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Approved Tech Project 110 - Sunsteel

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Manufacturer: Sundrake Forges
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average



  • Extremely versatile metal alloy, can be used for a large variety of applications from simple sculptures and decorations to weapons and armors.
  • Lightsaber resistance due to Songsteel components.
  • Offers the object or subject a minor degree of sensor confusion due to the Nutorium.
  • Agrinium component offers a certain radiation resistance to the object or subject.
  • Does not wither or rust from exposure to the elements.
  • Versatility in application and usage
  • Pretty of eternal shine and quality
  • Lightsaber resistance
  • Sensor confusing
  • Unconcealable due to its eternal shine
  • Cannot hold large structures and not suited for vehicle or ship armor
  • Offers no protection against the Force
Project 110 also known as Sunsteel is one of the primary metals and export goods of the Sundrake Forges, made primarily for equipment and to give it its traditional golden appearance while maintaining a strong alloy and practicality. A metal alloy which was created as a result of a great many attempts to find a suitable combination of elements and metals, many less successful and discarded, others more successful but have proven too complex and exhaustive to reproduce. The usage of more common components could guarantee a maintainable supply chain and therefore production.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a golden metal alloy for practical use in armors and weapons as well as artistic use in art.
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Canon Link: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Zakuul
Model: Project 110 - Sunsteel
Modular: Yes
Material: Titanium, Durasteel, Songsteel, Aurodium, Brass, Agrinium, Nutorium
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