Laira Darkhold
Well-Known Member
Image Source: None
Intent: To create a paint that allows for ships to be recolored without being repainted
Development Thread:
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Yes
Material: Reflec, Paint
ArmaTech's must have for smuggles, pirates, corporations, mercenaries. Anyone can benefit from the AI Programmable Paint. The paint is made using a type of reflec that is able to change color upon electrical impulse rather than being photo-reactive.
Instead of stealth and sensor blocking capabilities, the paint is able to be programmed, but having a projection of a symbol projected onto it and an electrical impulse of a specific frequency. When hit with this frequency by charging the hull, the paint reverts to that frequency's settings and once the paint is full changed, the electrical charge no longer needs to be constant.
Normally paint can only hold four presets to be changed into through hull electrical impulse. The downfall to this paint is EMP pulses sometimes causes the paint to become splotchy and show parts of each of its programming.
The four presets can be easily adjusted, by charging the hull with the proper electrical frequency, and a new projection placed. After several hours, the paint alters to hold the new programming and is easily changed.
For small ships, whole ships are easily covered, but, larger ships, such as Cruisers, Star Destroyers, and Dreadnoughts, normally only the identifying numbers and symbols are covered.
Special Features:
Image Source: None
Intent: To create a paint that allows for ships to be recolored without being repainted
Development Thread:
- As needed
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Yes
- Aesthetics
Material: Reflec, Paint
ArmaTech's must have for smuggles, pirates, corporations, mercenaries. Anyone can benefit from the AI Programmable Paint. The paint is made using a type of reflec that is able to change color upon electrical impulse rather than being photo-reactive.
Instead of stealth and sensor blocking capabilities, the paint is able to be programmed, but having a projection of a symbol projected onto it and an electrical impulse of a specific frequency. When hit with this frequency by charging the hull, the paint reverts to that frequency's settings and once the paint is full changed, the electrical charge no longer needs to be constant.
Normally paint can only hold four presets to be changed into through hull electrical impulse. The downfall to this paint is EMP pulses sometimes causes the paint to become splotchy and show parts of each of its programming.
The four presets can be easily adjusted, by charging the hull with the proper electrical frequency, and a new projection placed. After several hours, the paint alters to hold the new programming and is easily changed.
For small ships, whole ships are easily covered, but, larger ships, such as Cruisers, Star Destroyers, and Dreadnoughts, normally only the identifying numbers and symbols are covered.
Special Features:
- Reprogrammable Paint