeared to be segmented into three parts, his mouth a strange rounded pyramid filled with rows of pinprick teeth that divided his eight black eyes, four on either side and staring with unknown intent. His hands were equally divided, a gap between his two scaly, rock-like fingers that gripped two massive vibroswords in either palm. But what bothered me most had nothing to do with his physiology. It was his clothing, the way he was carrying himself, his aristocratic stance. He was dressed in the finest cloths and silks that I had ever seen on Coruscant, layered and furled and very clearly textured to possibly feel like leather. In the light of that room, it drowned me with an ocean blue and strips of cloudy grey that dulled the fire in my heart.

    My amazement quickly turned to fear when he approached me, his clawed feet clacking and stomping with every step, and then I noticed that no matter what I did, he would not be dying that day by my hands. Underneath that clothing, briefly noticed by my eyes, was white and red armor shining to such a level that I could see my own terrified reflection. I don't know what that armor was, but my guess is some type of reinforced Duraplast that would cancel out my blaster like nothing. So I ran. I ran and he laughed at me, but not a confident laugh, nor a sadistic one. It was almost like a father laughing at his ridiculous child. I screamed as I ran and I fled the Core Worlds, all the way to the Tingel Arm.

    I write this record of my experiences with him so that anyone who finds it can know not to underestimate the beast. He comes for now. He has been for the last few years since that day. I can hear him and the blades scraping against the walls. I am scared.


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