Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Profit Motive: Special Deliveries


The Confederacy of Independent Systems. It'd been tried before. Falleen had even been (not exactly willing) members of one of the most recent iterations. Back then Xazzex had quickly and unceremoniously disposed of Falleen's representative for their perceived weakness in accepting Confederate rule. And again, she would take the initiative, but this time in pursuing a place in the Confederate government as more than just a single voice in the chamber. Now she could make sure they didn't go wild pursuing campaigns of justice, while still ensuring the collective's prosperity -- their growth would enable Falleen's growth, or allow for profitable exploitation.

Toward that end, Xazzex needed the Confederacy to be stable if she had any hopes of it benefiting Falleen. Zhuan was a kindred mind willing to work with "unsavory characters," which bode well, but Falleen were never content to be led. And so, the Leviathan Ring had established Hydra Systems as a legitimate transportation enterprise.

Xazzex strode across the hanger bay toward the ship where the crew was offloading crates. A shipment of goods both law and illegal. Some would remain, while others still aboard ship would go to other nearby worlds. Some shipments would even be taken aboard for distribution elsewhere. Transactions that would beneficial the Confederacy's economy and reassure regional partners of its stability -- and its less zealot nature toward criminal organizations.

Those that abide the unwritten rules, of course. The Confederacy wouldn't tolerate a chaotic mess of piracy; certainly not against prominent members of the Corporate community. If they were lazy enough to get caught red-handed as well there'd be no sympathy. Open-mindedness did not mean brainless.

"Make sure the special order is delivered on time. The customer's anxious and paying for special consideration," Xazzex reminded them as she visually inspected the loading and unloading in progress.

No warning was issued before the first blaster bolt ping could be heard.

Xazzex's lips pulled back as her golden eyes swung around to stab at the intruders. Everyone dropped what they were doing and took cover before they drew their own pistols to return fire. Even Xazzex herself ducked behind a tower of metal containers and pulled a holdout blaster. For the moment, she didn't reach for the commlink to request a patrol swoop in. Best to figure out if they could handle it all quietly; less likelihood someone accidentally saw or heard something they shouldn't. If her personnel got pressured, however, she'd call in Confederate guards to well surround and crush the scum. No one attacks Xazzex Xivar.

Special Deliveries
Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar

"It's payin' off" It was a slow drawl that could barely be heard by anyone but the man saying it himself. The leather vest was buttoned over a white shirt which hung snuggly over his impressive shoulders. Standing on top of a railing by the hangar bay ceiling, he looked down at what was unfolding. The organised shippers were unloading their cargo in peace - until a presumably rivaling gang launched an attack.

Sentros' large duffle bag usually looked heavy and cumbersome - now, however, it hung emptily by his side. Looking out over the hangar, the Offshoot's gaze wandered over the numerous probes present in there. Some appeared to be working on computer terminals, others floated between the ship's cargo to make low grade mock scans on the contents being unloaded as if part of the operation. On top, the white haired Outlaw monitored his wrist-mounted interface closely.

For some time, he would remain content with simply watching, rather than getting involved too early. First, he would let both side thin each other's numbers. When the time was finally right for him to drop in, he pushed a button, causing some of the droids to fire off grenades containing sleep gas. With that, the man took on a mask before looking out over the battlefield which was quickly filling with a pink mist. A few would inevitably stay up, either because of their alien constitution, or because they were simply too far away.

First, he fired off a flurry of bolts at those who were still up. The dual blaster pistols were handled with remarkable accuracy and speed, causing multiple bolts to slam into their targets. Finally, he hopped down, using jump boots to ease the fall. He did not appear to be there to execute or kill anyone in particular. Instead, he scanned the area for threats whilst slowly moving towards the ship.
A few blaster bolts found a droid or two before Sentros made his entrance and the hanger bay seemed quiet.

She waited until he drew closer before revealing her self. Xazzex partially stepped out from behind a stack of crates with the pistol drawn and aimed. A small rebreather was held firmly between her lips, which left her angular brow more than enough room to speak volumes about her disposition. Golden eyes narrowed with the man in her sights, and like she in his.

With the gas dissipating, she reached up with two fingers to remove the device from her mouth. "Creative. Stupid. But creative. You do know who I am, don't you? It'd be a shame if you died ignorant. I, for one, would love to know what motivated you to cross me." How many other tricks did the man have? Her ears were open for the sound of those droids getting closer as well.

There hadn't been much time to appreciate the man's work, but using one attack as a smokescreen for another wasn't a bad tactic for a lone-wolf. But sleeping gas? Curious choice if he meant to kill them. Why not kill them if he meant to rob them? He couldn't know who he was stealing from because there wasn't a planet in the galaxy a Falleen wouldn't hunt someone down for retribution. The Falleen had little in common, but hiring mercenaries to hound someone throughout the galaxy for the rest of their natural life? That was one thing.

Special Deliveries
Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar

It had all been going so well. A disappointed frown formed across his features, half-hidden behind the breather, upon seeing the woman appear. "I thought you'd be out cold" he offered a deadpan, yet charming response to her query.

His eyes looked her up and down. For the time being, the two of them were at a stand-off, she had her blaster drawn at him and his were not even holstered. A smirk started to grow on his lips. There was a real possibility that it would come down to who was faster on the trigger. And it seemed like he had absolute confidence. But then, a large number of clanking steps could be heard approaching the hangar door. A considerable number of droids were approaching - and they were of the same model that had been in the first wave of attack. Large and powerful droids used for cargo management, now armed with blasters and swords.

Once more, disappointment could be seen as clear as day. "You should prolly turn around" he said, nodding to the large doors behind her. He holstered one blaster whilst letting the other remain fixed on her - and by extention the hangar doors. With that, he interacted with his wrist mounted device once more. "I can buy you a bit of time, but anything beyond that; well, I'll expect payment" Once more, he smirked, but this time, with a playful glint to his eyes.
If he were a little closer... No one would object too strenuously if she mentally dominated the man would they? They could call it rehabilitation. He'd live a life devoted to improving society. Falleen society, but their success was the Confederacy's success. The man might even learn her name as he served the rest of his natural life doing whatever she demanded.

Meanwhile, in the middle of their stand off, Xazzex's golden eyes didn't so much as flicker as the man stood boldly before her. Was he confident in his abilities? Perhaps. If he hoped the absolute certainty in a beneficial outcome for him would rattle her, however, he was only setting himself up for disappointment. One did not rule Falleen if they became timid for any reason.

Shadows cast over her eyes as her eyes shifted slightly to the side at the sound of droids approaching. A three-party gathering was it? And she was supposed to trust Sentros? "You get to live. Everything else is negotiable," she replied calmly, if with her customary edge of patient tolerance. To think the man would try to imply he'd be paid with more than his life for his assault because he cleaned up refuse. It was a matter they could settle up later.

As Xazzex pivoted to narrow her profile to Sentros, and bring the door into view, she brought her wrists together to tap a code into device under her sleeve. With her crew knocked out or wounded, and just the two of them on their feet, it might not be a bad plan to call in those reinforcements. "Just how are you going to 'buy time?'" she asked. A shoot out wasn't something to be avoided, but the lack of respect being shown by her attackers did warrant a response. There'd better be some evidence left when this was over to finger who they were, so she could repay their efforts.

Special Deliveries
Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar

Momentarily, his eyes left hers to observe the numerous droids approaching their location from afar, with their clanking footsteps growing louder. When his eyes returned to hers, she made a counter offer: He was to aid her, and in return, she would be willing to offer mercy. She then proceeded to do something under her sleeve before finally asking what he intended to do. Sentros' head shook slowly "I was plannin' on closing and locking the doors, ma'am." His respectful words were matched by his tone. The solution he offered was a simple one and would only last for a limited time - but in this instance, time was a resource that was quickly running out.

"As for my help in dealing with 'em - well, I'll just say that this ain't the time to hold on to that purse of yours too tightly." the confidence still oozed off of him. Finally, he flashed her a bold smirk: He was about to do something unconventional - at least when considering that they were pointing blasters at each other. "Cut me in. Cut me in an' I'll make it worth your while." his eyes glimmered at hers as the droids got close enough to start firing off inaccurate shots at them. His feet started to bring him somewhat closer to a stack of crates - but still not out of her line of sight "... Or don't" he trailed off, letting her draw her own conclusions on what he might do.
"You really think you hold all the cards, don't you?" Xazzex scoffed. "I'll cut you in," the Falleen woman agreed, ignoring the advance of the droids in favor of staring at Sentros. "One condition: I expect you to impress me, or I'll make you beg for a Sarlacc." Then it was her turn to smirk. "Your choice."

The man knew how to exploit a situation, but Xazzex wasn't easily impressed. She could recognize a good strategy or game when she saw one, but that was hardly worth recalling by the next day. Well, he didn't have to blow her mind here and now, but the sooner he did it the less likely the passionate Falleen woman did something... explosive.

Regardless, there were certain packages in the shipment he wasn't getting his hands on even if she had to snatch the life out of him with her own two hands. Plenty left to interest him if it was some material possession he wanted. Credits would have been easier. They'd settle up after the fighting; unless Sentros was determined to see how close those droids got before the two of them chose not to shoot one another.

Speaking of which one explosion followed another as Xazzex took a step off to the side to find cover once more. Just because it was a friendly-aligned hanger didn't mean a woman couldn't mine it. Just the two mines, sadly. They took time to plant and recover so dropping an entire field just to unload a ship was impractical.

"So are we going to shoot them, or each other?" She slowly angled her own blaster in the direction of the droids.

Special Deliveries
Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar

He did not have a chance to respond to her question before she declared that she would cut him in. The threat was not met with rolled eyes but pursed lips and him averting his gaze for a few brief moments.

It would not be long before bolts started raining in from afar. The woman did not seem to flinch - Sentros, however, did. Obviously not keen on getting shot, his eyes ventured beyond her and tracked the incoming bolts with impressive speed. His voice, however, remained slow and with a bit of a drawl "Congratulations. You've got yourself a deal."

The words had barely left his mouth before he rushed her to tackle her to the ground. Whether she stepped aside or got brought down, it would move her away from three incoming bolts. Once down, he let out a holler for the probes to shut the hangar bay doors before getting up into a crouched position before peeking up to fire off an accurate stream of bolts to nick quite a few droids in their heads or upper chests before being forced back down behind cover.

Before long, the large hangar bay doors closed with just a few of their foes making their way in. Immediately, the attackers started to break the door down with heavy strikes of cargo droids and the use of a welding or cutting tool. Sentros peered out of cover to fire of a couple of blasts to destroy another droid but was quickly forced back down: They had their guns trained on him already.
Xazzex would have growled at the man, but his assault left air in short supply. Instead, the fingers of her left hand had curled into a claw and started for his face before it stopped. Dreadfully easy to suffocate him in pheromones at this distance. Fortunately, Sentros had come upon a Falleen that did not desire to rule by the easiest method. People so easily snared were easily lost. That didn't mean a reflex to being assaulted obeyed by that ideal, but Xazzex had plenty of experience behind her now.

With Sentros getting off her unbidden, and a snort, the green woman turned onto her side in order to get back to a crouching position. If he was going to be 'cut in' she was going to need to teach him manner. The least he should do was demonstrate his bravado by word or deed -- it would have made being slammed into worth something. Something other than not being shot.

Narrowed golden rings peered around the corner of cover at the droids that were inside the loading bay. "We need to hold them off for two minutes before the locals arrive." A hand plunged into a pocket inside of her jacket to retrieve a puck-like object. "I'll disorient them, you shoot them." She'd join in with her own pistol, of course, but there was no need to state the obvious. She'd wait a beat to make sure the man understood the plan, or if he objected for some reason, before deciding whether to cast the grenade out onto the floor to provide the much needed distraction.

Special Deliveries
Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar

"Two minutes" he repeated, clearly having expected something else. He moved out to look squarely at the locked door whilst holstering his blasters. Sentros looked around the large hangar bay - at the people who had been knocked out or killed and the droids which laid scattered on the floor as well as the worker- and probe droids which did their duties.

"To be quite frank with ya' I thought you'd want to make a run for it. You sure seem tough enough to wanna stay though, that's for sure." he gave her another look over before asking "Where do you feel at home in a scrapple? If you're up for it, we could shorten the wait."
Xazzex's burning gaze swung to the man as he made a minor confession. Her dark lips twitched upward. "The Crown never runs. These fools and their puppets have made their last mistake." One didn't scale the heights of cut-throat politics by being skittish, timid, or afraid of death. If the thugs behind this assault hadn't known Xazzex herself would be there then they truly were fools; and if they had then they were suicidal fools. Either way, once this was handled they weren't long for this galaxy.

"I may not be a Shock Trooper, but I can handle a blaster." It might not be able to blow a hole in the side of a starship, but the pistol in her hands wasn't garden variety either. It lacked gold, jewels, and fancy metals, but it was a precision-made instrument. Whatever it was aimed at was hit. "What do you have in mind?"


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